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Then There's California

‘Then There’s California' is a dynamic, new podcast featuring members of the California State Senate Democratic Caucus discussing legislative priorities, policy and other related issues that make California...Exceptional!

info_outline A Conversation with the New Senate Majority Leader, Lena Gonzalez: "We, as women, we just press on..." 04/02/2024
info_outline A Second-Year Conversation with Senator Caroline Menjivar: "How I'm looking at it this year is, how to be more strategic..." 03/19/2024
info_outline SB 307 - The College for Foster Youth Act / Senator Angelique Ashby & Former Foster Youth Cody Van Felden 02/22/2024
info_outline Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas on the Memory & Legacy of Rosa Parks: "We have to be like Rosa, we have to stand up on these issues..." 02/13/2024
info_outline Senator Ben Allen & LA Times Reporter Rosanna Xia ~ California's Coastline & the Rising Sea 01/17/2024
info_outline Senator Aisha Wahab Looks Back on 2023: "The first year was a learning lesson in so many ways..." 12/20/2023
info_outline Senator Bill Dodd, on Artificial Intelligence: "It's not just the future, it's the present..." 10/26/2023
info_outline Senator Josh Becker on CA's Climate Change Solutions / "The New Enviromental Future" 08/30/2023
info_outline "The debt that is owed" - A Conversation on Reparations / Sen. Steven Bradford & Sen. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas 08/10/2023
info_outline Senator Catherine Blakespear / "I feel that tremendous sense of honor to have been chosen to do this work..." 08/02/2023
info_outline Senator Anthony Portantino, on Gun Violence / “The more guns in more hands, the more violence we have in our society. It’s that simple.” 07/26/2023
info_outline Senator Maria Elena Durazo & The Summer of Labor~2023 07/13/2023
info_outline OUR 100TH EPISODE! "Pie with the Pro Tem" / Senate President Pro Tem Toni G. Atkins 06/27/2023
info_outline Sacramento Senator Angelique Ashby & Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, on Poverty: "How do we give people agency over their own lives?" 06/20/2023
info_outline A Conversation with Senator Aisha Wahab / "The policies we push help people's lives..." 05/31/2023
info_outline Senator Nancy Skinner & CA. Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis / Proposition 1 & the Fight for Abortion Rights 04/19/2023
info_outline Senator Caroline Menjivar / "Being able to represent for queer kids is a feeling I never forget" 03/29/2023
info_outline Senator Josh Newman / "Our sacred charge is to make sure California students have access to a quality education." 03/22/2023
info_outline Celebrating Women’s History Month & Telling Our Stories / Senator Monique Limón & Isabella Martinez, 2023 Senate Fellow 03/15/2023
info_outline Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas / "We've got to start, as a new majority, undoing our 20th-Century burdens" 03/08/2023
info_outline Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil / "It's people before politics - that's always been my mantra" 02/22/2023
info_outline Senator Steven Bradford & Black History Month-2023 / "We tell the stories and make people understand" 02/14/2023
info_outline California's CARE Court / Senator Susan Eggman & Senator Tom Umberg 02/01/2023
info_outline Senator Lena Gonzalez / "This Democratic Caucus is committed to ensuring that we're improving people's lives" 01/20/2023
info_outline Freshman State Senator Angelique Ashby / "Equal representation is important ~ And the goal" 12/20/2022
info_outline “You’re supposed to push the envelope...” / Senator Robert Hertzberg Reflects on His Years in Public Service 11/28/2022
info_outline "These goals MEAN something..." / Senator John Laird & the California Senate's Plans for Addressing Climate Change 11/16/2022
info_outline "This is my life's work; this is what I do" / Senator Bob Wieckowski Looks Back 10/11/2022
info_outline Senator Richard Pan Says Good-bye to the Legislature: "As long as I had more good days than bad days, I feel like I made things better…” 09/28/2022
info_outline Talking Trash: Fighting Plastic Waste / Senator Ben Allen & SB 54 09/08/2022