A Problem Squared
🎯 What is the optimal layout for a dart board?
info_outline 090 = Washing Machine Lies and Lincoln Penny HighsA Problem Squared
🧺 Why is the cycle time on my washing machines always wrong?
info_outline 089 = Venomous Snakes and Doggy LegsA Problem Squared
On this episode...
info_outline 088 = Tired Tires and Curvy CubesA Problem Squared
🚘 What happens when tires get tired?
info_outline 087 = Climbing Cliffses and Cloning EclipsesA Problem Squared
🧗 Is it possible to climb every mountain?
info_outline 086 = Emoji Editions and Birthday BillionsA Problem Squared
🙏 Is this emoji praying hands or a high five?
info_outline 085 = Coin Collections and Pin SelectionsA Problem Squared
🪙 How many coins would you need to sort through to collect all commemorative €2 coins in circulation?
info_outline 084 = Indicators and In Da Cake-ersA Problem Squared
In this episode...
info_outline 083 = Sunbeams and Dog DreamsA Problem Squared
🌒 What’s the best place to see the next solar eclipse?
info_outline An Emergency Broadcast to Solve an Emergency Problem.A Problem Squared
🔔🚨This is an emergency broadcast🚨🔔
info_outlineIn this episode…
🥧 Can Pi ever repeat itself?
🪜 Is it impossible for cube-based stairs to be identical?
📈 And some Business of an Any Other Nature.
If you want to see the biggest hand calculation in HISTORY, you can! Just head over to Matt’s YouTube channel on the 14th of March: https://www.youtube.com/@standupmaths
An Evening of Unnecessary Detail is BACK IN NEW YORK! On the 14th of April, at The Bell House in Brooklyn from 7:30pm!
You can get tickets for that here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/matt-parker-an-evening-of-unnecessary-detail-tickets-847453715877?aff=oddtdtcreator
Ever wanted to know the answer to whether ALL Japanese snacks scale with the packaging imagery? Well now you can, on Bec’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-roi6FdISY&ab_channel=BecHill
GO SEE BEC! She’s playing in Reading and Louth in April. You can find the dates for that, here: https://www.bechillcomedian.com/tour-gigs
For a signed, but full priced copy with a special dust jacket follow this link: https://mathsgear.co.uk/products/love-triangle-by-matt-parker-signed
Or for 21% off your pre-order, follow this link to Waterstones: https://tinyurl.com/2fdjnwwz
As always, please send your problems and solutions to the Problem Solving Page, here: www.aproblemsquared.com.
If you want more from A Problem Squared, you can also find us on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and on Patreon.