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Ep.37 Your mission doesn´t flourish unless you do with Kelsey Lauren

Travel to Grow Podcast

Release Date: 05/10/2023

Ep.40 Escribir nuestra propia historia con Rosas show art Ep.40 Escribir nuestra propia historia con Rosas

Travel to Grow Podcast

En este episodio Karla González entrevistó a Víctor Rosas, mejor conocido como ROSAS, actor, autor, músico y cantante de Culiacán, Sinaloa, quien actualmente radica en la Ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco. Define su sonido como Cancionista, Neo-Trova, Trip-Hope, o Pop Experimental, y nace a partir del juego y la experimentación dentro del teatro, el performance y las artes escénicas, áreas en las que se había venido desarrollando desde muy joven en Culiacán. Inspirado por el fado, la bossa nova, el folk, el trip hop y la música experimental en general, así como por la nueva poesía...

Ep.39 Todo lo que haces con amor es verdadero con Esmeralda Conchas show art Ep.39 Todo lo que haces con amor es verdadero con Esmeralda Conchas

Travel to Grow Podcast

En este episodio entrevisté a  Esmeralda Conchas, terapeuta holística, Fundadora de Casa Diosa y Casa Diosa Festivales, proyectos que dirigue con su esposo Sebastian Duck. Casa Diosa es un espacio donde podemos reconectarnos con nosotros mismos desde el ser, desde la autenticidad y la vulnerabilidad para crear entre todos una nueva red de consciencia en amor y expansión, en total conexión con la naturaleza y la Madre Tierra. Donde cada uno de nosotros puede brindar sus talentos a la comunidad y tejer entre todos nuevos modelos de convivencia social. -Hablamos de cómo pasó de ser...

Ep.38 El buscador es lo buscado con Hari Kuri show art Ep.38 El buscador es lo buscado con Hari Kuri

Travel to Grow Podcast

Nuestro invitado de este episodio es Hari Kuri, terapeuta holístico originario de la Ciudad de Guadalajara, México, con ascendencia proveniente de la cultura indígena Zapoteca del Estado de Oaxaca, México. Hablamos de los viajes que hacía de chico cada verano e invierno al pueblo de su abuela materna en Oaxaca, quién era la curandera del pueblo y de quien aprendió sus primeros conocimientos sobre la sanación del cuerpo y del espíritu. Me contó sobre su primer encuentro muy joven con las plantas sagradas, sobre su formación con la persona que ha sido su mayor maestro, sobre sus...

Ep.37 Your mission doesn´t flourish unless you do with Kelsey Lauren show art Ep.37 Your mission doesn´t flourish unless you do with Kelsey Lauren

Travel to Grow Podcast

Welcome to Season 4 of Travel to Grow Podcast!!!!  My dear soul travelers, we are celebrating amazing news! Travel to Grow Podcast is working in collaboration with as our Production House, and we couldn’t be more trilled! This is truly a dream come true and we are so grateful and full of enthusiasm for the spectacular co-creations you are about to enjoy with us!!!! Making high quality podcast and soul-led conversations are our passions so this is truly a match made in heaven! We hope you really enjoy this 4th season and we can’t wait to hear your comments on this marvelous...

Ep.36 La belleza tiene el poder de salvar el mundo con Jimena Faci show art Ep.36 La belleza tiene el poder de salvar el mundo con Jimena Faci

Travel to Grow Podcast

En este episodio entrevisté a Jimena Faci, una jóven montañista, abogada y colaboradora con la Fundación Cumbres Blancas México, fundación que busca visibilizar el problema del retroceso glaciar en México y genera estrategias de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático para contribuir a la preservación de entornos de montaña.  Durante la pandemia Jimena decidió explorar un nuevo hobbie: hacer expediciones en la montaña. En esta divertida conversación nos cuenta cómo comenzó como una casual actividad de fin de semana a ser una pasión inminente en Jimena.  Hablamos...

Ep.35 There are no wrong turns with Annik show art Ep.35 There are no wrong turns with Annik

Travel to Grow Podcast

"There are no wrong turns, only paths that we didn't know that we were meant to take" Annik said.  Annik, is the founder of coalitionskin in Vancouver, Canada. She is a certified skin-therapist, wax-technician and group-fitness trainer and teaches yoga and Pilates. She is a certified holistic sports-nutrition, with specialty in cleansing/detox and Reiki.  At the beginning of her entrepreneurial years, she was the only technician seeing clients, teaching in her fitness + yoga studio, and doing all the entrepreneurial work and administration that goes on behind the scenes for...

Ep.34 Reconoce tu grandeza / Izza Maré show art Ep.34 Reconoce tu grandeza / Izza Maré

Travel to Grow Podcast

En este episodio hablamos de: - Cuando vivimos en piloto automático. - Cómo los "triggers" nos generan una reacción inconsciente. -La importancia de la auto-observación. -Cómo diferenciar mi ser de mi identidad. - Nuestra capacidad de elegir nuestros pensamientos.  - Cómo las creencias son sólo pensamientos que seguimos repitiéndonos.  -¿Cómo identificar un juicio?  - Cambios que suceden cuando dejamos de juzgar y hacer suposiciones.  - Qué pasa cuando mejoramos la percepción de nosotros mismos y reconocemos nuestra grandeza. Mi invitada de este episodio es ...

Ep.33 Sabiduría Ancestral y sus medicinas / Tatiana Solana show art Ep.33 Sabiduría Ancestral y sus medicinas / Tatiana Solana

Travel to Grow Podcast

Tus donaciones nos ayudan a continuar creando conversaciones inspiradoras con personas extraordinarias de todas partes del mundo. Tu apoyo es invaluable para nosotros. Para donar visita:    En este episodio entrevisté a Tatiana Solana, Consultora en salud integral.  Ella utiliza en su práctica una mezcla de medicina alternativa, medicinas ancestrales y medicina germánica.  Cuenta con certificaciones en el Institute for Integrated Nutrition,  Quantum University y Bodhimedicine, entre otras.  Fundadora de Kaypacha Productos   y Amarcura Su página web: ...

Ep.32 Voices of the Awakening / Carol Mae Whittick show art Ep.32 Voices of the Awakening / Carol Mae Whittick

Travel to Grow Podcast

Your support helps us continue to bring you inspiring conversations from people all over the world. You donations are greatly appreciated. To donate go to On today’s episode: Carol Mae Whittick is a Musician, Writer, Speaker and Creator from London. Her latest creative project is a podcast series HER Conversations -Tools for the Awakening. HER is an acronym for Higher Energetic Resonance. This is the optimal state to embody in order to attract our highest desires.  What is The Awakening? This is the moment in time when humanity rises up out of the darkness. Who is Awakening? ...

Ep.31 Find your tribe show art Ep.31 Find your tribe

Travel to Grow Podcast

"Find them. There are millions on this planet who believe a new reality is possible. They are sovereign. Their souls courageously volunteered to participate in the massive transformation that humanity is undergoing. They are confronting their shadows and traumas, and opening the door to healing. They are questioning everything and are open to being wrong. They are willing to sacrifice relationships and security for what they believe in. They are ready to face the most uncomfortable truths. They don’t mind being misunderstood, ridiculed or vilified because they know their true worth. They...

More Episodes

Welcome to Season 4 of Travel to Grow Podcast!!!!

 My dear soul travelers, we are celebrating amazing news! Travel to Grow Podcast is working in collaboration with Podcastera.mx as our Production House, and we couldn’t be more trilled! This is truly a dream come true and we are so grateful and full of enthusiasm for the spectacular co-creations you are about to enjoy with us!!!! Making high quality podcast and soul-led conversations are our passions so this is truly a match made in heaven! We hope you really enjoy this 4th season and we can’t wait to hear your comments on this marvelous up-grade!


In this episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Kelsey Lauren, she is a multidimensional human, Mission Mentor and Business Artist whose work supports entrepreneurs, leaders and visionaries in all facets and fruitions–from the subtle to structural–of their Legacy and mission.


Kelsey is profoundly skilled at guiding inner processes with precise and penetrating inquiry to connect you with and amplify the brilliance of your blueprint, step audaciously into your frequency-first leadership and flourish in your Creatorship and business.


As part of her own Legacy, Kelsey is devoted to (co)Creating a life of leadership, liberation, artistry and prosperity--you'll often find her immersed in the world of design, learning Italian, rock climbing and vision-casting her move to the Mediterranean with her partner. 


In this episode we talked about her trip to Poland, the country from where her ancestors immigrated to Canada, where her grandma showed her the special places her grandparents met, went to dates, and lived together. We talked about the importance of honoring our ancestors for their pain and struggles, as well, for their joy, talents, love, kindness, work and legacy in our own blueprint.


Kelsey shared with us the importance of grace and compassion towards ourselves while traversing healing portals, whether we are simultaneously building a business, expanding our creativity and career in new unprecedented ways, meanwhile we are working on setting our frequency and holding faithfully the vision for the life our soul yearns.


This magical conversation touched on how it looks like to have a God-led business, and how alignment and being a vessel in our work is so exquisitely relevant when surrendering to our way–to-do and achieve vs. His divine way to manifest miracles and open doors in our path.  


Coherence, Integrity, Mastery, Responsibility, Faith, Leadership, Abundance, Beauty, Wholeness are all integral parts of becoming a Master of yourself and a conscious creator of your life’s legacy and Kelsey Lauren is your Golden Lady for all of this! 


I could hear her talk for hours on these fascinating topics, both for the beautiful way she uses language in her expression and for the wisdom in her message.


You cannot miss following her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamkelseylauren/


Or listening to her podcast UNEDITED:



And Check out her Mentorship Container Sonance : https://kelsey-lauren.thinkific.com/bundles/sonance 


 Tell us what you liked more about this episode over DM on Instagram:
