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The Rawness of It w/Rocco Guarino

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

Release Date: 01/20/2021

Taylor Swift Deadlift w/Brandon Votaw show art Taylor Swift Deadlift w/Brandon Votaw

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

The NINTH episode of the show features my good friend Brandon Votaw (lighting on Black Panther, Loki, Gemini Man, Fast 8). Conversations like this one are the reason I wanted to start this podcast. This one means a lot to me. The Fromonda commercial is in Thai. Don’t skip it because the subtitles took me a really long time. Tell me I’m funny. BRANDON AND I talk about working out to pop music, we get an inside scoop on his experiences working in TV/film on some of Hollywood’s biggest film and tv projects, and we do a real heavy nerd-out on all things Shang-Chi and why this movie was so...

It's A Deep Hole w/Kyle Durham show art It's A Deep Hole w/Kyle Durham

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

The EIGHTH episode of the show features my good friend Kyle Durham (NerdEDU podcast, education, is weird like me). This one is all over the place, in my favorite way. If you can correctly count all of the JR Smiths in this episode, message me and you'll win a prize. Early in this conversation, Kyle refers to the two of us as “high five guys”. This is an extremely accurate descriptor for the ways in which the two of us have always bonded on our quest for knowledge and our enthusiasm for the works of art that we love. KYLE AND I talk about our many different fandoms - from the Detroit Lions...

Gazebo Pagoda w/Drizz Valdez show art Gazebo Pagoda w/Drizz Valdez

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

The SEVENTH episode of the show features my good friend Drizz Valdez (stand up comedy, marketing). Structurally, a gazebo and a pagoda are very similar. Pagodas are large, standalone structures traditionally of East Asian origin, which served as temples, places of worship, and spiritual sites for many centuries. In contrast, gazebos are a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect. DRIZZ AND I talk about challenging our prejudices, comparing music and comedy as creative outlets and Drizz’ experience...

Develop That Frontal Lobe, Boi w/Oscar Ericsson show art Develop That Frontal Lobe, Boi w/Oscar Ericsson

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

THE SIXTH EPISODE of the show features my good friend Oscar Ericsson (guitar/vocals for The Demtones). Holy meatballs, have I got some real cringy memories for you on this one. The Swedish assassin and I sat next to each other during some Reading and Theory classes in our first few days of music school and quickly connected through our shared passion for Joe Perry.. and our shared dispassion for actually doing any homework. A little over a decade later and armed with the cynicism, perspective, and gray hairs that come with waving goodbye to your twenties - Oscar and I had a really fun time...

The Rap Hits of Today w/Tyler Liem show art The Rap Hits of Today w/Tyler Liem

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

THE FIF EPISODE of the show features my good friend Tyler Liem (guitar/vocals for Second Rate Kings). It's not often one makes a genuine friend in the comments section, but when elite athlete/canine lover/standup comedian Bert Kriescher ran the LA Marathon and posted a video of Tyler and his band playing on the side of the marathon course, something something extremely long sentence, friendship! TYLER AND I talk about our shared love of blues guitar, standup comedy and its similarities to live music, how people need to be nicer to Nickelback, how legitimately dope as fuck the new Miley Cyrus...

The Sexy Part w/Raz Azraai show art The Sexy Part w/Raz Azraai

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

THE FOURTH EPISODE of the show features my good friend Raz Azraai (guitar). Back after a brief hiatus and time-management crisis, I make up for being away by presenting you the silliest and most visual episode I've done yet. Lots of visual interruptions. Do you know how rubber is made? It's a very erotic arboreal process that's among the many subjects Raz and I explore in this episode. He's a ferocious guitar player but even more than that, a genre-defying creative. One minute you're grooving to the cheeky dance pop of his band Meen Streets and the next you're smashing your neck to his...

Obliterate A Small Horse w/Brenton Page show art Obliterate A Small Horse w/Brenton Page

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

THE THIRD EPISODE of the show features my good friend Brenton Page (bass for Osaka Punch). This is the most fun I've had doing an episode yet. Lots of Sebulba in this one. Probably too much. Brenton is hilarious and it was such a great time figuring out that we had so much in common. Since meeting him a few years back I've been a massive fan of Brenton's band, Osaka Punch. With their innovative music videos and art direction, high-energy live performances, and unwavering devotion to dick jokes, Osaka Punch has carved out a special place for themselves in Brisbane's rock/metal scene, and...

The Rawness of It w/Rocco Guarino show art The Rawness of It w/Rocco Guarino

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

THE SECOND EPISODE of the show features one of my best friends - producer, engineer, and video director Rocco Guarino. I first met Rocco in the era of Myspace. At the time, I was a skinny highschool kid with a bootleg Motley Crue haircut. I'd just begun falling in love with music and learning how to play guitar, and Rocco was working with one of my favorite bands Velvet Revolver and their singer, the late Scott Weiland. From working together on my first recordings when I was a teenager, to the six-hour Zoom call that I trimmed into this podcast and then sat on for two months - and every 3AM...

Pretty Stationary w/Charlie Wilson show art Pretty Stationary w/Charlie Wilson

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

THE FIRST EPISODE of the show features my good friend Charlie Wilson (keys for Justin Timberlake, John Mayer, Rihanna). In addition to being a spectacular piano and keyboard player, Charlie aka BLK BOK is also a respected musical director and innovative producer. Over the years we've had a lot of fun writing and performing music together and when I work with Charlie, his expressiveness on the instrument coupled with his openness to new ideas and perspectives inspires me to elevate what I bring to a performance. His advice, support, and guidance have been invaluable in helping me grow as a...

Introducing: Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey show art Introducing: Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

Dumb Dumb Dojo w/Darth Whiskey

Hello there! I'm Darth Whiskey and I'm a guitar player based in Los Angeles, CA. I invite you to find a place to make a dojo of your own and eavesdrop as I trade insights and experiences with some of my favorite musicians and creative professionals. Each episode we'll dissect the techniques for cultivating creative inspiration and the backstage stories and embarrassing misadventures that shaped us because at the end of the day, we're all just dumb dumbs trying to figure it out.

More Episodes

THE SECOND EPISODE of the show features one of my best friends - producer, engineer, and video director Rocco Guarino.

I first met Rocco in the era of Myspace. At the time, I was a skinny highschool kid with a bootleg Motley Crue haircut. I'd just begun falling in love with music and learning how to play guitar, and Rocco was working with one of my favorite bands Velvet Revolver and their singer, the late Scott Weiland. From working together on my first recordings when I was a teenager, to the six-hour Zoom call that I trimmed into this podcast and then sat on for two months - and every 3AM Canter's Deli trip in between - Rocco has been an monumentally encouraging friend, collaborator, and mentor.

ROCCO AND I talk about the early experiences that led us both to careers in music, his early adventures in Los Angeles working on sexually-suggestive movie sets, the mayhem of touring with a platinum-selling rock band, directing a music video for VR, and how some of the nightmare recording sessions we've worked on together have also resulted in some of the most fun we've ever had.

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/darthwhiskey
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/darthwhiskey
WEBSITE: https://www.darthwhiskey.com

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/roccomusic
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/roccomusic
WEBSITE: https://www.roccomusic.com