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159 Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste: Digital Self Mastery

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 01/09/2018

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In our fast-paced, digital world, many people embrace the latest technology, but then others want to completely avoid it at all costs.

How can you have a healthy relationship with technology and stop being afraid or obsessing over it?



On Wellness Force Radio 159, Social Strategy Adviser, Trainer, Visual Practitioner, Podcast Host of the Evolving Digital Self Podcast and Author of both BE-ing@Work and Digital Self Mastery, Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste, teaches you what steps you can take in order to heal your relationship with technology.

Discover how to make peace with technology by practicing gratitude, kindness, and learning which category of the 6 Types of Digital Self you fall into.

When it comes to technology, which type of person are you?:

  • Adverse
  • Resistant
  • Cautious
  • Balance
  • Curious
  • Hoarder
  • Addict

"When we learn about the digital self, we become more aware of how we engage with technology, what that relationship looks like, and how to manage it." - @ForbesOste http://bit.ly/wfpodcast

Download Your Free Copy of

"Digital Self Mastery"

Digital Self Mastery by Dr. Heidi Forbes Oste

In the Digital Era, technology is pervasive in all areas of our lives. As entrepreneurs, tech anxiety and poor habits around technology can make the difference between struggling to make ends meet with no free time and having a business that feeds our desired lifestyle.

Dr. Forbes Oste's integration of human development and behavior science with strategic business presents a new approach to solutions for this rising challenge for today's entrepreneurs. Weaving real-life stories from leaders and practitioners around the globe, Digital Self Mastery is a delight to read and an essential for the entrepreneur and their business to thrive.

Click here for your free copy of Digital Self Mastery

 Listen To Episode 159 As Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste Uncovers:

  • The habits you create around technology by either becoming addicted or avoiding it completely.
  • The benefits of wearables when it comes to achieving a balanced life full of wellness.
  • Using apps to help you track your health, be more mindful, or organized and less stressed by storing all of our information in devices.
  • Steps to take in order to heal your relationship with technology.
  • Her experience being diagnosed with both Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Lyme Disease plus their affect on her physical and mental well-being.
  • Which pieces of technology aided her with Lyme Disease by helping track her progress, inform her of what her body needed, and passively communicate with her doctor about her status.
  • What helped her get through her Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Lyme Disease.
  • The new term, 'high value actions,' and how they can boost your productivity.
  • How to begin taking inventory of high value actions and which ones to implement in your life.
  • What pieces of technology or apps are getting in the way of your high value actions.
  • How to clear out excess digital clutter and keep what's valuable to push you forward.
  • Why you need to prioritize spending time with the people who support you and help you grow.
  • High value actions concerning relationships, work, and wellness.
  • Why communication via social media is up to your personal perspectives and how you value it.
  • Making peace with conscience technology by practicing gratitude and kindness every day.
  • How social media can benefit international connections and relationships.
  • The 6 different types of Digital Self and how to figure out which one you are: adverse, resistant, cautious, balance, curious, hoarder, and addict.
  • What's the chance that people will end up being in the hoarder and addict category? How are ethics shaping technology and helping addiction?
  • How technology can uplift you and empower you in your wellness.
  • Why meditation and mindfulness training is in high demand throughout businesses and education.

Power Quotes From The Show

"It's become such a habit to just take our phones wherever we are because we haven't developed the routines around disconnecting from it. Texting is like a new toy. Older generations haven't really developed the habits to use the phone as often, but younger generations are already becoming accustomed to it. We're in this transition period of playing with technology and we haven't yet learned how to develop good behaviors and habits around it." - Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste

"Whether we like it or not, cell phones have become so ingrained into everything that we do each day. It's our access to people, source of information, and portable brain. When we put it in that perspective, we can really start to appreciate how it's been designed to make life easier for us. Instead of seeing it as a burden, it holds everything from work documents to memories." - Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste

"High value actions are all about you recognizing the key tasks that are important for you to accomplish each day so that you feel like you've completed something and have created value in your life. High value actions don't have to be big; they can be very small. Based on what you have to offer, focus on completing the tasks that will create the greatest value for you in your life and career."  - Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste

"Technology can be very uplifting. The more we share what we learn and take the time to explore technology's potential without feeling fear and resentment, the greater the opportunity we have to grow. There are so many different ways to teach each other about wellness by being interconnected." - Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste

Links From Today's Show:

About Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste

 Dr. Heidi Forbes Oste
Heidi Forbes Öste is a Social Strategy Advisor and Trainer, a Visual Practitioner and author of both BE-ing@Work and Digital Self Mastery.  She has over 20 years experience consulting in public and private sector on strategic use of new technologies; education technology, international marketing strategy, knowledge management and community building.
She is a social entrepreneur with a passion for connecting people globally for building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships.  As part of her doctoral studies in Human and Organizational Systems, she has done research on Leadership in the New Social Paradigm applying field work in this area.
She has a passion for humanizing technology and strategic use of social tools for individuals & organizations both online & face-to-face. Integrating her passion for teaching & learning with visual communications and her experience with intercultural communications, she applies her unique perspective to her teaching methodology of The Art of Social Strategy. She provides advisory services, keynotes, workshops, strategic visualization and consulting to clients worldwide.

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