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Life Moves (previously Beyond the 3D)

You were born with the ability to create your reality. Which means you already have complete control over how you experience what happens "outside" of you, as well as every thought, feeling, inner conversation and action that emanates from you. The "Life Moves" podcast (previously the "Beyond the 3D" podcast) shares how you can apply "personal sovereignty" and "alchemy" to consistently create a reality that resonates with higher vibrational frequencies, like happiness, love, fulfillment, joy, freedom, peace, hope, and prosperity---as opposed to fear, worry, lack, anger, victimhood, jealousy, hopelessness, and discord. Once you take hold of your innate ability to create your reality and the frequencies you resonate, both you and your life will be forever changed. Connect with me at: [email protected]

info_outline If You Want to be Happy, Stop Doing This. 04/16/2024
info_outline V vs C: Transform the Energy Around You 03/25/2024
info_outline The Key to Accessing Real Self-Empowerment 03/19/2024
info_outline You are Self-Empowered! 02/01/2024
info_outline Work it From the Inside Out 01/19/2024
info_outline 10 Moves for Loving Life More fully 12/27/2023
info_outline Go All in On Positivity! 12/10/2023
info_outline A Move That Keeps Happiness and Love Flowing 11/30/2023
info_outline Give Yourself Permission to Change 11/09/2023
info_outline Choose to Be Happy 11/01/2023
info_outline Personal Growth that Matter's 10/23/2023
info_outline Filter the Noise 10/13/2023
info_outline Fall in Love With Life 10/07/2023
info_outline Take 5 10/07/2023
info_outline You Are THIS More Than Anything Else 05/19/2023
info_outline Another Move for Expanding JOY 04/18/2023
info_outline Make This Move to Expand JOY 04/18/2023
info_outline The Ultimate Gratitude Move! 03/20/2023
info_outline A Daily Move to Let Go and Reset 03/01/2023
info_outline Let go of the Language That No Longer Servers You 03/01/2023
info_outline Time to Be the Star!!! 02/11/2023
info_outline It's Time to Make Your Move 01/27/2023
info_outline An Empowering Move That Can Make Your Year 12/26/2022
info_outline The Power of Enthusiasm 11/07/2022
info_outline A Message for Teachers That Benefits Everyone 10/28/2022
info_outline If You Want to Be Happy, Avoid These! 10/10/2022
info_outline Create a Positive Reality: Move #3 09/13/2022
info_outline Create a Positive Reality: Move #2 09/05/2022
info_outline Create a Positive Reality: Move #1 08/27/2022
info_outline The Empowerment of Letting Go 08/17/2022