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How to Use Knowledge You ALREADY Have to Make A Massive Impact with Dean Graziosi

Pulling Back the Curtain

Release Date: 02/25/2020

It's Been a While! Tips for Feeling Overwhelmed... show art It's Been a While! Tips for Feeling Overwhelmed...

Pulling Back the Curtain

I wanted to hop back in and just fill you guys in on what I’ve been up to, why I took a break from the podcast, and what I have up my sleeve for you in the next few months :)

Why Drew Manning Is Intentionally Gaining 60lbs in 4 months... and the Answer Might Surprise You show art Why Drew Manning Is Intentionally Gaining 60lbs in 4 months... and the Answer Might Surprise You

Pulling Back the Curtain

Heard of @fit2fat2fit? My friend Drew Manning intentionally GAINED 70lbs in 6 months (back in 2011) and then spent the next six month losing the weight.

Fast to Heal - Achieving Nutritional Peace with Shana Hussin show art Fast to Heal - Achieving Nutritional Peace with Shana Hussin

Pulling Back the Curtain

Natalie brings on Registered Dietician Nutritionist, Shana Hussin, who explains her journey of understanding why so many Americans struggle with permanent weight loss or nutritional healing and how we can change that. You can visit https://www.fasttoheal.info/ to learn more about Shana and her 28-day challenge!

How to Never Diet Again and Love Your Body with Maria Simpson show art How to Never Diet Again and Love Your Body with Maria Simpson

Pulling Back the Curtain

I’m so excited to share my newest podcast with you guys! I brought on Maria Simpson (@bodyloveboss) to talk about the amazing movement she is creating teaching others how to end the diet cycle, to love your body, and to never have to diet again.

How Investing Even Just an Extra $100/month Can Radically Change Your Future with Kiana Daniel Invest Diva show art How Investing Even Just an Extra $100/month Can Radically Change Your Future with Kiana Daniel Invest Diva

Pulling Back the Curtain

Ever thought about investing but weren’t really sure how to get started? If so, you will love this podcast. Kiana Daniel shares her wisdom on this topic and how you can radically change your future.

The Steps You Need to Follow to ACTUALLY Become Financially Free in Ten Years or Less with Brad Gibb show art The Steps You Need to Follow to ACTUALLY Become Financially Free in Ten Years or Less with Brad Gibb

Pulling Back the Curtain

I brought on one of my friends, Brad Gibb, who has SUCH a cool program and process. Once, I was joking with them and asked, “Are you the anti-Dave-Ramsey”?

Can Eating ONLY Animal Foods Improve Your Gut Health, Skin and Anxiety? Exploring the Carnivore Diet with Kurt Yazici show art Can Eating ONLY Animal Foods Improve Your Gut Health, Skin and Anxiety? Exploring the Carnivore Diet with Kurt Yazici

Pulling Back the Curtain

Hey guys! This was such a fun podcast! I got to chat with my friend, Kurt Yazici. He has a brand called “Karnivore Kurt”. His story and his methods to improve overall health are incredibly fascinating.

How to Use Knowledge You ALREADY Have to Make A Massive Impact with Dean Graziosi show art How to Use Knowledge You ALREADY Have to Make A Massive Impact with Dean Graziosi

Pulling Back the Curtain

Dean Graziosi didn’t go get a fancy MBA or have to spend a fortune on traditional education. He figured out a way to take his own life experiences to use that to create a business that makes a real impact.

How to Cope with Loss & Grief (A Story of Tragic Loss with Jodie Coochise) show art How to Cope with Loss & Grief (A Story of Tragic Loss with Jodie Coochise)

Pulling Back the Curtain

When Jodi was 27 years old, she was hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro with her husband. As they were hiking, there was a major rock slide and Jodi’s husband was hit and instantly died.

How to Recover From Being a Perfectionist (Good, Better, Best) show art How to Recover From Being a Perfectionist (Good, Better, Best)

Pulling Back the Curtain

This one simple trick has helped me learn to train my brain that I can say I’m going to do something and actually do it….even if it’s not as perfect as I actually wanted. This process is what helps me gain momentum towards the things I want to get done instead of getting stuck in the “I’ll start again on Monday” mentality. For more info on Natalie’s 21 Day Challenge: challenge.nataliehodson.com

More Episodes

HERE is the link for the free live training I talked about in the podcast! Hope you’ll be there with me! http://wrgo.io/NAH/16768

I was in my kitchen one night running around and making dinner for the kids, and I heard a ding on my phone. I glanced over at my lock screen and saw the ding was an email from my business mentor Russell Brunson to Dean Graziosi….my heart started racing. Why was
I included in this email between these two powerhouse men?? This had to have been a mistake….

As I scrolled on my phone and kept reading, I saw that Russell was emailing Dean and telling him that I should be a speaker at his next event…

As much as I’ve done loads of personal work on changing the negative voice in my own head….I found my internal thoughts kick into imposter syndrome. Has that ever happened to you before?  Things like:

“I’m not qualified to be in the same space as these guys.”

“Uh oh...they’re going to find out soon that I’m not really that special, I’m just a single mom who came from a small town in Idaho and I’m really not that smart.”

“I don’t have best-selling books like these guys do. They’re going to see right through me.”

What ended up happening next was really important. I learned more about Dean’s story. I learned that, just like me, he grew up in a broken home (his parents were married and divorced nine times), he had been diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, and everyone around him told him he wasn’t smart enough to even get to college.

But even facing all that...he’s still gone on to build multi-million dollar companies and build a business that gets to impact and help SO many people.

I started to see myself in his story. I started to realize that voice in my head that kept me feeling “not enough” wasn’t actually real. I started to believe that maybe I actually could take my own life experiences and the skills and knowledge I already had to help other people.

Dean’s story was so helpful and impactful for me that I asked him to be on my podcast and he graciously agreed. I hope you will get a chance to listen to this one because, if you’re anything like me, hearing stories of other people who have faced hard challenges in life and worked through them is usually the little ray of hope I need to keep going.

Dean didn’t go get a fancy MBA or have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on traditional education. He figured out a way to take his own life experiences to use that to create a business that makes a real impact.

We talk all about that on today’s podcast, and how you can do that too.

I know what it feels like to struggle with imposter syndrome. I know what it feels like to wonder if you are good enough, or smart enough, or if you have what it takes. I know because I’ve been there...I still feel that at times. But I hope that my story, Dean’s story, and others can show you that you do have something great inside of you. The things you have gone through in your life have happened for a reason. You can use those skills, that knowledge, those experiences to help and impact others.

This is one of my favorite podcasts I’ve recorded maybe…..ever. Hope you’ll take a chance to listen ❤️

HERE is the link for the free live training I talked about in the podcast! Hope you’ll be there with me! http://wrgo.io/NAH/16768