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8. We're in LA Together (feat. One Chip Challenge)

Idiots and a Broad

Release Date: 03/08/2022

11. Jon Got Scammed show art 11. Jon Got Scammed

Idiots and a Broad

On this month's episode, Jon got scammed, Alanah teaches the boys about Australian cultural phenomenon "The Nutbush", Jacob got a new Gundam, and Rahul barely spoke.

10. Rahul is Woke Now show art 10. Rahul is Woke Now

Idiots and a Broad

This episode is late because my family was in town okay stop @ing me

9. Mark Hamill Hates Jacob show art 9. Mark Hamill Hates Jacob

Idiots and a Broad

This month, we chat about adventures in San Francisco, Gundam Evolution, and Mark Hamill makes a cameo (no, really).

8. We're in LA Together (feat. One Chip Challenge) show art 8. We're in LA Together (feat. One Chip Challenge)

Idiots and a Broad

This month, we're in Los Angeles, once again in the same room together! Also, this episode is excessively chaotic and I would highly recommend watching the video version instead, I'm sorry.

7. Rahul's in Vancouver show art 7. Rahul's in Vancouver

Idiots and a Broad

We wrap up stories of our adventures in Boulder, then Jon goes to New Orleans, Alanah goes to Whistler, and Rahul's in Vancouver! Meanwhile, Jacob is drunk on mead.

6. We're ALL in Colorado! show art 6. We're ALL in Colorado!

Idiots and a Broad

Thanks to Patreon, the four of us managed to meet up and record IN PERSON in fire-then-winter wonderland Boulder, Colorado.

5. Alanah's in Los Angeles (but she moved) show art 5. Alanah's in Los Angeles (but she moved)

Idiots and a Broad

Jon's all set up in Kansas City and it's actually sort of bad, but most of this month's stories take place in LA. There's a Halloween party, a Halo LAN, and an Elden Ring boss fight.

4. Jon's in Kansas City show art 4. Jon's in Kansas City

Idiots and a Broad

Jon and Jacob go to Oakland right before Jon road-trips to Kansas City, Missouri. And we share ghost stories!

3. Rahul's at Crockett Island show art 3. Rahul's at Crockett Island

Idiots and a Broad

WELCOME TO EPISODE THREE OF IDIOTS AND A BROAD! Jon left Amsterdam and made it to San Diego. Rahul had some adventures in 'Crockett Island' (the fictional location in Midnight Mass - actually in Vancouver), and Alanah and Jacob had adventures in LA.

2. Jon's in Amsterdam show art 2. Jon's in Amsterdam

Idiots and a Broad

WELCOME TO EPISODE TWO OF IDIOTS AND A BROAD! Jon left Korea and made it to Amsterdam, Alanah left Australia (via Nicaragua and Mexico), Jacob visited Vegas and Rahul is still in... in Los Angeles. Compelling.

More Episodes

This month, we're in Los Angeles, once again in the same room together! Also, this episode is excessively chaotic and I would highly recommend watching the video version instead, I'm sorry.