Are You Getting Paid What You're Worth? (WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT)
Barron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
Release Date: 10/27/2021
Barron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
Developed using Bayesian Hierarchical Models
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
Not dead yet.
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
Old me in the artwork had some serious guns. New me is happy to still be alive. An honest update on the past year of my life.
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
Get your questions answered on the show: Order your copy of 99 Minute Millionaire:
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
The value of following marketing over following success is costing people lots of money, time, and lots of frustration. Here's what America's Team is teaching us. ================ LISTENER QUESTION/COMMENTS ================ Nope ================ TOPICS =============== Inflation and how you can ignore it. RED ALERT WARNING - Celebrities pitching NFTs when they can't even spell NFT. ================ ENCORE ================ Get your questions answered on the show: Order your copy of 99 Minute Millionaire:
info_outlineBarron Von Earl Sir Duke Lord Turner | Rock-n-Roll Comedy Train wreck
Popular beliefs are just that - beliefs. Beliefs don't pay for your dreams, only money does. Get the facts other people aren't telling you, courtesy of Consumer Distorts. ================ LISTENER QUESTION/COMMENTS ================ Best way for my brother to save for his kids (Dani California) Are golf entertainment facilities good investments (Dan Not California) ================ TOPICS =============== Scott's kids join the show today and offer financial advice as only 8-year-olds can. RED ALERT WARNING - Variable Universal Life Insurance stinks. ================ ENCORE ================ Get...
info_outlineIf you have a pulse, you could be making more money at your current job if you follow this strategy. Today's job market is on fire, and people in the know are getting what they deserve.
ROCK STAR MILLIONAIRE - Listen to the story of how this person is crushing it.
My friend asks why I'm paying down our house so soon (Millionaire Nurse)
How do we move beyond the target date fund (Rodney)
MONEY MORON MOMENT: Watch out what you borrow money for.
MONEY SAVING TIP: Flying for Thanksgiving? Parking deals are here.
Why you should ignore the people you've passed.
Get your questions answered on the show:
Get your accounts in order with Optimize 401k: