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Glimmers of Heaven (Part 2 of 3)

Melody and Friends

Release Date: 08/30/2022

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Melody and Friends

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Melody and Friends

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Melody and Friends

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Closing the Confidence Gap with Kelli Thompson show art Closing the Confidence Gap with Kelli Thompson

Melody and Friends

Episode at a Glance Confidence is a resource that is invaluable to women. Doubt and imposter feelings are a big reason women hold back and play small instead of going for what they truly desire in their lives. Coupled with what often times seems like an ability to attract toxic or manipulative people, it’s no wonder that so many women are undervaluing themselves and their abilities. That is why I am so grateful to have Kelli Thompson as our guest on today's episode of Melody and Friends. Kelli shares her story of closing her own confidence gap, and how that led to her becoming a women's...

Toxic Vows: God Whispers Toxic Vows: God Whispers "You Are Greater Than." with Elisa Allison Sproule

Melody and Friends

Episode at a Glance Dealing with loss or betrayal can be devistating blows to our lives. But what should we do if we are faced with both? I am so blessed to have Author Elisa Allison Sproule on as our guest today. Elisa shares her story of loss after the tragic death of her husband Clifford Allison and then several years later experiencing betrayal in a future relationship. It was in that valley of grief and heartbreak that she discovered the power of writing in a journal while reading Scripture.  Elisa shares that there is no fast fix for the emotional hurt that betrayal and loss can...

Healing One Brushstroke at a Time with Sheila Page show art Healing One Brushstroke at a Time with Sheila Page

Melody and Friends

Episode at a Glance Betrayal in a relationship is one of the hardest things a woman can walk through in her journey of life. We are often left shattered and removed from the life we thought we knew, as we are left to pick up the pieces and ask "what now?". So what are some of the ways that God can begin healing us on that journey? We are so excited to have Author Sheila Page on this episode of Melody and Friends as she talks about her book, Healing One Brushstroke at a Time. Sheila shares her story of growing up as a missionary kid, living in Zimbabwe, Japan, and the United States before...

Learning Not To Be Afraid Because We Have Such a Great God with Author Melanie Redd show art Learning Not To Be Afraid Because We Have Such a Great God with Author Melanie Redd

Melody and Friends

Episode at a Glance With everything going on in our world today, it seems like there has never been a more nervous, anxious, or challenging season in recent history than the one we are living in now...especially if you are a young woman. With depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and overall hopelessness on the rise, everyone, including young women, could use a dose of hope and encouragement! That's why we are so excited to have Author Melanie Redd as our guest on today's episode. Melanie shares her journey of becoming a speaker, blogger and author and why rest is SO important for women...

How to Use The Enneagram to Deepen Your Faith and Relationships with Meredith Boggs show art How to Use The Enneagram to Deepen Your Faith and Relationships with Meredith Boggs

Melody and Friends

Episode at a Glance On this week's episode of Melody and Friends, I am super excited to sit down with Author and Certified Enneagram Teacher, Meredith Boggs, to discuss how we can use the enneagram to not only deepen our connections with others, but also deepen our faith.  Meredith shares how The Enneagram can be a particularly useful tool for Christians, especially those who are struggling with their faith. She also provides our listeners with a biblical road map to using the Enneagram, so that they can walk in who God has created them to be into a place of deeper connection and...

How Forensic Psychology Intersects with Sex Addiction with Savannah Esposito show art How Forensic Psychology Intersects with Sex Addiction with Savannah Esposito

Melody and Friends

Episode at a Glance On this week's episode of Melody and Friends, I sit down with my new friend Savannah Esposito to discuss how forensic psychology intersects with sex addiction in relationships and why forensic psychology can be a powerful tool in discovering, identifying and treating sex addiction. Savannah shares her story about discovering her husband's pornography addiction and how frustrating the process of finding a trained professional to help was, especially when several licensed therapists didn't seem to think there was any problem in their relationship. That's when Savannah...

Differentiating Pathologic Partners in a Relationship from Other Forms of Abuse with Sandra Brown show art Differentiating Pathologic Partners in a Relationship from Other Forms of Abuse with Sandra Brown

Melody and Friends

Episode at a Glance On this episode of Melody and Friends, I sit down with my friend Sandra Brown to talk about pathology and more specifically dangerous, pathologic partners in relationships. Sandra explains her history in studying pathology and why it is such an important field of study when it comes to abuse in relationships. She tells us what pathology is, how to identify the signs of pathologic partners, and what we can do to help women heal from these extremely traumatic situations. She also walks through her development of Pathological Love Relationship training for other professionals,...

More Episodes

On this week’s episode of Melody and Friends, Melody continues her series on Glimmers of Heaven by discussing the rehearsal dinner for her youngest daughter, Keller. Melody explains the beauty of community at the rehearsal dinner, how incredible it feels to see your children find Godly friends, and that glimmers of heaven don't always mean perfection. 

Sometimes, Glimmers of Heaven are like Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. It is joy and it is mourning, it is happiness and it is tension. Melody talks about how joyous it is seeing the community your children foster with the values of God you've instilled into them as a mother. For her it was encouraging to see that Hudson, Keller’s husband, was truly a Godly man before he started dating Keller, and was not changing to be that because he was dating her. Finally Melody explains how the values of these communal events with friends and family can help point us back to our Father in Heaven and just how much He truly loves us.

Things We Talk About in this Episode:

  • Why is community so important for ourselves and our children to experience Glimmers of Heaven?
  • How can these events remind us of the love God has for us?
  • How can Glimmers of Heaven be something that is both joy and mourning?

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Melody and Friends! If you haven't already please take the time to leave us a rating and review on our iTunes page as it helps us get more great episodes like this to you!