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Episode 91: James Hamilton-Paterson's COOKING WITH FERNET BRANCA / 2020 Draft Big Boards!

Fan's Notes

Release Date: 11/18/2020

Episode 101: Iris Murdoch show art Episode 101: Iris Murdoch

Fan's Notes

The day has come. After a very long hiatus, we are back, with a brand new episode in tow. Isaac Butler joins us (at the 35 minute mark) to discuss Murdoch's style, her debt to Shakespeare, and the confounding-but-brilliant way she handled structure and perspective in her novels. An hour later, we switch over to the NBA, with a look at whether any of the early-season trends will have staying power this year. We are deeply grateful to Isaac for coming on the pod—, people!—to help us kick off this new era of the pod. We're not sure exactly when we'll return with episode 102, or what we'll be...

Episode 100: MOBY. EFFING. DICK. show art Episode 100: MOBY. EFFING. DICK.

Fan's Notes

It is time, on this the 100th and final Fans Notes, to talk about THE GOAT, by which we mean of course THE WHALE. That's right, folks; we decided to enter the belly of the leviathan alongside Ahab, Melville, Queequeg and his husband Ishmael, and all the other presences--mortal, demonic or spermacetaceous-- that may be stowed away on board the Pequod. It's a wild ride. Then, at the 1:25 mark, we called upon our old friends Charles Chace and Lynwood Robinson one last time for an exhaustive and divagating preview of the various playoff series that will lead us, inexorably, to the 2021 NBA...

Episode 99: Charles Portis show art Episode 99: Charles Portis

Fan's Notes

In our penultimate episode (for now, at least!), we celebrate the work of this master of American comic voice who died early last year. Here's an hour of us giggling and gasping and quoting at length from the five novels he published in his life, and I think it's fair to say that listeners will find the experience to be either joyful or tedious, and perhaps each in turn.  As mentioned above, our next episode--number 100--will be our last. The podcast is going on hiatus. To send you off right, we'll be delivering a final mega-pod on that literary leviathan itself: MOBY-DICK. You won't want...

Episode 98: THE GO-BETWEEN show art Episode 98: THE GO-BETWEEN

Fan's Notes

In this (formerly) subscribers-only episode, we discuss LP Hartley's great... maybe not great, but pretty darn good 1953 novel, The Go-Between.  

Episode 97: Jane Bowles' TWO SERIOUS LADIES show art Episode 97: Jane Bowles' TWO SERIOUS LADIES

Fan's Notes

We're delighted to welcome Elisa Gabbert back to the pod, and grateful that she was willing to come on and talk with us about this odd, hilarious and unforgettable book. Around the one hour mark, we discuss the current state of the NBA MVP race. Join us next time, when we take a look at L.P. Hartley's THE GO-BETWEEN. 

Episode 96: Our Least Favorite Books show art Episode 96: Our Least Favorite Books

Fan's Notes

On this hateful, hate-fueled pod, we discuss novels and authors that occupy a special place in our personal circles of book hell.  And after that, a discussion of James Harden to the now very hateable Brooklyn Nets!   

Episode 95: Denis Johnson's TRAIN DREAMS show art Episode 95: Denis Johnson's TRAIN DREAMS

Fan's Notes

We regret to inform you that, in the course of our discussion of TRAIN DREAMS, we got waylaid in a STONER-shaped ditch. We spend a good deal of time fruitlessly comparing the two books, while trying to pin down what exactly Johnson is up to in this novella. At the 40 minute mark, we praise the Hawks and Suns for choosing a direction for their respective franchises and sailing toward it, regardless of draft whiffs and failed playoffs run they may have left in their wake. Next time, we hope to have Elisa Gabbert back on to discuss Jane Bowles' TWO SERIOUS LADIES with us. And while you're at it,...

Episode 94: Pod Le Carre show art Episode 94: Pod Le Carre

Fan's Notes

We discuss John Le Carre's CALL FOR THE DEAD, the first of the Smiley books. Why is George Smiley such an indelible character, and what was it about the Cold War and East Germany that played to Le Carre's strengths? Then a brief discussion of the Giannis supermax, James Harden, and coolness as a cultural value.    

Episode 93: John Williams' STONER show art Episode 93: John Williams' STONER

Fan's Notes

Our mileage varies on STONER, which is either movingly muted or grayly inert, depending on which of us you ask. We interrogate the book's tone for clues as to whether it valorizes or deplores its main character's incurable passivity. At the 50 minute mark, we debrief on the distressed asset trade the Rockets and Wizards made, swapping Russell Westbrook and John Wall, and whether it actually changes the landscape of the NBA at all. Next up, a return to the work of Denis Johnson, with a look at his 2011 novella TRAIN DREAMS. Join us!

Episode 92: The Accountability Pod show art Episode 92: The Accountability Pod

Fan's Notes

On this (possibly not) long-awaited pod, we sift back through five years of NBA Draft episodes. What did we get right, what did we get not so right, and how might we adjust our draft philosophy in the future? And, most importantly, who picked Zhou Qi as a top-five prospect? Join us on a special trip down Hot Take lane!  

More Episodes

It's feast and famine on today's pod, beginning with the peculiar delicacy that is James Hamilton-Paterson's acridly farcical 2004 novel COOKING WITH FERNET BRANCA. Whether it adds up to anything more than a collection of delectable jokes is not clear, but it sure tastes good on the way down.

Alas, at the 28 minute mark, we turn our attention to the upcoming NBA Draft, as bereft of top-end talent as any since 2013. It's also our most divergent list ever, with disagreements at the top and precious little overlap among our choices. (That said: set aside some time to get know Serbian phenom Aleksej Pokuševski, who landed smack in the 7th slot on both our draft boards.) And if you find yourself wanting more of our bad draft opinions, look no further than our Patreon. On the upcoming installment, we'll be holding ourselves accountable, at long last, for all our whiffs from the first four years of Fan's Notes draft prognostications. 

Next time, on the pod proper, we'll take on John Williams' STONER, which has been sitting in our to-read pile for far too long. Join us!