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Ep 33 - Love Notes For The Brokenhearted

The Relationship Revivalists

Release Date: 06/19/2019

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The Relationship Revivalists

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Through the relationships that we have there is a heartbreak that we experience when things don't work out like we expected them to work out. When that happens there's a chance that brokenhearted emotions set in.

So in today's post we are going to talk about the love notes for brokenhearted people. Hopefully, we can encourage you to get through the hard times and know that you will see better times ahead.

After all, you have never seen a person down in the dumps all of their lives, right?

Show Notes For Episode 33

Love Notes For The BrokenHearted

Jeremiah 31:3 The Lord appeared to us in the past,[a] saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love;  I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Jessica shared with us how, when she was a 4 year old, she went to a meeting with her mom and the pastor called up the children to the stage and Jessica went on her own accord.

After all the talking was done to the parents and adults, the pastor spoke to the children and then to Jess. He told her a word from the Lord and quoted Jeremiah 31:3.

Clothing In The Spirit

Clothing yourself with love is what we all desire in the physical, but everything starts in the spiritual. So start clothing yourself in LOVE from the start - in the spirit.

That's just the start of things when it comes to clothing yourself in the spirit.

There's Jeremiah 29:11 where we are able to cloth ourselves with hope for the future

In Isaiah 61:10, clothing ourselves with joy, salvation, along with the robe of righteousness.

As we cloth ourselves in the fruits of the spirit, we realize that there are times that might make us a little nervous and that's when we are able to know that we can be right under his wing. The name of the lord is our strong tower!

How exciting is this to know we have at our disposal the power, might and clothing to do God's work in our lives. Relationships are what we are created to learn here on Earth.

Give yourself a head start by getting dressed in the spirit and then keeping those clothes perfect by hiding under Gods wing.

Romans 8:38-39 states that we cannot be separated from God's love.

Knowing these verses inside and out without having to consult the bible is how you'll see them come alive in your life.

David Asks For Mercy

According to your UNFAILING LOVE is how he knows he is still loved even after committing adultery and murder.

Love keeps no records of wrong (Corinthians)

Final Thoughts

Through our knowing who God is in our life, we are able to apply these things to our relationship. Jess states in the podcast that typically the problems exist when we are believing something about us that isn't true.

It's never really truly us that is the problem when we have relationship problems... or is it?!

Relationship problems directly affect us but that doesn't mean that it's our fault. That has to be analyzed and almost all the time, you'll find the tif you start going into a mode of improving yourself, you'll start seeing your partner reflect what you've done to improve yourself.

Making you better is the best answer for solving relationship issues. Which is why we tell you of God's love towards you. It should be encouraging to know you can be loved no matter what state you're in right now.

We hope you get answers and encouragement in this episode of love for the brokenhearted.

Remember to download our free ebook, "7 Simple Secrets To Sustaining A Long, Lasting, Loving Relationship"