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Can I parent so well that my child won't have anxiety?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

Release Date: 08/23/2023

What are some effective strategies to help my child when they engage in negative self-talk? show art What are some effective strategies to help my child when they engage in negative self-talk?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

In this episode, we're getting into some solid strategies to help out kids dealing with negative self-talk. We tackle the challenges of the tween and early teen years, discuss the impact of social anxiety, and give parents some practical tips to support their anxious children.

What are some practical strategies for reorienting myself to a less anxious mindset so I can better support my child? show art What are some practical strategies for reorienting myself to a less anxious mindset so I can better support my child?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

This week we talk about the importance of acknowledging and working through personal anxieties, and I share specific techniques to help parents manage their own worries while supporting their child's journey to coping with anxiety.

How can I identify specific areas to work on with my anxious child without overwhelming them? show art How can I identify specific areas to work on with my anxious child without overwhelming them?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

This week I share insights on disrupting anxiety patterns, identifying manageable starting points, and honoring both parental and child capacities.

What do I do when I'm not enjoying my anxious child? show art What do I do when I'm not enjoying my anxious child?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

This is such a painful place to be! But pain can also be the motivation we need to revisit what we're doing and start doing something different! Mostly I want to reassure you that loving your kids doesn't mean you'll always love parenting those kids and that's ok.

How do I help my anxious child process their feelings? show art How do I help my anxious child process their feelings?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

You know what's hard about this one? Well, first not all anxious kids WANT to process their feelings and second sometimes processing their feelings gets them stuck. Learn more on this week's episode of The Child Anxiety FAQ

What did I do to cause my child's anxiety? show art What did I do to cause my child's anxiety?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

Spoiler alert -- you're not the cause but yes, you are the solution. Both things can be true! I talk about the fallacy that a child's diagnosis ALWAYS goes back to what the parents are doing. Nonsense! 

Is my anxiety causing my child's anxiety? show art Is my anxiety causing my child's anxiety?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

This question is less important than the asker thought it was and I use this episode to explain why. I also talk a little bit about why it's ok if two households are handling the anxiety diffrently (mostly because there's not necessarily anything we can do about it)!

What are some specific tips you have for parents of anxious teens? show art What are some specific tips you have for parents of anxious teens?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

Specifically? Help your teen get more sleep! It's my number one wish for ALL anxious kids and other humans! Learn more this week on The Child Anxiety FAQ

What can I do about my anxious child's low self esteem? show art What can I do about my anxious child's low self esteem?

The Child Anxiety FAQ

Poor self esteem is super common in child anxiety and no wonder -- anxiety upends our ability to do the things they want to do or that are expected of them. Let's talk about what we can do as loving, supportive parents.

Do you have any tips for an overwhelmed parent dealing with my child's anxiety? the child anxiety FAQ episode 96 show art Do you have any tips for an overwhelmed parent dealing with my child's anxiety? the child anxiety FAQ episode 96

The Child Anxiety FAQ

I have several tips, mostly about finding new ways to consider what parenting an anxious child is supposed to be, which might help you feel less pressured to "fix" things.

More Episodes

This episode offers a special message to the parent who's feeling guilty about the struggles of their anxious child or teen.