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Getting Curious Instead of Critical: Why Asking Questions Can Change Your Life

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Release Date: 05/14/2024

From Corporate Burnout to Off-Beat Travel Influencer Redefining Success with Jordan Campbell show art From Corporate Burnout to Off-Beat Travel Influencer Redefining Success with Jordan Campbell

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Today’s episode will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, reinvent yourself, and live a life that’s authentic to you. I’m chatting with Jordan Campbell, a former award-winning creative director who left the hectic corporate world to become a freelance designer and travel blogger specializing in off-beat destinations and tasty beverages. We talk all about what led up to quitting her successful six-figure career, detoxing from corporate culture, and breaking the mold as a 40-something social media influencer.  In this episode, you’ll hear all about: The challenges of...

Getting Curious Instead of Critical: Why Asking Questions Can Change Your Life show art Getting Curious Instead of Critical: Why Asking Questions Can Change Your Life

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

We often hear messages discouraging curiosity, like "curiosity killed the cat" or "ignorance is bliss." But what if those sayings are holding us back? This episode explores the concept of curiosity and its importance in living a fulfilling life. You’ll learn how curiosity can be a powerful tool for personal growth, helping us to learn new things, challenging our assumptions and limiting beliefs (about ourselves and the world), and connecting with others on a deeper level. Top Reasons to Listen to This Episode: Discover how our expectations about what we "should" be learning get in the way...

Unpacking & Reintegrating After A Transformative Experience show art Unpacking & Reintegrating After A Transformative Experience

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Are you struggling to reintegrate into “normal” life after a transformative experience? Do you feel yourself slipping back into autopilot and finding it difficult to maintain the positive changes you’ve made (or want to make)? In this episode, I reflect on what I learned from my adventure through Central America and talk about some of the challenges I’ve faced since returning home to the United States. Even if you haven’t just returned from a transformative adventure, you can still apply these lessons to your everyday life! Top Reasons to Listen to This Episode: Explore why...

Happiness Does Not Exist Out There show art Happiness Does Not Exist Out There

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Have you ever thought to yourself, “When I do XYZ, when I achieve that goal, when I get that thing…. then I will be happy?” I’m sure you’ve heard the term “happiness comes from within,” but it's hard to believe when social media and societal pressures constantly bombard us with messages that happiness lies outside ourselves.  Today, we are flipping the script on what it means to be happy. We'll explore how to cultivate genuine joy in your everyday life by redefining "enough" and discovering the power of mindfulness. I'll also share a simple practice to help you stay grounded...

The Art of Integration & Rest for Sustainable Personal Growth show art The Art of Integration & Rest for Sustainable Personal Growth

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Do you ever feel like you just crushed a personal development goal, but then you begin to feel uninspired or stuck, or the pressure to do more hits you? This episode dives into the importance of rest and integration after periods of significant personal growth and why it's crucial for lasting transformation. We'll explore why we often feel compelled to chase the "next thing" after a breakthrough and how prioritizing integration can be the key to unlocking your full potential. Top Reasons to Listen to This Episode: Understand why we often feel compelled to chase the next achievement after...

The Seduction of Comfort: Why We Fight Against Our Best Intentions show art The Seduction of Comfort: Why We Fight Against Our Best Intentions

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Do you find yourself slipping back into old patterns, even after making a conscious effort to change? Today, I’m sharing how to overcome those automatic behaviors and habits that interfere with personal growth. This episode is your guide to understanding why we get stuck in those comfy (but ultimately unhelpful) routines, the sneaky ways our egos can sabotage our progress, and how to reprogram your mind so you can live the life you deserve. Learn how to identify limiting beliefs, cultivate curiosity, and rewrite your internal script for lasting change.  Top Reasons to Listen to This...

BONUS: BRAVE Thoughts From The Road - Maybe Less Really is More show art BONUS: BRAVE Thoughts From The Road - Maybe Less Really is More

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Many of us live and function in a rather privledged world.  We have a lot of stuff. We have a lot of comforts and conveniences that are so "normal" that we don't even see them on a daily basis.  IT is all just water to the fish.  And we spend quite a bit of energy maintaining and protecting all of those things because another thing that happened along the way is we decided those things were a measure or indication of our success, prowess, and/or worth.  So much so, that many of us at one time or another have kept entire storage units of "spare stuff" just in case we needed...

Surrender Is Your Superpower: Unfriending Limiting Belief Systems show art Surrender Is Your Superpower: Unfriending Limiting Belief Systems

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Why do we give our power away to external structures and belief systems created to keep us right where we are? In this episode, I’m reflecting on a passage from Brianna Wiest’s “The Pivot Year” and exploring how the systems we live within, like our family, education, and work, have been designed to maintain the status quo and hinder us from reaching our full potential.   Join me as we navigate the complexities of personal growth, challenge inherited and conditioned beliefs, and reevaluate the structures that shape our lives.    Top Reasons to Listen to This Episode: ...

BONUS: BRAVE Thoughts From The Road - Don't Make it Special show art BONUS: BRAVE Thoughts From The Road - Don't Make it Special

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

When we make something special - when we "pay" attention or give focus to something that has happened to us (or didn't happen to us?), or something that we want, or something that we want to release - we give it power.  It becomes something we grasp on to or obsess about or measure our worth by. Often this has the exact opposite effect we think it will. It can artificially keep undesirable things and behaviors in our lives, and block what we really want.  Let it go.  It doesn't have to be a competition.  It's not special.

Feeling Lonely? Why Vulnerability is the Key to Connection show art Feeling Lonely? Why Vulnerability is the Key to Connection

A Brave Journey: Reclaiming Your Identity After 40

Do you feel lonely? In a world where we’re always connected, why do we still feel so damn isolated? We crave to belong and feel understood, yet hide behind carefully crafted masks for fear of being “found out.”   This episode explores the impact of loneliness, how we’re unintentionally blocking ourselves from true connection, and the "why" behind it all.    Top Reasons to Listen to This Episode: Discover the internal and external factors that are fueling your feelings of loneliness Learn why finding the right community and connections starts from within Explore one of...

More Episodes

We often hear messages discouraging curiosity, like "curiosity killed the cat" or "ignorance is bliss." But what if those sayings are holding us back? This episode explores the concept of curiosity and its importance in living a fulfilling life. You’ll learn how curiosity can be a powerful tool for personal growth, helping us to learn new things, challenging our assumptions and limiting beliefs (about ourselves and the world), and connecting with others on a deeper level.

Top Reasons to Listen to This Episode:

  • Discover how our expectations about what we "should" be learning get in the way of the new and unexpected things we could be learning
  • Explore how curiosity enables you to bridge the gap between what you expect and the reality you encounter
  • Learn how practicing curiosity on a personal level can lead to more empathy and understanding in your relationships and with the world
  • Understand how approaching others with an open mind and curiosity can help you solve your own “life equations” or challenges that you may not have seen otherwise

Are YOU curious? What can you get more curious about in your life? I would love to know! Reach out to me on Instagram or via email, and let’s talk about it.

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