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083 = Sunbeams and Dog Dreams

A Problem Squared

Release Date: 04/22/2024

🌒 What’s the best place to see the next solar eclipse? 

💤 Do animals dream? 

💼 The Any Other Business briefcase is…half open. 

Send your problems and solutions to our website: www.aproblemsquared.com.

For a detailed look at the path of the 2026 eclipse, here’s the website referenced by Matt: https://eclipsophile.com/future-eclipses-2024-2028/

If you want to hear the full interview with David Pena Guzman about animal consciousness referenced by Bec, you can do that here: https://news.uchicago.edu/do-animals-dream-david-m-pena-guzman.

Videos of Sky potentially dreaming will be on social media. Tell us what you think? Do dogs dream? 

And, if you want more from A Problem Squared, you can also find us on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and on Patreon.