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223 Dr. Michael Ruscio: Healthy Gut, Healthy You

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 08/10/2018

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Food is not the enemy; we can use food strategically to help us heal. You don't have to follow such rigid diet rules to the point of feeling like you're failing unless you're putting in this daunting amount of effort. There are two diets you can begin with - Paleo or a low FODMAP diet. The beauty of these diets is that all you really need are 2-3 weeks to get a sense for if the diet is working for you. These diets won't 100% heal you in 3 weeks but you will be able to know whether you've improved or not. If you can't tell if you're improving or not, then move onto the next diet. - Dr. Michael Ruscio

Activated charcoal, probiotics, antimicrobial herbs and more; there are so many different products as well as various forms of testing, research, and information available to help heal your gut but is it all necessary? What's truly best for you?



Is it really worth it to go through all of that testing when maybe you just need to make slight tweaks to your lifestyle to help your digestive system heal and recover?

On Wellness Force Radio episode 223, doctor, clinical researcher and best-selling author of Healthy Gut, Healthy You, Dr. Michael Ruscio, returns to share why healing your gut doesn't have to be so complicated, what you can do if you're on a budget, and why overfeeding your gut might not be the best option if you're beginning to experience digestive symptoms.

Discover the truth about probiotics, supplements, and gut health testing for gluten sensitivity as he shares his Great-In-8 Action Plan

"There's a time and a place for testing but you actually don't have to do a lot of it. People believe that the more testing you do, the better results you'll get. The truth is that you get better results with less testing." - @DrRuscio on @WellnessForce http://bit.ly/wfpodcast

Healthy Gut, Healthy You

Buy your own copy of Healthy Gut, Healthy You

Healthy Gut, Healthy You by Dr. Michael RuscioOver two thousand years ago, Hippocrates said that all disease begins in the gut. Now backed by extensive scientific research, this idea still holds true today. In Healthy Gut, Healthy You, clinician and researcher Dr. Michael Ruscio shows how modern lifestyle changes and the widespread use of antibiotics have made our guts and the essential bacteria they contain more vulnerable than ever before.

The good news is that almost any ailment including depression, fatigue, weight gain, autoimmunity, insomnia, and hypothyroidism can be healed. The key is not just managing the symptoms but treating the root cause: the gut. Restoring this crucial part of your overall health improves the performance of your whole body from the inside out and it's easier than you think to get started.

You don't have to follow crazy diets or spend a fortune to get healthy. Instead, read this book to discover

  • how the gut works and its role in your body,
  • practical diet and lifestyle advice to support your gut health,
  • simple and actionable tools to repair your gut, and
  • an innovative, user-friendly plan to heal, support and revitalize your gut.

A vibrant, healthy you begins with your gut start healing your body today!


Listen To Episode 223 As Dr. Michael Ruscio Uncovers:

  • Why overfeeding your gut biome might not be the right path if you're beginning to experience digestive symptoms.
  • The difference between fermented foods and high pre-biotic or FODMAP foods.
  • His practical guide that will help you weigh the evidence and find what method works for your gut.
  • Steps parents can take to ensure their baby begins life with a healthy gut and immune system.
  • If you're on a budget, what are the first steps you can take towards better gut health?
  • Why it's okay to indulge from time to time in pizza or ice cream when you've already created a healthy lifestyle for yourself.
  • What is non-Celiac gluten sensitivity including what causes it, its symptoms, and what other diseases accompany it?
  • How gluten sensitivity differs in the USA compared to the rest of the world.
  • The connection between depression, anxiety, skin condition, joint pain, gastrointestinal symptoms and non-Celiac gluten sensitivity.
  • The debate about the use of glyphosate in the USA when it comes to discovering your individual reaction to eating gluten.
  • His recommendation as far as dealing with the psycho-social stress you might face when debating whether or not you're able to indulge in certain foods like gluten.
  • His Great-In-8 Action Plan to uncovering whether or not you have a gluten sensitivity and how to reset your diet and lifestyle.
  • What you need to know about supplements and whether or not you should be taking them.
  • Myths and facts about probiotics - do we need them? If so, what should we look for?
  • The 3 categories of probiotic products and what is best for you plus the 411 on buying, storing, and properly taking care of probiotics.
  • The differences between a blood and gut health test and why less testing and making changes might be the best path for yourself.
  • How antimicrobial herbs like oregano can help you remove unwanted gut bacteria.
  • What a candida cleanse is, if it's actually beneficial, and how often you can do it.
  • Activated charcoal - should it be used for your gut health?

Power Quotes From The Show

"The difference between knowledge and wisdom is experience. You can get the knowledge of an antifungal protocol off the internet but the wisdom for how to properly apply it is accrued after years and years of diligent studying and reflection." - @DrRuscio http://bit.ly/wfpodcast

"The two main functions of the gut are digestion and the absorption of nutrients but it's also an immensely dense immune barrier. If inflammation is the instrument of the immune system, then we can connect these dots and conclude that one of the key sources of either immune to inflammatory conditions can be emanating from imbalances in the gut. This isn't just a far-reaching inference; we do know that the highest density of immune cells is contained in the small intestine." - Dr. Michael Ruscio

"Within the rules of a Paleo or low FODMAP diet, you don't have to be 100% compliant with your diet. I expect people to miss a few meals. There might be a social function or a work event and you can have a drink or some not planned food. Do the best you can with what you have available to you but a few misses will not be the make or break between success and failure." - Dr. Michael Ruscio

"When did becoming healthy and becoming a hypochondriac become synonymous with one another? They really shouldn't be. The whole point of becoming healthier is so that you're more resilient and you can enjoy occasional treats from time to time. If I want ice cream, I can have an ice cream because I've built up a robust enough level of health including gut health to allow me to have those indulgences." - Dr. Michael Ruscio


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About Dr. Michael Ruscio

Dr. Michael RuscioMichael Ruscio, DC is a doctor, clinical researcher and best-selling author whose practical ideas on healing chronic illness have made him an influential voice in functional and alternative medicine. His research has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and he speaks at integrative medical conferences across the globe.

Dr. Ruscio’s best-selling book, Healthy Gut, Healthy You, has paved the way for a ‘start with the gut’ philosophy which has enabled doctors and patient to obtain improved outcomes with minimal expense and effort.

He is leading the charge to make alternative medicine more affordable, effective and practical, through a pragmatic application of evidence-based therapies. Dr. Ruscio’s ability to objectively analyze medical literature has made him a trusted voice of reason, a voice he shares on his top-rated podcast and website.


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