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Do You Need a Cancer Recovery Coach? show art Do You Need a Cancer Recovery Coach?

The Healed Podcast

Cancer survivor, mother, and lifelong learner Michelle Patidar gives cancer survivors the tools they need to heal themselves from the inside out. In 2016, at the age of 32, Michelle was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and after six rounds of inpatient chemotherapy she was on a mission to heal the wounds of treatment. In response to the absence of programs that were available to help her rebuild her health and immunity, she founded Revival Health & Wellness.   As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Michelle specializes in working with cancer survivors to restore...

Chiropractic Medicine for the Whole Family with Dr. Savannah show art Chiropractic Medicine for the Whole Family with Dr. Savannah

The Healed Podcast

Dr. Savannah loves to care for patients of all ages and help moms learn how to take better care of their families. She implements many different healing modalities in her practice, including Nutritional Response Testing, manual manipulation, implementation of the activator, cupping, tens unit therapy, ultrasound therapy, and the Gua Sha Technique. Dr. Savannah has some great advice for people who are struggling with chronic illness and disease.

Should You Get a Thermogram? show art Should You Get a Thermogram?

The Healed Podcast

Leslie King, of Knoxville Thermography, discusses the benefits of a yearly thermogram. Thermography has no dangerous side effects, is not invasive, and can detect differences in the body incredibly early. You may be surprised by what you learn.

Healing Cancer Your Way show art Healing Cancer Your Way

The Healed Podcast

The cancer had spread. Amy was given six months to a year to live. She got her affairs in order, planned her funeral, and started checking items off her bucket list. However, some of her friends had other plans. They essentially had a medical "intervention" and brought her the medicine they knew in their hearts that she needed. And they made her take it. God used those precious friends to give Amy a new lease on life. She is cancer free and been told by her doctor to keep doing whatever she is doing. These life changing circumstances have set a fire in Amy's heart to share what she has learned...

Is Back Surgery My Only Option? Featuring Michael Perry show art Is Back Surgery My Only Option? Featuring Michael Perry

The Healed Podcast

Michael Perry grew up with the benefits of both eastern and western medical philosophies, until a car accident in his 20s left him with ruptured disks in his back.  He sought out three different opinions from back surgeons, and they all said that surgery was inevitable.  However, one of the risks was ending up wheelchair bound.  He was now faced with a life of pain and limitations, until someone who had been in a similar situation recommended he try something different.  As his wife encouraged him to try chiropractor their friend had suggested, he felt God's hand upon...

Intermittent Fasting as a Way of Life Featuring Shonda Whitworth show art Intermittent Fasting as a Way of Life Featuring Shonda Whitworth

The Healed Podcast

Like most of us at one time or another, Shonda found herself dieting for an upcoming event.  However, no matter how strict she was, she found that she couldn't get the weight off and keep it off.  That is when she discovered intermittent fasting.  What she also discovered was that not only did she lose weight, but her health greatly improved as well.  Like any good author, she did her research and found that intermittent fasting boosts your immune system and sets your body's self-cleaning mechanism into motion.  She looks great, feels amazing, and is full of life and...

We Are In A Health Crisis, So Why Don't I Care? show art We Are In A Health Crisis, So Why Don't I Care?

The Healed Podcast

In today’s episode, we are going to discuss complacency.   We have become complacent about our health during the exact time that we need to be the most concerned with protecting it.  The death rate is up 40%.  A 14% increase would indicate that something catastrophic had occurred.  But it isn’t up 14%; it is up 40%.   The birth rate is down for the first time ever. Miscarriages, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, blood disorders, anxiety, and depression rates have gone through the roof.  As have many others.   We have never seen a health...

The Secret To Sticking To Your Diet show art The Secret To Sticking To Your Diet

The Healed Podcast

Join me on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00pm via Zoom at my This week we are going to be talking about how to make a diet stick.  Getting up the courage to go on a diet is the first step.  Setting about learning what we need to eat is step two.  Sticking to it is step three, and that third step is a doozy!  Right?  This episode is for you today, if you know what to eat, but just can’t stick to it.  And please hear my heart that this episode is just as much for me as it is for you.  Maybe more.  I do not ever want to come across like I’ve got this...

Your Mindset Could Be Holding You Back In Your Health show art Your Mindset Could Be Holding You Back In Your Health

The Healed Podcast

Today we are going to be talking all about your mindset around health.  There are 3 factors that I want to discuss today that went into the creation of your mindset about your own health.  We will dig into that, and then I will tell you how you go about changing these mindsets, and finally, I will tell you about a program that I have created that can support you in making these changes. Let me start by asking you a couple of questions.   Have you ever started a diet, only to fall off the wagon and feel defeated in a few short weeks? Have you ever joined a gym and only...

A Health Membership Just For You show art A Health Membership Just For You

The Healed Podcast

I am so excited about this episode.  God has been speaking into me about creating a health membership for a couple of years now.  The Reclaim Your Life Health Membership includes admission into our private Facebook group, where we can share recipes, prayers, and encourage one another.  It also give you access to the Practice Better app, where you can track your food and other health goals.  You can journal there as well.  We will meet weekly for goal setting, accountability, and prayer.  There will also be a monthly meal planning session and a monthly mindset goal...

More Episodes

Join me on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00pm via Zoom at my Free 2023 Goal Setting Workshop

This week we are going to be talking about how to make a diet stick. 

Getting up the courage to go on a diet is the first step. 

Setting about learning what we need to eat is step two. 

Sticking to it is step three, and that third step is a doozy!  Right? 

This episode is for you today, if you know what to eat, but just can’t stick to it.  And please hear my heart that this episode is just as much for me as it is for you.  Maybe more.  I do not ever want to come across like I’ve got this thing nailed down and I’m telling you what to do.  This is what the Lord has spoken to me, for my life, and I am sharing it with you.  None of us have it nailed down, even if or when we look like we do.  


Okay, tell me if you have ever done this.  You decide to eat healthier.  You get rid of all of the junk in the house.  You go to the grocery and stock your kitchen with healthy food.  And then you are too tired to cook, so you run through the drive through, eating a LESS  healthy version of the food you just got rid of.


Or, you meal plan and meal prep.  You bring your lunch to work, but someone decides to order out.  So you leave your lunch in the fridge and get what everyone else is having?  You don’t want to feel deprived.


Or maybe you have lost weight, gotten rid of all your bigger clothes, vowing that you will NEVER gain that weight back.  Only to be out shopping for that size again a year or two later.


The struggle is REAL, friends!  So let’s talk about solutions.  Because every one of the scenarios I just mentioned makes us feel discouragement, guilt, and shame.  And that is not where we are meant to live.  


Recent studies tell us that about 42% of adults are trying to lose weight.  That means 45 million Americans go on a diet each year and spend $33 billion, with a b, dollars a year on weight loss products.  20-25% of those people trying to lose weight will develop an eating disorder.  

Paul says in Romans 7, “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.”  

We are taking this problem on as a physical problem, when in truth, it is a spiritual problem.  We are trying to make our soul not crave the things of the world.  That is the wrong strategy.  We need to fight this battle in the spiritual realm; not the physical.

If you would like more help putting this strategy into practice, I have good news!  I have created a very affordable membership program that focuses on a mindset issue, or basically, a lie, and replacing it with God’s truth.  We focus on one issue a month because this takes time.  We meet in a private facebook group and on zoom.  You have access to an app that will educate you about what to eat and give you all of the tools to make it happen.  You can learn more by attending one of my free goal-setting workshops in the month of January.  Just click on the link in the show notes and download our planning worksheet.  I would love to see you there!