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Episode 17: Teckels and Feist

Hunting Dog Confidential

Release Date: 12/10/2020

The German Influence on Hunting Dog Breeds  show art The German Influence on Hunting Dog Breeds

Hunting Dog Confidential

The episode, hosted by Craig Koshyk, a renowned dog historian, explores how early German immigrants, particularly those who settled in Texas, may have introduced hunting dogs before the popularization of breeds like the (GSP). Koshyk, author of and , provides historically accurate insights, suggesting that settlers arriving in the 1830s and 1840s could have brought ancestral hunting breeds, challenging the belief that German gundogs first appeared in America in the 1930s.

The Rise of the Pointer in America show art The Rise of the Pointer in America

Hunting Dog Confidential

Craig Koshyk, author of , explores the unlikely story of how the Pointer rose to fame over the English Setter in America. At the time, this was something no one in the field trial circuit ever imagined possible, and before long, the Pointer dominated trialing. This is a story of culture, changing times, and America's continued efforts to advance everything they put their hands on.

A Quick Update on HDC show art A Quick Update on HDC

Hunting Dog Confidential

Don't adjust your sets - we are back with a brief update on all things HDC! We've been getting lots of questions about the podcast, the magazine, and what other projects we have in the works. Craig and Jennifer are here to answer those questions and let you know what's in the pipeline for Hunting Dog Confidential!

Episode 32: Drahthaars, Langhaars, Bretons, and Other International Breeds in America show art Episode 32: Drahthaars, Langhaars, Bretons, and Other International Breeds in America

Hunting Dog Confidential

We’ve been talking about the role of “place” in the history and culture of hunting dog breeds, but not every breed fits neatly within geographical boundaries. There are several breeds in North America who have a foot in two worlds: the parent country (often Germany) as well as North America.   We explore breeds such as the Deutsch Drahthaar, Deutsch Langhaar, and Deutsch Kurzhaar which are known by their German language names in order to differentiate from the German Wirehaired Pointer, German Longhaired Pointer, and German Shorthaired Pointer. Even though the names directly...

Episode 31: The Modern Era of Bird Dogs in North America show art Episode 31: The Modern Era of Bird Dogs in North America

Hunting Dog Confidential

The end of World War II saw thousands of American servicemen and servicewomen returning home to the United States and Canada, many of whom brought home new dogs they’d met while in occupied Germany. These “new” dogs were unlike the setters and Pointers that dominated the bird dog scene in North America. Defying labels, these dogs could search, point, retrieve, and track.   Some of these dogs fit in well with the American field trial culture and found success alongside setters and Pointers. Others, however, struggled to find success in the competitive environment that favored fast,...

Episode 30: The Golden Age of Hunting Dogs in North America show art Episode 30: The Golden Age of Hunting Dogs in North America

Hunting Dog Confidential

Up until the late nineteenth century, the use and breeding of hunting dogs in North America was rather chaotic. Dogs were used in a variety of different ways, whether it was market hunters using Setters to retrieve waterfowl or big game hunters using Pointers to track and hold wounded elk at bay. There was no consistency in the breeding, either, as different types of dogs were often mixed and matched at will.   Before long, though, some of the same concepts from the industrial revolution found their way into dog fancy. In order to achieve consistent results, fanciers knew they needed to...

Episode 29: Early America, Part 2 show art Episode 29: Early America, Part 2

Hunting Dog Confidential

We continue the history of hunting dogs as a function of place and time, resuming our discussion about dogs in North America in the colonial era. When Europeans arrived on North American shores—whether it was the Spanish, the French, or the English—we know that they had dogs with them. Early writings and paintings from this era depict a variety of dogs that accompanied the colonists for purposes of protection and hunting.

Episode 28: Early America, Part 1 show art Episode 28: Early America, Part 1

Hunting Dog Confidential

This season of Hunting Dog Confidential will explore the history of hunting dogs as a function of place and time. We begin in North America, starting with the earliest evidence of domesticated dogs from about 10,000 years ago. This episode brings us right up to the end of the pre-colonial era in the fifteenth century. We’ll continue our exploration of North American hunting dog history in the next episode.

Episode 27: A Sense of Place show art Episode 27: A Sense of Place

Hunting Dog Confidential

We are back with a sneak peek of season three of the Hunting Dog Confidential Podcast. Craig and Jennifer catch up on what they’ve been up to since the last episode (hint: they’ve been hunting with their dogs) and what’s new in the Hunting Dog Confidential world. This season will explore the "where" of our hunting dogs, not only the geography but the time in which they were created and developed. The story of dogs is intertwined in the fabric of human culture and we can't wait to dive in even deeper.

Episode 26: Hawking and Bird Dogs with Anthony Williams show art Episode 26: Hawking and Bird Dogs with Anthony Williams

Hunting Dog Confidential

Anthony Williams is the epitome of versatility when it comes to the bird dog world. Growing up in Queens didn't dissuade him from his goals of hunting, running bird dogs, and flying a hawk. His initial exposure to birds was raising pigeons in New York, followed by his first experiences with falconry in an overgrown junkyard. This led him toward bird dogs, where he developed a love for the versatile breeds. Now, he has wirehaired Teckels, a Drahthaar, and a wirehaired Vizsla in addition to his hawks.

More Episodes

In this episode, we explore two very different types of hunting dogs, both of which defy any attempt to fit neatly within a single category. Dachshunds, also known as Teckels or Dackels, are incredibly versatile hunting dogs that excel at hunting birds or tracking wounded game. Feist, on the other hand, are a category of dogs that represent the varied needs and preferences of squirrel hunters throughout North America. Both dogs are relatively unknown as hunting dogs outside of their circles, but within their community lies a fiercely devoted and passionate group of enthusiasts.


The Dachshund, or Teckel, originated in Germany and soon became a popular companion and hunting dog. War caused international interest in this German symbol to wane, leading to a short-lived attempt at renaming the breed “Liberty Hound.” The resilient little dog soon rebounded, though, and was once again popular around the world with hunters looking for a capable, driven dog with an expertise in tracking game as well as both bird dog and terrier-like skills.


Feist are a uniquely North American creation, bred to accompany squirrel hunters throughout Appalachia. They locate small game and tree it, keeping the animal in position until the hunter arrives to take the shot. While only two breeds of Feist are currently recognized by external registries, the category as a whole encompasses a huge array of local varieties and specialties.


As always, we explore some etymology in this episode. We explore the origin of the name “Teckel” and why the German word “Dachshund” isn’t often used within German to refer to this breed. We look into the meaning of “Feist” and how these dogs carry the name of an antique slang term. Finally, we start to build a dictionary of jaegersprache, or hunter’s language. The first entry in this list is “backing,” a term important in pointing dog culture but likely not understood outside of that world.


Tune in to learn more about Teckels and Feist! You’re nearly guaranteed to learn something new in this episode. We thank you for listening and hope you’ll continue to reach out with your comments, questions, and ideas. We can be reached at [email protected].


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Hunting Dog Confidential is presented by Eukanuba Premium Performance Dog Food and supported by Dakota 283.