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Why do countries exist

A dive into every country's history and why they exist. I also do episodes on political parties throughout the world or just talking about stuff that interests me! email:[email protected] Request/feedback form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5m6cVniic8zkY13UZmUAxwLTNuVdBEkYqHmQCvvyAkGcUSg/viewform?usp=sf_link

info_outline Argentine political parties 05/26/2024
info_outline Episode 46: The History of Costa Rica 05/09/2024
info_outline sources for Costa Rica episode 05/09/2024
info_outline Indonesian Political Parties 04/11/2024
info_outline Episode 45: the History of the Cook Islands 03/27/2024
info_outline Sources for Cook Islands episode 03/25/2024
info_outline Kazakh Political Parties 03/11/2024
info_outline Episode 44: the History of the Republic of the Congo 02/29/2024
info_outline Sources for Republic of the Congo episode 02/29/2024
info_outline Slovenian Political Parties 02/04/2024
info_outline Chilean Political Parties 01/25/2024
info_outline Episode 43: the History of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 01/14/2024
info_outline Sources for the DRC episode 01/11/2024
info_outline Swiss Political Parties 12/16/2023
info_outline Moroccan Political Parties 12/06/2023
info_outline Episode 42: The History of Comoros 11/24/2023
info_outline sources for the Comoros Episode 11/16/2023
info_outline Moldovan Political Parties 11/03/2023
info_outline South Korean Political Parties 10/24/2023
info_outline Patreon Pitch 10/24/2023
info_outline Episode 41: the History of Colombia 10/12/2023
info_outline sources for the Colombia episode 10/08/2023
info_outline Episode 40: The History of China pt 3 (Taiwan) 09/03/2023
info_outline Sources for History of China pt3 (Taiwan) 08/31/2023
info_outline Zimbabwean Political Parties 08/15/2023
info_outline German Political Parties 08/08/2023
info_outline Episode 39: the history of China part 2 07/22/2023
info_outline Episode 38: History of China part 1 06/29/2023
info_outline sources for the China pt 1 episode 06/29/2023
info_outline Ukrainian Political Parties 05/24/2023