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#5 - How to Know You Need to Set a Boundary

Boundaries Queen

Release Date: 04/10/2024

Taking a Pause show art Taking a Pause

Boundaries Queen

#16: Listening Boundaries: Knowing What's True (For You) show art #16: Listening Boundaries: Knowing What's True (For You)

Boundaries Queen

Of the four primary boundaries, the listening boundary is by far the most difficult. This is largely because all of us have preinstalled “filters” that impact how we hear and receive others’ words (both spoken and written). In other words, your beliefs, biases, experiences, and a host of other factors impact how you hear what others communicate—meaning it’s incredibly difficult to accurately receive or take in the words others say. The listening boundary also involves only taking in what is true for you rather than simply accepting others’ words as reality. In fact, negative...

#15: Speaking Boundaries: Knowing How to Be Heard show art #15: Speaking Boundaries: Knowing How to Be Heard

Boundaries Queen

The idea of having a speaking boundary may sound strange at first, but by the end of this episode, I hope you’ll understand how a healthy speaking or talking boundary can protect both you and those around you.  When your speaking boundary isn’t working well, you can come across as rude, dismissive, critical, or even contemptuous. On the other hand, a healthy speaking boundary means that you’re speaking in a way that makes your words easier to receive and easier to hear, because you’re clear, coherent, and respectful. This means you’ll avoid saying things you’ll regret or feel...

#14: Sexual Boundaries: Yes, No, and Everything in Between show art #14: Sexual Boundaries: Yes, No, and Everything in Between

Boundaries Queen

Of the four primary boundaries, the sexual boundary is the most controversial and the one that people have the most opinions about. In today’s episode, I want to simplify this messy, complicated topic so you can more easily implement your own healthy sexual boundaries.  Sexual boundaries are non-negotiable. No one gets to decide whether or how they touch you sexually without your permission—and you get to decide what you consider sexual. It’s up to you to decide which of your body parts you consider to be sexual, for example, and what you define as sexual activities. Your sexual...

#13: Physical Boundaries: Protecting Your Body and Your Belongings show art #13: Physical Boundaries: Protecting Your Body and Your Belongings

Boundaries Queen

There are four primary boundaries: the physical boundary, the sexual boundary, the speaking/talking boundary, and the listening boundary. Today’s episode is the first in a four-part series in which I’ll cover each of these boundaries in turn. Before digging into the physical boundary in detail, though, I’ll cover some basics of these primary boundaries in general, so don’t miss this episode. One deeply important point that I’ll cover but want to reiterate here is that physical boundaries are non-negotiable; a “no” is a “no.” This applies both to you and to other people,...

#12: Step 6: Evaluate Your Results and See What Went Wrong show art #12: Step 6: Evaluate Your Results and See What Went Wrong

Boundaries Queen

If you’ve been following along with the six-step boundaries clarifier process, you’ve already created a boundary and taken action. But there’s still one more step: evaluating how things went to see what (if anything) went wrong and whether you need to work through the process again. Resolving any problems that occurred during the boundary-setting process involves identifying the reason why things went wrong. In this episode, I’ll go over various types of problems (from unsuccessful boundary creation to broken agreements) and offer guidance on how to move forward from each of them....

#11: Step 5: Take Action to Create a Boundary show art #11: Step 5: Take Action to Create a Boundary

Boundaries Queen

If you’ve been following along through these episodes, you may be both excited and nervous to hear that now, in step 5, it’s time to take action based on everything you’ve worked through up to this point.  The options you explored in the previous step directly correlate to the actions possible here—so if you completed step 4 thoroughly, you should already have a pretty good idea of what you’re doing now. But that doesn’t necessarily make it easy, so this episode is all about helping you learn the best ways to follow through and take action. One big tip I’d like to share is...

#10: Step 4: See Where You Have Power Before You Take Action show art #10: Step 4: See Where You Have Power Before You Take Action

Boundaries Queen

As you work toward achieving the outcome you want for the situation or event you identified in step 1 of the boundaries clarifier process, it’s crucial to figure out where your power lies—and that’s exactly what I’ll guide you through in today’s episode. As you’ll learn today, there are four main options for where your power lies in this process. Ultimately, there’s very little that’s fully within your circle of control, and misunderstanding this can lead you to try to take control of things you don’t have power over (like other people), resulting in unnecessary conflict and...

#9: Step 3: Clarify Your Needs and the Outcome You Want show art #9: Step 3: Clarify Your Needs and the Outcome You Want

Boundaries Queen

In the first step of my boundary-setting process, you identified a specific situation or event you wanted to address. Today’s episode, which covers the third step in the process, is all about clarifying your needs in regard to that situation, and then identifying the outcome you want.  As you work through this step, let go of being “realistic.” I want you to brainstorm all sorts of outcomes for the second part of this step, no matter how far-fetched or impractical they might seem, and to allow yourself to imagine exactly what you want. If you’ve worked through this step and...

#8: Step 2: Get Clear about Your Reality show art #8: Step 2: Get Clear about Your Reality

Boundaries Queen

Welcome to the second part of this six-episode exploration of the boundaries-setting process. I’ll assume you’ve already listened to the previous episode about step one; if you haven’t, please go listen to that one and then come back to this episode. Now that you’ve identified a specific situation or event that you need to set a boundary around in the previous episode, it’s time to get clear about your reality as it relates to that incident or situation. To really understand what’s going on, we’ll examine the experience from three angles. First, there’s what you experienced...

More Episodes

How do you know when you need to set a boundary? Sometimes it’s obvious, but sometimes it’s more challenging to know—or that you have the power and the right to set one! 

In this episode, I’ll share three signs that point to the need to set a boundary. Uncomfortable emotions, repeating stories and complaints, and even certain types of people in your life can all be signs that it’s time to set a boundary to give yourself more space, peace, and freedom. Knowing what to look for (and in the case of certain people, what to expect afterward) can help you as you move forward with your boundary work.

Biggest Takeaways From Episode #5:

  • We mostly think about boundaries being with other people, but you can also set boundaries with yourself, and these can be just as (or more) valuable.
  • Certain emotions can indicate that you might need to set a boundary. For example, if you feel angry or overwhelmed, ask yourself if you need to set a boundary or limit to help you.
  • Pay attention to persistent complaints or repeated victim stories. If you complain about the same thing or person over and over, you likely need to set a boundary.
  • You may need to set a boundary if you have people in your life who tend to push back on the limits you try to set with them.

Highlights from Episode #5:

  • Welcome to the fourth episode, which will help you understand when you need to set a boundary. [00:31]
  • Victoria gives a clear example of a time when a boundary is obviously necessary. [02:02]
  • Three categories of your experiences can point toward needing to set a boundary. [03:10]
  • The first category that suggests you may need a boundary is your emotions. [04:28]
  • Persistent complaints or repeated victim stories can also suggest the need for setting a boundary. [08:03]
  • The third sign you might need to set a boundary involves behavior from other people in your life. [09:51]
  • Victoria briefly recaps the episode, invites listeners to subscribe, and explains that if you’re listening before May 7, 2024, you can still get the preorder bonuses for Personal Boundaries For Dummies! [12:03]

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