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Prime Stage Mystery Theatre-Chapter 4, Time is Out of Joint Act II

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

Release Date: 03/10/2022

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, The Final Act show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, The Final Act

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

Can a key open a door without a keyhole? And if it does, what new surprise might be waiting inside? Get ready for some unexpected possibilities when the dragon-headed doors swing wide to release the ælf in the wardrobe.     

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, Act IV show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, Act IV

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

If you are going to communicate with a medieval ælf, you will need to speak its language. Today's episode features an interview with Old English scholar Dr. Patrick Conner (read a transcript by clicking ) and some surprising revelations that tie in with our previous mystery "In the Ghostlight's Glow." Get ready for some big surprises ... and some important clues that may be hiding in plain sight.

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, Act III show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, Act III

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

Can the arrangement of carved squares on the doors of our story's locked wardrobe provide a clue for decoding the tapping sounds coming from within? And what about the red-and-white dragons in the center of each square? Could they possibly help determine the language of the coded message? Find out in today’s episode, then click  if you’d like to see some of the charts and alphabets mentioned in today’s installment.    

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, Act II show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe, Act II

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

There's more than one system for transmitting a message as a series of taps. Morse code may be the best known. But there's another that's been around since ancient times. You will hear about it in today's episode. After that, click to learn more.

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 7: The Ælf in the Wardrobe

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

Strange tapping sounds in a theatre building lead you to a locked wardrobe decorated with dragon heads. Could the sounds be a coded message? Listen carefully, then click  for a special Mystery Theatre supplement in which two of our listeners investigate a ghostly mystery from our previous episode. 

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 6: In the Ghostlight's Glow, Act V show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 6: In the Ghostlight's Glow, Act V

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

Trapdoors, projectors, smoke, and mirrors—all have been used to bring ghostly apparitions to the stage. But can any of them account for the figure you saw standing in the ghost light’s glow? Today's episode provides the answer plus a special mystery challenge that you can explore further by clicking . 

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 6: In The Ghost Light's Glow, Act IV show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 6: In The Ghost Light's Glow, Act IV

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

What happens when the cast and crew of "Mary and the Monster" gather for a ghost watch in a haunted theatre? Find out in today’s episode, then click  for more stories about haunted stages, dressing rooms, and balconies. 

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 6, In the Ghost's Lights Glow Act III show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre's Chapter 6, In the Ghost's Lights Glow Act III

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

When August LaFleur arrives on the scene to join your paranormal investigation, you soon realize that logical explanations alone may not solve the mystery of the specter in the ghost light's glow.

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre-Chapter 6, In The Ghosts Lights Glow Act II show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre-Chapter 6, In The Ghosts Lights Glow Act II

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

What is a ghost light? Is it bad luck to break one? And can that possibly be the ghost of Mary Shelley approaching from the theatre lobby? One thing's for sure, this mystery is shaping up to be more confounding than all the others. 

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre-Chapter 6, In The Ghost's Lights Glow Act I show art Prime Stage Mystery Theatre-Chapter 6, In The Ghost's Lights Glow Act I

Prime Stage Mystery Theatre

Following a rehearsal for a play based on the life of Mary Shelley, you return to the darkened theatre to find a mysterious stranger standing on the stage. Is it a ghost? An intruder? And what does it have to do with a collection of props gathered from the theatre’s basement? One thing's for sure, this may be the most confounding mystery you have yet encountered.

More Episodes
What mystery lies beyond the door reading WAY OUT? Find out in today's installment, where you will also hear Prime Stage fans discussing a clock-room diagram that you can find by clicking here