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It's Work Podcast - Episode 156 - Finding Freedom

It's Work Podcast

Release Date: 09/17/2019

It's Work Podcast - Episode 161 - The Shadow Self show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 161 - The Shadow Self

It's Work Podcast

I spoke in September about the 2 self's we all have.  Well, since then, I have done quite a bit of research into this topic and have learned a lot from the famous psychologist Carl Jung.  In his works, he talks a lot about the Persona and the Shadow.  The 2 sides we all have.  What I have found most interesting is the fact that the integration of the two is what makes man so powerful.

It's Work Podcast - Episode 160 - Are You Playing Not to Lose? show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 160 - Are You Playing Not to Lose?

It's Work Podcast

Ask yourself a question:  are you playing to win OR are you playing not to lose?  I would venture to say you probably think you are playing to win but when you really analyze your actions, you are playing not to lose.  Doing so is the biggest detriment to the success of an entrepreneur.  If you want to succeed, you must start playing to win!

It's Work Podcast - Episode 159 - Why Friendships Matter show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 159 - Why Friendships Matter

It's Work Podcast

I recently attended my 20th college reunion at Washington & Jefferson College with 2 of my closest friends and fraternity brothers.  While there, we began reminiscing about the old days and how so many friendships have changed over the years.  But why do these things change?  More importantly, why do they matter?  Well, have deep, meaningful friendships matter more than you can imagine.

It's Work Podcast - Episode 158 - 3 Lessons Learned from Kids show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 158 - 3 Lessons Learned from Kids

It's Work Podcast

As a parent, I question myself daily.  Am I a good parent?  Am I teaching them everything they need to know?  But something I have also always asked myself is:  am I learning from them?  See, kids can teach us a lot when we listen and let them.  My 3 kids have taught me lessons I will never forget and for that, I am eternally grateful to them.  Despite all they have taught me, there are 3 really important ones that I want to share with all of you.

It's Work Podcast - Episode 157 - Your 2 Self's show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 157 - Your 2 Self's

It's Work Podcast

Finding your best self is a lifelong journey.  A journey of progress.  This is a journey I have been on for years, but recently I found a new technique to help ensure my best self shows up daily.  But first, you have to identify your best and worst self and give those 2 selfs life.  That is the secret.

It's Work Podcast - Episode 156 - Finding Freedom show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 156 - Finding Freedom

It's Work Podcast

"Freedom is the only worthy goal in life.  It is won by disregarding things beyond our control." - Epictetus

It's Work Podcast - Episode 155 -Don't be a D!#$ - Choose Happiness  show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 155 -Don't be a D!#$ - Choose Happiness

It's Work Podcast

It is funny to me how much negativity there still is on the internet.  That fact that people take the time to write negative comments on inspirational posts baffles me.  It is obvious that they are making a choice to do so.  They are making a choice to be negative.  And why do they do that...because it is easy.  Negativity is a default operating system of most people.  This has to change if we are going to make this world a better place. 

It's Work Podcast - Episode 154 - Time to Change the Rules! show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 154 - Time to Change the Rules!

It's Work Podcast

In society, we are embarking on a period of awakening.  The amount of information we receive have exceeded our human capacity.  Yet, we expect to solve new problems with old rules, leading to frustration and overwhelm in society.  Well, it is time to change the rules and operate differently.  It is time to become enlightened!

It's Work Podcast - Episode 153 - Change Your Thermostat show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 153 - Change Your Thermostat

It's Work Podcast

We all tend to operate at a certain level in life.  A certain degree.  We have what Ed Mylett calls "governors" on our lives.  These are the beliefs we have about ourselves and what we are capable and worthy of.  Well, if you want to change your life, you have to change your beliefs, your governors, your thermostat.

It's Work Podcast - Episode 152 - #projectbestyear show art It's Work Podcast - Episode 152 - #projectbestyear

It's Work Podcast

Well, another year in the books.  I am 42 and I am ready to make the next year my best year.  There are so many things I want to focus on and do in the next 12 months, but I know that I needed a path and a plan to make sure they get accomplished.  So I created for myself #projectbestyear  

More Episodes

"Freedom is the only worthy goal in life.  It is won by disregarding things beyond our control." - Epictetus

This quote is a simple reminder of what is important in life, but it also begs the question:  how do we find freedom?  This is the challenge most people face.  It is human nature to worry about the things we can't control.  So how do we stop or at least limit what we are worrying about?  Well, the answer is simple.  Find your truth.

In this episode, I talk about why you must find your truth, how to do so, and what happens when you do.

Check out my personal site:  https://www.roccocozza.com

Need an awesome lawyer:  https://www.cozzalaw.com 

Follow me on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/theroccocozza

Watch my TEDx Talk:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFxj7MtGr9s