If you're getting this in your MonsterTalk podcast feed it means you've somehow managed to miss the update to our new host. Please re-subscribe from your podcast platform, or if you want to use the RSS feed, the new URL is: Thanks so much! If you have any trouble please let us know. Blake @ Monstertalk dot Org
In this bonus episode, we're talking with Mike Mason of Chaosium, the gaming company that makes the role-playing system Call of Cthulhu. Mike is here to talk about the newest version of Chaosium's monstrous bestiary, which is called the Malleus Monstrorum, for the seventh edition of the classic game ecosystem based on the works of HP Lovecraft, and all kinds of Lovecraft-adjacent horror.
Hey folks, we'll be doing another "MonsterTalk Live" event tonight, discussing psychic mediums. You can catch it at our YouTube channel and participate in the chat. Hope to see you there! 8/1/2021 - 8 pm ET - -Blake
On July 18, 2021 the AiPT SciPhiFest Conference included a 45 min segment of my interview with author and comic-book artist Stephen R. Bissette (who is probably best known for his work on the Alan Moore run of the DC comic Swamp Thing). The interview is about Stephen's book CRYPTID CINEMA ( with a special focus on the little-known touring film used by Roger Patterson to promote (and profit from) his famous alleged Bigfoot film.
They're everywhere. They're inside you. You can't escape them - and can't live without them: Bacteria!
The online convention starts at 10 am and I'll be participating in a couple of ways if you're interested. At noon, I've got a special interview with Stephen R. Bissette. You might know him as a key artist on Alan Moore's run of Swamp Thing in the 80s - but if you've been subscribing to BIG FOOTAGE the Patreon bonus cast, you'll know him as the author of CRYPTID CINEMA.
Sapphire Sandalo is the host of the web series Stories with Sapphire. She's a writer, animator, podcaster, TV personality, and part-time university instructor. Her series tells stories with distinctive music and animation and has a strong representation of many monsters, ghosts and creatures that come from Asian folklore from multiple cultures and stories submitted by her audience.
Hey there MonsterTalkers. We're not dead and I'm not on vacation. I'm happy to report that I've got a new job and have spent the past couple of weeks working on a software project that is nearing its first release. In the meantime Karen and I have been recording interviews, but those require edits and I haven't had time to get everything done to my level of satisfaction. But episodes are coming! I should be able to get our next one out this weekend and another by the end of the month. I'm doing some work on managing our workflow that I hope will put us ahead. In a...
Karen and Blake are joined by the hosts of MonsterFuzz, Eamonn O'Neill and Rob Billington, to discuss monsters and folklore of Ireland. Well, that's what we were supposed to talk about but we wandered a bit because it was obvious we all loved talking about monsters.
Blake Smith has uncovered the uncropped "Watertown Ghosts" photo, lost to the public for more than fifty years, plus more discoveries about this famous alleged ghost photo.
info_outlineKaren Stollznow and Matt Baxter team up to discuss one of Karen's favorite mysteries: The moving coffins of Chase Vault, Barbados.
This episode deals with themes of suicide and death. If you're feeling at all suicidal please get help immediately by calling the national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255. (TALK)
Some links for today's episode:
Chase Vault (Atlas Obscura)
Transatlantic Sketches (Vol 1) by By Sir James Edward Alexander
An article with excellent photos of the tomb & cemetery.
Referenced in this episode:
Joe Nickell's 2-part coverage of the Chase Vaults in Fate Magazine:
Nickell, J. "Barbados' restless coffins laid to rest." Fate. 1 Apr. 1982, Volume 35, Number 4: 50-56. (story continues in part 2 in the May 1982 issue pages 79-86.)
Lang & Payley's folklore "bi-located story"
Skeptoid coverage of the case.