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The Mondoweiss Podcast

At Mondoweiss, our beat is Palestine and the movements, activists and policymakers who affect what’s happening there. We cover Palestinians’ stories of occupation, resistance and hope – stories that show us all how the world’s struggles interconnect.

info_outline 76. ICC arrest warrants sought for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant 05/23/2024
info_outline 75. Hundreds of Palestinian bodies recovered from mass graves in Gaza 05/06/2024
info_outline 74. Students protest Israel's genocidal war 04/26/2024
info_outline 73. Eyewitness accounts from al-Shifa Hospital 04/19/2024
info_outline 72. Engineering social collapse in Palestine 04/05/2024
info_outline 71. How Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah has been changed by the Gaza genocide 03/29/2024
info_outline 70. U.N. experts say “Israel has been intentionally starving” Gaza 03/19/2024
info_outline 69. Girl Scouts tells troop to shut down Gaza fundraiser 03/14/2024
info_outline 68. Noura Erakat on the collective trauma of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza 02/20/2024
info_outline 67. Diana Buttu on watching the Gaza genocide on our mobile phones 01/16/2024
info_outline 66. Mohammed El-Kurd and Ahmad Al-Naouq on the complicity of mainstream media in Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza 01/05/2024
info_outline 65. Ryan Grim on The Squad vs. the Israel Lobby and Students for Justice In Palestine vs. Columbia University 12/21/2023
info_outline 64. Katie Halper: Why Jews should support Palestine, lessons from the holocaust, and a message to Amy Schumer 12/07/2023
info_outline 63. But We Must Speak: On Palestine and the Mandates of Conscience 11/08/2023
info_outline 62. Antony Loewenstein on Israeli exports of weapons and surveillance tech around the world 09/26/2023
info_outline 61. Mohammed El-Kurd and Raeda Taha on Palestinian identity, martyrdom, and revolutionary honesty 09/11/2023
info_outline 60. Unpacking Christian Zionism with Rev. Dr. Don Wagner 08/28/2023
info_outline 59. Conditioning U.S. aid to Israel and anti-Palestinian smears at Florida State University 08/11/2023
info_outline 58. Miko Peled and Phil Weiss on centering Palestinians and saving Jewish culture from Zionism 07/16/2023
info_outline 57. Unpacking Israel’s attack on the Jenin refugee camp 07/07/2023
info_outline 56. Alice Rothchild on bringing the Palestine story to young adult fiction 04/25/2023
info_outline 55. The impact of Israel's raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan 04/14/2023
info_outline 54. What do the protests in Israel mean for Palestinians living under apartheid? 04/01/2023
info_outline 53. Students for Justice in Palestine’s 12th annual conference; Stop Cop City in Atlanta 03/25/2023
info_outline 52. Rising resistance in Jenin and lawfare in the United States 03/05/2023
info_outline 51. Tony Greenstein on Zionism during the Holocaust 02/23/2023
info_outline 50. Matthew Teller on his new biography of Jerusalem 01/30/2023
info_outline 49. How did Israel fare in the 2022 U.S. midterm elections? 12/14/2022
info_outline 48. One year of organizing tech workers against Israeli Apartheid 11/30/2022
info_outline 47. The suppression of speech on Palestine in Canada 10/12/2022