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#179 Angela Kiszka’s Story: Strategies for Building a Strong Freelance Client Base

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

Release Date: 10/10/2023

#212 Land Better Marketing Clients: The Science Behind Every Click, Buy, and Subscribe with Krystle Church show art #212 Land Better Marketing Clients: The Science Behind Every Click, Buy, and Subscribe with Krystle Church

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

I’ve been in this online marketing world for a while but I had never heard of neurocopywriting before. In this episode, we’re talking about all the secrets to grabbing attention and landing those dream clients. We covered everything from the nitty-gritty of copywriting that converts to the psychology behind why people click, buy, and subscribe.  My guest is Krystle Church a full-time world traveler, host of the Freedom Found Podcast, and CEO of the KC Copy Studio. She helps modern brands and ambitious entrepreneurs hit their stretch-goals with compelling, high-converting copywriting....

#211 Better Brand Messaging for Virtual Assistants & Marketing Service Providers with Marisa Corcoran show art #211 Better Brand Messaging for Virtual Assistants & Marketing Service Providers with Marisa Corcoran

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

Branding Mini-Series #3 I see way too many virtual assistants who don’t stand out. They're not showing their personality. They have muddied messages. It's hard to even know what they do and who they serve.    I decided to bring back an old friend, a dynamic “hooker with a heart of gold,” Marisa Corcoran to talk more about brand messaging for service providers. (We’ll explain the hooker thing in the episode.) Marisa is the CEO and Founder of the Copy Confidence Society. In addition to writing the words that get landing pages converting at 60% or higher and crafting...

#210 Upgrade Your Service Provider Brand Image with Elysha Lenkin show art #210 Upgrade Your Service Provider Brand Image with Elysha Lenkin

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

Branding Mini-Series #2 We’re freelance service providers– self-employed business owners. It's up to us to showcase ourselves and feel confident. When we're marketing ourselves, no one else is going to do it. In this episode, we're talking about the ever-important brand photos, styling yourself, and getting to that power level so you feel confident when you go to an in-person networking event, or a conference, and even when you show up on Zoom. My guest is Elysha Lenkin: THE personal stylist for highly competent women who keep getting stuck on what to wear. With over 25 years of experience...

#209 Finding Your Brand Voice as a Virtual Assistant with Kristin Lawton show art #209 Finding Your Brand Voice as a Virtual Assistant with Kristin Lawton

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

Branding Mini-Series #1 If we know our brand voice and personality, if we can feel good about how we're showing up and how we speak about ourselves, then the rest will fall into place and won't feel so salesy, slimy, and gross. Today on the show, I have my friend Kristin Lawton, a marketing mixologist and owner of The District Brand Bar. We’re talking about branding and what people are doing wrong. It's so much more than hex colors and logos. With over two decades of experience in brand and marketing strategy, Kristin is the go-to expert for solopreneurs and small business owners. Her...

#208 Tax Strategies for Freelance Marketing Assistants with CPA Kimberly Tara show art #208 Tax Strategies for Freelance Marketing Assistants with CPA Kimberly Tara

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

Pay less in taxes and keep more money in your pocket. In this episode, we’re taking the next step by thinking about options with your finances and empowering yourself because taxes shouldn’t scare you. My guest is CPA Kimberly Tara. She’s a wife, a mom to four little kids, and a multi-passionate entrepreneur. As a tax strategist and business growth advisor, Kimberly and her team partner with CEO mom service providers to maximize revenue, reduce taxes, build wealth, and create a legacy. She's also the host of the “CEO Moms Building a Wealth” podcast where she provides tax strategy for...

#207 How Marketing Assistants Fit into Business Operations with Ange Quinn show art #207 How Marketing Assistants Fit into Business Operations with Ange Quinn

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

We’re talking about business operations versus marketing and where the two intersect. It's an area where I always felt weak coming from journalism and PR background. I've never really been in a big operational environment. My guest is my friend Ange Quinn: operations expert, Clockwork Certified Partner, and owner of The Ops Builder. Her whole goal is to help business owners scale and hire the right people who will stay with them for the long haul. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your business model, this episode is packed with advice to help you build a business capable...

#206 How to Support Course Creator Clients with Legal Protections with Lawyer Autumn Witt Boyd show art #206 How to Support Course Creator Clients with Legal Protections with Lawyer Autumn Witt Boyd

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

An often overlooked part of the online business world: copyright and legal safeguards. Today we’re diving into legal protection for our clients who produce digital courses, memberships, and coaching programs. Sometimes they forget to do some of the most basic things. I cover some of this inside my signature program, the Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School, but we need to have a bigger conversation. My guest is lawyer Autumn Witt Boyd who has helped some big names like Amy Porterfield and Jasmine Star build, protect and scale their businesses. After spending the first 10 years of her...

#205 TikTok Content Creation & Growth Strategies for Service Providers with Helen Polise show art #205 TikTok Content Creation & Growth Strategies for Service Providers with Helen Polise

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

Short-form video is king and it just became a necessity. I've learned that clients are counting on us for consistency and to show up on other social media platforms. As service providers, we can help clients with repurposing clips and getting in front of a new audience. TikTok is one of those places that has a lot of room for growth.   I have the “TikTok teacher,” Helen Polise, here to dive into all things TikTok so you can show up as an expert service provider or coach your clients to help you grow their following. Helen is a TV commercial director with 35+ years of experience...

#204 Automate & Monetize Your Email List with Evergreen Newsletters with Toyin Alli show art #204 Automate & Monetize Your Email List with Evergreen Newsletters with Toyin Alli

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

One of the reasons I love to offer marketing services is I saw very quickly in my freelancer career that if I leaned into marketing and less management, less operations, and less admin, then I had more freedom. Marketing really lends itself to getting ahead. Even if your clients are requiring a weekly task, you can get organized, you can systematize, you can batch things, and you can work on your schedule.  My guest today, Toyin Alli, has a really good marketing service that you could offer as a freelancer that gives you (and your client) that time freedom. Toyin is a math professor and...

#203 Podcasting Lessons After 200 Episodes show art #203 Podcasting Lessons After 200 Episodes

Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community

After 200 episodes, I’ve learned that having a podcast forces you to show up. I say this all the time about hiring a team– when you have other people who are working beside you to accomplish a goal, you take it seriously and don't put it aside. This is gonna be a fun episode because I also asked my podcast editor, Emily Porter, a fellow military spouse (she has been on the show before) and I asked my podcast/marketing assistant, Shannon Govern for their tips and podcast lessons. Listen in to learn more about my top 10 podcasting lessons after doing 200 episodes pod fade and effective...

More Episodes

I talk to a lot of VAs who are really struggling. They want to upskill but finding clients is keeping them stuck. I get so many questions from all of you who send me messages that say “How will I find my first clients if I enroll in UDMA School? Finding clients has kept me from pursuing this over and over.” It's the same words.        

My guest today, Angela Kiszka, is a case in point that if you connect with one client, and you prove yourself, it will happen. Angela is a UDMA School grad and now works behind the scenes with course creators, coaches, and online business owners to help them launch, grow, and scale their businesses with less stress and hassle. She’s a nerd for tech and automation and loves setting up the systems and flows that help her clients connect with and serve their ideal customers seamlessly.

Tune in to hear Angela discuss

  • strategies for finding clients and building a portfolio through word-of-mouth recommendations
  • her experience in the UDMA School
  • how she uses soft skills like empathy, listening, and communication to provide outstanding client service 
  • what earned her a stellar reputation in the digital marketing industry


Your fear of rejection needs to be squashed by your why. Why are you freelancing? Because you want to have fun, you want to be with your loved ones, and you want a work-life balance. Angela's going to share how she went from a business that wasn't flexible to the ultimate time freedom, and how confidence is a must.  


I need your feedback! Take the Annual Unicorns Unite Podcast Listener Survey here.


Sponsored by UDMA School: Join the Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School. This course covers in-demand, highly sought-after digital marketing implementation skills for freelancers to be able to help online business owners build their businesses. Learn the mechanics and strategies of digital marketing in a 12-week online group coaching program and course. Doors open October 2023. Count me in! 

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3 ways we can work together: 

  1. Get on the waitlist for the Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School. My signature course on digital marketing implementation will give you the confidence and teach you HOW to do the work that’s in demand and highly marketable. This is the secret weapon to getting booked out
  2. Got the skills but need help getting your digital marketing services business to take off? I’ve got an advanced tight-knit referral and networking community that can help and I would love for you to apply here for the Digital Marketing Workgroup. You’ll get the latest updates and trainings, networking opps and job leads from online business owners who are looking to hire digital marketing implementers and assistants.
  3. Looking for a fast way to get your foot in the door with up-to-date skills? Take my 2-hour Quickstart to Facebook Community Management workshop and learn how to help online business owners like course creators and membership site owners manage and engage their community

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