#15: Flap Copy Master Class (Writing Book Descriptions that Shine)
Release Date: 06/23/2020
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In this episode Dr. Angela shares 5 steps to successful sales calls. It is possible to love sales calls and be successful at them.
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In this episode best-selling author James Jacobi shares how he let go of his job and built a 6-figure business with his book.
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In this episode Dr. Angela shares the importance of sales calls in your business and how to make them your biggest asset instead of your biggest fear. Turns out it's all about love.
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In this episode Dr. Angela teaches you how to build a book funnel that gets you clients. Giving your book away to as many people as possible is the key.
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In the episode Shaunna Menard shares how she used her book to leave her lucrative medical career, help thousands of people heal and make way more money doing what she loves.
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In this episode Dr. Angela will teach you the 5 steps to turning readers into revenue. It’s easier than you think. Just start with giving your book away!
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Feeling like an impostor? Asking yourself, “Who am I to write a book?” Dr. Angela teaches you the skills to get through the doubt and write the book you were meant to write.
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In this episode Dr. Angela talks with best selling author, Jill Angie about writing her first book and using her book to increase her revenue by 10x!
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In this episode Dr. Angela shares her secrets with you about how to write a book that attracts the clients you want to work with. Did you know you can make people beg to be your client?
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In this episode, Dr. Angela teaches how to build in support to keep your clients engaged and coming back for more. Like Oprah says, “your presence is your present.”
info_outlineMost book descriptions suck! Why? Because authors and not marketers are writing them. You need to take off your author hat and put on your marketer hat before you write your book description or flap copy. This is a specialized skill and requires a lot of attention to nail these 250 or so words.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:
• Why we call book descriptions “flap copy” and why it matters
• The effect the Internet and search engine optimization has had on book descriptions
• The one teeny tiny element that’s missing from almost all book copy that could double or triple your sales.
• How to get your credibility across in your book description without sounding arrogant
• Why other authors can be the key to a successful book description and how to find the right ones