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From Failure to Joy: How to Reignite Your Passion


Release Date: 06/03/2024

The Importance of Slowing Down and Enjoying Life show art The Importance of Slowing Down and Enjoying Life


This episode of Redesign Your Life delves into the host's personal journey of redesigning her life after being diagnosed with MS. She challenges listeners to prioritize what truly matters in life over the demands of the corporate world, emphasizing the importance of family, relationships, and personal well-being. The episode encourages reflection on work-life balance and the societal pressure to prioritize money over meaningful connections.   website:     Ecamm:     Searchie:     Coach Finance:     Swell:     Get Free Gift:    ...

From Failure to Joy: How to Reignite Your Passion show art From Failure to Joy: How to Reignite Your Passion


In this episode, I had the pleasure of hosting two incredible guests, Sarah Guthrie and Allison French, who shared their unique journeys and insights into finding joy and kindness in both personal and professional realms. We kicked off the conversation with Sarah, an artist based in Seattle, who has dedicated her life to bringing joy through her art and writing. Sarah shared her early struggles as an immigrant and the societal pressures to pursue a more "traditional" career. Despite these challenges, she remained committed to her passion for art, eventually finding her niche in creating works...

Navigating Entrepreneurship and Virtual Engagement with Alison French show art Navigating Entrepreneurship and Virtual Engagement with Alison French


In this episode, Alison French, the managing director of Alto Solutions, discusses the process of being an entrepreneur and living your dream. She highlights her work with organizations and leaders to build stronger teams, improve communication, leadership, and manage change. The conversation delves into the shift to virtual work during the pandemic and the importance of adapting, fine-tuning communication, and connecting effectively in the virtual world. website:   Coffee: thebrewtique.store   Ecamm:     Searchie:     Coach Finance:     Swell:  ...

From Corporate America to Digital Nomad: A Journey of Redesigning Life #103 show art From Corporate America to Digital Nomad: A Journey of Redesigning Life #103


Episode Summary: Redesigning Life and Embracing Change Welcome back to another episode of Redesign Your Life, where we explore the courage it takes to break free from societal norms and pursue a life of fulfillment and adventure. Today, we had an incredibly inspiring conversation with our guest, who shared her transformative journey from corporate America to becoming a digital nomad. Our guest opened up about her past life, where she was the breadwinner with all the trappings of success, including a million-dollar house and luxury items. However, a health scare involving memory loss and severe...

"Breaking Generational Choices: Teaching Kids What We Weren't Taught" #102


In this heartfelt episode, I shared a touching story about a special day spent with my son, which led to a profound realization about the importance of redesigning our lives for joy and connection. Reflecting on my own childhood, I discussed the significance of breaking free from the constraints of past generations and making conscious choices that shape a better future for our children. I emphasized the value of teaching our children what we weren't taught, rather than simply giving them material things. From cooking classes to financial literacy, I advocated for creating bonds and instilling...

"The Truth About Tithing: Unpacking Church Finances" #101


Redesign Your Life: The Truth About Tithing In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the controversial topic of tithing in the church. Our goal is not to antagonize but to inform and learn. We encourage respectful dialogue and invite listeners to share their opinions without resorting to arguments or disrespect. We explore the various purposes of tithing, such as supporting church expenses, aiding the needy, and covering overhead costs like salaries and utilities. However, I express skepticism about the transparency and honesty of how these funds are used, especially in light of the...

"Embracing Change and Prioritizing Self-Care" #100


Episode 100: Embracing Breaks and Redesigning Your Life Hey everyone, Lion Fludd here. In this milestone 100th episode, which coincidentally falls on Valentine's Day, I'm sharing some personal reflections and insights on the importance of taking breaks and the power of saying no. I've been on a bit of a hiatus, and I want to remind you all that it's okay to step back and take care of yourself, even if the world seems to demand your constant attention. I've been dealing with my MS and the challenges it brings, which has reinforced the need for self-care and authentic living. In the midst of new...

Embracing Change: My Journey with MS and Redesigning Life #99 show art Embracing Change: My Journey with MS and Redesigning Life #99


In this short and straight to the point episode of Redesign Your Life, the host reflects on his journey of redesigning his life and the impact it has had on him. He shares his personal experience of being diagnosed with MS and how he had to learn to redesign various aspects of his life. The host also mentions the upcoming 100th episode and expresses gratitude to the listeners and viewers for their support. If you're looking for inspiration and tips on how to redesign your own life, this episode is for you. Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel for additional content and guest...

Mick Rutjes' Global Adventures: Finding Purpose Beyond Borders #98 show art Mick Rutjes' Global Adventures: Finding Purpose Beyond Borders #98


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Embracing the Thrills of Skiing: A Family Adventure at Appalachian Ski Mountain show art Embracing the Thrills of Skiing: A Family Adventure at Appalachian Ski Mountain


Redesign Your Life - Embracing New Experiences and Building Memories Episode Summary Hello, everyone! In this episode of Redesign Your Life, I shared the exhilarating experience of going skiing for the first time with my family at Appalachian Ski Mountain in Boone, North Carolina. Despite the freezing temperatures, we embraced the challenge and the fun that came with learning to ski. My cousin, an avid skier, played the role of both host and instructor, guiding us through the process of getting the right equipment and giving us a crash course in skiing. We started on the bunny slope, where we...

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In this episode, I had the pleasure of hosting two incredible guests, Sarah Guthrie and Allison French, who shared their unique journeys and insights into finding joy and kindness in both personal and professional realms.

We kicked off the conversation with Sarah, an artist based in Seattle, who has dedicated her life to bringing joy through her art and writing. Sarah shared her early struggles as an immigrant and the societal pressures to pursue a more "traditional" career. Despite these challenges, she remained committed to her passion for art, eventually finding her niche in creating works that evoke a sense of calm and joy.

Allison, on the other hand, is a leadership coach and the owner of Alto Solutions, based near Washington, D.C. She detailed her winding career path, which included a stint at Deloitte and an unexpected downsizing that propelled her into entrepreneurship. Allison emphasized the importance of a growth mindset and how her experiences, even the downturns, helped her discover what she truly loves—helping leaders and organizations navigate change with kindness and joy.

A significant part of our discussion revolved around the concept of "failing to get better." Both Sarah and Allison agreed that failure is an essential part of growth. Allison introduced the idea of F.A.I.L. as "First Attempt In Learning," encouraging listeners to embrace their failures as learning opportunities.

We also delved into the importance of finding joy in everyday moments. Sarah shared her practice of asking people what brought them joy recently, a simple yet powerful way to shift focus from productivity to well-being. Allison echoed this sentiment, explaining how joy can be found even in challenging times, and how it can be a guiding force in both personal and professional life.

The highlight of the episode was the announcement of their upcoming workshop, "Own Your Journey, Reclaim Your Joy," scheduled for July 11th. This two-hour online workshop aims to help participants identify joy junctures—moments of joy in difficult times—and develop practices to cultivate joy in their daily lives. The workshop promises to be interactive, offering practical tools and activities to help attendees build a more joyful and fulfilling life.

In closing, both Sarah and Allison left us with inspiring messages. Sarah urged listeners to trust in their ideas and follow the joy, while Allison reminded us that failure is just a stepping stone to success. Their insights and experiences serve as a powerful reminder that joy and kindness are not just emotions but practices that can transform our lives.

Don't forget to check out the free gift they offered—10 practices to bring more joy into your life, available in the show notes. And if you're looking to infuse more joy and kindness into your journey, be sure to sign up for their workshop.

website: lionfludd.net


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