Podcast #37 - Gratitude for Synchronicities & Coincidences Meditation
Release Date: 01/04/2020
Get in the G Zone
In today's podcast, we begin with a very brief meditation - and then examine a bit our willingness to play in the light or default to low vibration feelings of anxiety or fear. The choice is ours, and we can take great strides toward the positive by controlling what we take in via social media and traditional media. Feed the joy and hope, not the fear and darkness!
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This is my first podcast in a while - first since coronavirus has sidelined the world. How can we remain grateful and lift our own spirits during these challenging times?
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Never one to shy away from an enormous subject – too big to do more than just touch on – I want to use to today’s meditation to explore gratitude for the internet.
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I’m going to go out on a limb here and venture that you didn’t know today – January 21st – is National Hugging Day. That’s right – hugging. Like you do with a romantic partner, dog, or favorite stuffed animal. There are many benefits to hugging you may not be aware of – so today, we’re going to celebrate hugging and find reasons to be thankful for the hugs in our lives.
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It’s MLK Day, so today we are going to explore gratitude for influencers and change agents. Look up the term “change agent” on the Google and you’re likely to first see a lot of discussion about an individual who creates change within an organization. I’m taking a broader approach to the term, viewing it more in terms of someone who is using their skills, confidence, power, relationships, and personal courage to make a positive difference in any avenue of life or corner of the world.
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Today's podcast meditation focuses on names.
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Today our podcast meditation focuses on communication. There are many, many ways to communicate. We are probably decent enough at at least one of them. Some of us are better at multiple forms of communication. Some of us may not be as good at communicating as we’d like to be. The point isn’t to rate yourself or evaluate yourself. The goal is to examine reasons you are grateful for whatever form communication takes in your life and for the messages that come to you through it.
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Today our podcast meditation focuses on gratitude for travel. The most frequent answer given when people are asked what they’d do if they ever won the lottery is TRAVEL. Today we’re going to explore where we’ve been, gratitude for those trips, as well as places we might one day like to visit.
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We've all received some - maybe given more. Today is a conversation about advice. Who gave us good advice - and the importance of keeping our own counsel, along with an exercise that might help you when it comes to accepting and acting on anyone's advice.
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We come up against the need for closure when relationships end, people die, we lose a job, or some other big – often sudden and unexpected – change occurs in our life. Letting go of something that was once important can be difficult, and many people seek closure in doing so. Sometimes it helps. Sometimes searching for it is a lost cause. The question today is whether or not we can find gratitude for whatever degree of closure we’ve had for situations seemingly left unended.
info_outlineToday's meditation turns toward the seemingly random incidences that can affect, change, sometimes even save our lives. How tuned in are you to the coincidences in your life? And how grateful are you for the results of those coincidences and synchronicities?
Original music and voiceover by Mickey Clement - used with the sincerest, heartfelt thanks.