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The Weapons of Change Podcast, with Shawn Allen

Most of us are trying to develop into a more whole, and well rounded, human. If we are wise, we will gravitate towards difficult things and challenging conversations that force us to look more deeply at our preconceived rules, ways and judgements. Forcing ourselves into these uncomfortable things and situations are what I refer to as potential "weapons". When we learn and develop these skills, when we stretch our comfort zones, these new found skills become weapons to dig deeper, to fight more important self battles. It is a cyclical game, to battle, fail or succeed, and to battle again in a manner of self improvement and self enlightenment. For only when we can do our "self work" can we begin to make greater contributions to others around us and society in general. Through these "weapons" I have chosen to embrace, I hope to grow and in turn hope to carve more into life, more lessons, epiphanies, stories, failures, art and things that make me laugh, think and cry. I leave these conversations here to share with you, little pieces of my life and mind, conversations that serve a purpose for my own growth. These are topics I have found to be important, inspiring, changing, joyous and painful and I share them now with you. I believe that is what we should all do, share. A lesson taught when we were all small children, sharing, that thing that elevates us all. Share. Share your weapons of change.

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