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Feeding Yourself During Weight Loss

Fit Parent Revolution

Release Date: 03/14/2023

Make Weight Loss Easier show art Make Weight Loss Easier

Fit Parent Revolution

Lossing weight is hard. Why make it harder with crash diets, and BS marketing ploys? In this episode, I share some real tips that will get you on track today. email the show at Follow us on FB @fitparentrevolution IG @fit_parent_revolution  Join the Revolution at to ask questions, connect in the forum, and have assess to the blog and monthly newsletter. 

Should You Train To Failure show art Should You Train To Failure

Fit Parent Revolution

We've all heard the hype from extreme workout routines and social media influencers pushing training to failure to build muscle and burn fat. But is that right? Will stressing your body like that give you the results you're looking for? Give this episode a listen to find out.  Follow me on FB @fitparentrevolution IG @fit_parent_revolution email your questions to Join the revolution at to sign up for the newsletter, post in the members forum, and connect with other parents looking to get in shape.

Weight Loss Intensity vs Intentionality show art Weight Loss Intensity vs Intentionality

Fit Parent Revolution

We've all seen programs and marketing that preach you have to be intense to lose weight. Crash diets, crazy workouts, unsustainable misery to drop the pounds. Many of us have tried them. We've gotten results and either been unable to keep them, or we've stalled out and burnt out. We didn't build the habits needed to sustain that lifestyle. We didn't build a foundation through intentional actions and consistency before diving head long into the grind. In this episode, I talk about the difference between being intense vs being intentional and why you should practice one before the other. Email...

Feeding Yourself During Weight Loss show art Feeding Yourself During Weight Loss

Fit Parent Revolution

At some point, you've probably heard it said that you need to eat more to loose weight, and it's probably sounded a little confusing. I mean, if you're a healthy individual, eating more is what kicked off the need for a weight loss journey... Right? Do I need to eat more or be in a caloric deficit? Well, the answer is both. In this episode, I break down what that means and provide some great free tools to help you get unstuck and back on track to hitting your weight loss goals.   NASM Calorie Calculator:...

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At some point, you've probably heard it said that you need to eat more to loose weight, and it's probably sounded a little confusing. I mean, if you're a healthy individual, eating more is what kicked off the need for a weight loss journey... Right? Do I need to eat more or be in a caloric deficit? Well, the answer is both. In this episode, I break down what that means and provide some great free tools to help you get unstuck and back on track to hitting your weight loss goals.   NASM Calorie Calculator: https://www.nasm.org/resources/calorie-calculator?psafe_param=1&cq_cmp=&cq_cmp=19767936423&network=x&utm_term=&utm_campaign=CPT_ACQ_SHOPPING_WEB_PMAX&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&hsa_acc=2454829191&hsa_cam=19767936423&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjbagBhD3ARIsANRrqEuTkPVUnAuJmQs_83-fAETJFLkCL-A_hipekq4I5I3QKIZrH7INI8EaAsIeEALw_wcB   Join the Revolution at www.MomsAndDadsGet.Fit and jump into the forum to talk about today's episode, ask questions, and get access to our free monthly newsletter.   Follow us @fitparentrevolution