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Rock and Roll Freak Show

What on earth is happening to music? That's the premise of the show, but who knows where we'll go together. Here are some facts: -My name is Dan -I am in a band called Drifters in Vellichor -We are from Nashville -We have a record you want to hear -I happen to be handsome, no big deal -I think music and art in general is in danger and I'd like to talk about it

info_outline Rap is Gay Now 04/25/2024
info_outline 4 - Rock Needs a Change/Ted Bruun of The Extreme Tour 04/17/2022
info_outline 3 - The Music "Industry" and Dead Archer Records 02/20/2022
info_outline 2 - Music is Hard/ The Rogan Thing 02/08/2022
info_outline 1 - The Sad State of Rock/Rockville Waterboarding 02/06/2022