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Job searching in a tough market with Emily Liou

Clarity on Fire

Release Date: 02/23/2024

Exploring the nervous system with Amanda Johnson show art Exploring the nervous system with Amanda Johnson

Clarity on Fire

It’s the fifth Friday of the month, which means this should be a “bonus book club” episode––it isn’t, but it’s also not NOT a book club episode, either. 🙃😂   During our last book club conversation about Attached with Amanda Johnson – our friend, fellow coach, and all-around expert on attachment theory – we said that we wanted to have Amanda back on the podcast to have an episode devoted completely to the nervous system.   So, that’s what we did!   Amanda is back on the podcast this month to help us explore all facets of the nervous system, using one...

Message from the Universe: Expect the Unexpected show art Message from the Universe: Expect the Unexpected

Clarity on Fire

Need a little clarity, guidance, or just a fun pick-me-up?   Then today’s your day, because we’re back (for the third month in a row, lucky you!) with another Message from the Universe episode. ✨🔮   As usual, we pulled a few cards from deck by Colette Baron-Reid. One or all has a message for you — come find out what it is!   Today’s message was SO interesting and on-point, if we do say so ourselves. 👀   After you listen, to share how this one spoke to you!   LISTEN TO THESE EPISODES NEXT         LINKS       ...

Side Chat: Is trauma unconsciously influencing your career choices? show art Side Chat: Is trauma unconsciously influencing your career choices?

Clarity on Fire

You know we can’t resist a good Instagram post—and maybe even (and having a grand time doing it)!   A friend DM’d us recently from Caroline Middelsdorf, a coach and psychologist, about how your childhood trauma might be covertly influencing your career choices.   Naturally, we decided to dissect our reaction to this theory on the podcast!   So, listen in as we chat about…   Three major career fields, and the childhood backstory you might have if you ended up in those industries How much credence you should give to this theory, and when it might not be impacting...

Trusting things will work out (even when life goes sideways) with Sarah Tucker show art Trusting things will work out (even when life goes sideways) with Sarah Tucker

Clarity on Fire

You know what I’m tired of?   Neat, tidy stories of success that tie everything in a bow by the end and make life look a little too simple.   To be fair, we’ve published our fair share of stories like that on this podcast! But this year, we’ve made a big effort to showcase “normal person” stories that are very much still unfolding–because when it comes to your actual life, the story is never done. There’s always a new twist, a new drama, or something else you haven’t achieved yet.   Which is why I’m really excited to share my client Sarah’s story with you!...

Dear Krachel: How do I improve my life without changing jobs again? show art Dear Krachel: How do I improve my life without changing jobs again?

Clarity on Fire

Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.   This month we answered questions from:   Blue Millennial, who is still only just scraping by financially after 10 years in the working world. The hobby that brings her joy is traveling, but she can’t afford it very often. She doesn’t have the energy to take on a side gig for extra income, and she doesn’t want to switch jobs yet again...

Message from the Universe: Step aside and watch what happens next show art Message from the Universe: Step aside and watch what happens next

Clarity on Fire

Need a little clarity, guidance, or just a fun pick-me-up?   Then today’s your day, because we’re back (only a month after our last MFTU episode––surprise!) with another Message from the Universe episode. ✨🔮   As usual, we pulled a few cards from deck by Colette Baron-Reid. One or all has a message for you — come find out what it is!   Today’s message felt kind of feisty, but in a great way.  👀   After you listen, to share how this one spoke to you! And don’t forget…   ONE MORE WEEK TO TALK TO US ABOUT 1:1 COACHING!   If you’re...

Side Chat: When it’s OK (and when it isn’t) to have no goals show art Side Chat: When it’s OK (and when it isn’t) to have no goals

Clarity on Fire

A few weeks ago, one of Rachel’s clients asked a GREAT question (well, series of questions) that was immediately deserving of its own podcast episode. We love when that happens.   When is it okay to NOT have goals? Is it ever acceptable? If so, under what circumstances??   So, listen in as we chat about…   How to figure out if feeling aimless/directionless is actually a problem, or maybe something you should be letting happen (for now) When it’s best to set goals and when it’s okay to let them slide The difference between goals and intentions How goal-setting ties into...

Dear Krachel: I’ve quit 3 jobs in the last year! How do I break the cycle? show art Dear Krachel: I’ve quit 3 jobs in the last year! How do I break the cycle?

Clarity on Fire

Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.   This month we answered questions from:   Guilty Thriver, who’s 4 months pregnant with her first baby and wants to be a stay at home mom. Her husband makes plenty of money and is happy to support her desire, but she can’t get over her guilt for “only” contributing to the family on the domestic front. How can she embrace this decision and...

Bonus Book Club! Attached by Amir Levine & Rachel S.F. Heller show art Bonus Book Club! Attached by Amir Levine & Rachel S.F. Heller

Clarity on Fire

Calling all fellow bookworms, library nerds, and general lovers of literature — it’s time for another book club episode of the podcast!    Whenever there are five Fridays in a month, we devote the extra Friday to a book that we can’t get enough of.   It was WAY overdue for us to dedicate a book club episode to attachment theory, considering how much we’ve talked about it on the podcast in the last year.    So, this month, we’re cracking open Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment And How It Can Help You Find––And Keep––Love.   But wait,...

Message from the Universe: Resist the urge to second-guess yourself show art Message from the Universe: Resist the urge to second-guess yourself

Clarity on Fire

Need a little clarity, guidance, or just a fun pick-me-up?   Then today’s your day, because we’re back with another Message from the Universe episode!    We pulled a few cards from deck by Colette Baron-Reid. One or all has a message for you — come find out what it is!   Annnd we also took a little tangent at the end to discuss Rachel’s new obsession with Love Is Blind. 👀   After you listen, to share how this one spoke to you!   LISTEN TO THESE EPISODES NEXT         LINKS          

More Episodes

If you’re looking for a job right now, there’s no way it’s escaped your notice that it’s rough out there.


We keep hearing stories from friends and clients about how the current job market is unlike anything they’ve ever seen before. 


From applying to hundreds of jobs and getting ZERO interviews, to being completely overlooked despite being incredibly qualified, to seeing literally thousands of people apply to a job you’re interested in … it’s feeling REALLY difficult and demoralizing right now.


Which is why we knew we had to bring our friend and job search coach Emily back on the podcast (for the fourth time!) to get her take on job searching in 2024. 


So, listen in as Emily and the two of us dive into …


  • Why so many SUPER qualified candidates are being overlooked
  • The discrepancy between what the media is reporting – There’s a labor shortage! It’s so hard to find good employees! –  versus how hard it is for most job seekers to actually get hired
  • How AI and ChatGPT are affecting your chances of being noticed during your job search
  • When to bother applying for jobs on job boards, and when to let them go
  • How to access the “hidden job market” and guarantee more visibility, even for super competitive jobs


Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how this one resonated with you!




Emily Liou is a career happiness coach and job search expert at CultiVitae who helps professionals make wildly successful career transitions - even when they don't have all the skills, experience, education, or go-to network. As a former recruiter and HR professional for Fortune 500 Companies and Silicon Valley startups, she knows exactly what allows professionals to stand out, get visible, and get hired. Emily strongly believes life is too short to not wake up happy on Mondays and has been featured as LinkedIn's Top 10 Voices to follow in Career & Job Searching for 2022. As the creator of her ultimate job search course, Happily Hired Formula, Emily not only provides the strategies to make any career transition possible but also coaches them through building a positive self-image to go after their biggest dreams. 


Check out her free masterclass training: How to land your dream job with more income and impact ... without applying online and wasting time


Follow her on Instagram @cultivitae




All of your job search & career pivot questions answered with Emily Liou (September 2022)


Finding a job with less force, more ease, and amazing results with Emily Liou (February 2022)


A former recruiter tells all (and helps you get hired) with Emily Liou (September 2018)




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