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Real People... Real God - Moses: Confrontation

Awake Us Now

Release Date: 10/02/2024

Real People... Real God - Joseph: Reward show art Real People... Real God - Joseph: Reward

Awake Us Now

The tale of Joseph is a great story. Yet there is more -- for all of Joseph points toward all of Jesus.

Two Year Gospel Study Week 39 show art Two Year Gospel Study Week 39

Awake Us Now

Luke 16:1-13. Jesus warns that no one can serve two masters. Will you be devoted to God - or to "stuff?" This Parable of the Shrewd Manager is one of Jesus’ most controversial parables and one of the most difficult parable to understand. Join us a Pastor Dodge digs deep into this parable and pulls out some amazing nuggets of the wisdom Jesus is sharing in the challenging parable. Luke 16:8, Jesus says, “For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourself, so that when it is...

Real People... Real God - Joseph: Forgiveness show art Real People... Real God - Joseph: Forgiveness

Awake Us Now

Until we forgive, we remain prisoners of our demand for vengeance. How can we gain release?

Real People... Real God - Joseph: Restoration show art Real People... Real God - Joseph: Restoration

Awake Us Now

God can use your suffering, intense persecution, and even false accusation to work wonders.

The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 28 show art The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 28

Awake Us Now

Matthew 20:17-34, Matthew 21:1-11, Exodus 12:3, Isaiah 62:11, Zechariah 9:9, and Psalm 118:25-26. Jesus lets us know that He is the fulfillment of all the Hebrew Scripture had predicted and all that the Father had dictated. Until we receive Jesus as Lord, this is only head knowledge.  The disciples had heard Him speak what was coming multiple times, but they just did not grasp what Jesus was saying about Him being the long awaited Savior. They didn’t understand what was ahead for Jesus in the next weeks. Jesus shares the sacrifice He’s going to make explaining what is coming:...

Real People... Real God - Joseph: Adversity show art Real People... Real God - Joseph: Adversity

Awake Us Now

The story of Joseph, with its dysfunctional family and broken dreams, is a story that we can all relate to.

Foreshadowings #6 - On the Third Day show art Foreshadowings #6 - On the Third Day

Awake Us Now

God provides remarkable glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament. When Jesus spoke of being raised "on the third day," what would that phrase have meant to the people around him who were familiar with the Hebrew Scriptures?

The Living One - Week 13: The Name show art The Living One - Week 13: The Name

Awake Us Now

Peter and John were bold witnesses of the power and authority of Jesus. It is in Jesus’ name alone that we find Salvation. Peter and John’s courage in telling others about Jesus astonished others, and the people noted that Peter and John had been with Jesus, eyewitnesses that had spent time with Him. We, too, can spend time with Jesus and get to know Him like Peter and John did.

Rescued by Truth: Week 38 show art Rescued by Truth: Week 38

Awake Us Now

Pastor and Jan have returned from a visit to Saudi Arabia, seeing sites that Westerners have not seen for thousands for years. In these last days, God’s Word is speaking loudly through recent discoveries in the areas of history, science, archeology and geography. Today, we explore one of the most powerful stories in the Bible: the Exodus. Geographical details are significant - they remind us that God's deliverance has taken place in history. The God who split the sea in Exodus 14 can also raise the dead, destroy evil, and create a new heaven and earth. Through His power, there is true hope...

Foreshadowings #5 - The Mercy Seat show art Foreshadowings #5 - The Mercy Seat

Awake Us Now

God provides remarkable glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament. To understand what Mary Magdalene saw in the empty tomb that first Resurrection Sunday (John 20), consider the Ark of the Covenant and the part it played in the Day of Atonement - the holiest day of the Jewish calendar.

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"The most foolish thing anyone can do is fight the only war you will never be able to win, and that is a war against God."