The Hacks
Tom is a big fan of geneology, are you familiar with it? If not, it's the study of ones family history, and ancestors. Chunga's grandparents were big fans of geneology and created a hightly detailed blueprint of how Chunga became Chunga--or so he thought. Recently, he recieved a report from a company called 23&Me. That report was a bit different than his families documentation! Tom has also done extensive geneology work, and like Chunga has gotten a similar report from 23&Me. However, Toms was spot on, and virtually identical! Tom has been a big fan...
info_outline Cloud Exit. The Slow, Painful, Death of the Cloud?The Hacks
Chunga is in a pickle. He doesn't know how to begin an episode where the beginning is the end! This episode of The Hacks, he and Tom are talking about exits. The whole episode is about leaving things. First, Chunga has announcement to make. The time has come for him to make some life changes, but there's no need to worry! The Hacks podcast is going to continue as it has for the past 5-years! Be sure to listen every, single, Tuesday! There's another exit on the agenda for this episode. It's not a big story yet, but it will be in the very near future. This exit...
info_outline Right To Repair, Why So Controversial?The Hacks
For some reason, across all industries, the term "right to repair" has become extremely controversial. The desire to take full control of your tech, car, home, and health is really causing a stir with with a huge cross section of society, including companies and the government! Tom says he completely understands why, because its a complicated issue. Of course, if you buy something and pay taxes on it, it by all rights is yours! You should be allowed to fix it or modify it to your personal satisfaction, right? Afterall, Chunga and Tom have both been doing that very thing to computers for...
info_outline Are North Korean Spies Working In Your Office?!The Hacks
It's happened... The summer is officially over. It's time for all of us to buckle down and settle in to our normal, non-summer time routines. For some companies and organizations these routines can lead to complacency and laziness. Which is exactly what the enemy is counting on! As ridiculous as this sounds, there is a growing fear that rogue nations, specifically North Korea are targeting American, and European corporations by having government spies infiltrate organizations by--getting jobs! Just applying for jobs and working like a normal employee. Turns out, they're virtually...
info_outline WW3 and the Impact On Global Tech Infrastructure.The Hacks
If we're to believe the press, things are looking really grimm in terms of global conflict. Over the past weekend, Chunga saw dozens of different media outlets all saying that we are closer to World War 3 than we have been since the 1960's. Some are even saying it has already begun, we just don't know it yet. This coverage has Chunga asking a couple of questions, the largest of which is regarding the global digital network and infrastructure. Tom says he right to be worried! If global conflict breaks out, it's going to be catastropic. But, he says Chunga's worrying about the wrong...
info_outline Your Social Security Number Has Been Stolen! Should You Care?The Hacks
Your Social Security Number... If you live in the United States, you've been told, taught and trained, since you were about 12-years old, to guard this numeric form of personal identification with your life! Whelp, congratulations, you just failed. No really, it's true. Your Social Security number is now out in the wild. Last week, a company called National Public Data announced that they had been hacked and every Social Security number, of every U.S. citizen had been stolen. So, what does this mean to all of us? Is this something thats really bad, or is it not that big of a deal?...
info_outline Singularity In 21 Years. A Reality Or Nah...The Hacks
After taking and extended summer holiday, Tom Hatch is back baby! While he was away, Chunga came across and interesting article about "Singlularity". Do you know about the theory and concepts behind Singularity? If you're not familiar, Singularity is that singular moment in time when computers become self-aware, and merge their existence with humanity. This article that Chunga found is from an American computer scientist and futureist named Ray Kurzweil. He claims that because of advancements in A.I., we will acheive Singlularity within the next 21 years. Chunga wants to know what Tom thinks...
info_outline STRIKE! Is A.I. Ruining Video Games?The Hacks
In his other life, Chunga is a voice actor and is a member of several acting unions. Lately, that means he's always on strike for one reason or another. Well, its happening again... This time, voice actors are striking against the video game industry! At the center of this mess is A.I.--big shock. A.I. seems to be a near constant threat to performers in Hollywood, and now there's a growing chorus of video game fans that are pushing back against A.I. being used in video games. They're saying A.I. is ruining the quality of video games! Chunga is curious and wants to know...
info_outline The CrowdStrike SNAFU! What Really Happened?!The Hacks
Over the weekend, Tom was one of the millions of people that were affected by the massive IT outage caused by CrowdStrike! How about you? Were you affected the outage? Did you get stranded anywhere? Chunga says, this is what happens when too many people rely on one singular thing. Tom "crushingly" agrees! He refers to a problem of this type as a "Banana Problem"! In this episode of The Hacks, Tom and Chunga will define what the banana problem is, breakdown the the CrowdStrike disaster over the past weekend, and discuss how this unprecedented event may end up changing the future of...
info_outline SO MANY CYBER-ATTACKS!!The Hacks
Tom has lost his wallet! This has never happened before! If you find it, will you please let him know? Although his fresh back from his vacation, Tom is feeling anything but relaxed and recharged. In truth, he feels like he came home to a huge dumpster fire. There's several reasons for this. Sure, the lost wallet is one of the big ones, but he's also came home to multiple different cyber-attacks, each of them much different from the other, but all of them potentially having an affect on him, Chunga, and on all of you! The most recent of these attacks was the data breach at...
info_outlineOne thing that's constant in life is change... It's been a bittersweet few days to say the least. In this episode of The Hacks, Tom Hatch, the creator of Salt, talks with Chunga about the changes taking place in his life and announces his exit from Broadcom. Yep, the time has come for Tom to explore some new opportunities! In this episode of The Hacks, Tom wants to share his love, and gratitude for everyone thats been a part of this amazing adventure, including everyone in the Salt Project community. He also wants to talk about whats on the horizon!
Fans of The Hacks can rest easy! One things for sure, Tom and Chunga are going to continue to do The Hacks, and talk about all things tech, every single Tuesday!