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The Mirror Into Awesomeness (ENT S4 : E18)

V'Ger Please!

Release Date: 03/07/2024

If Wishes Were Whores (DS9 S1 : E16 If Wishes Were Whores (DS9 S1 : E16 "If Wishes Were Horses")

V'Ger Please!

I know what you are thinking. You see the title, and you look down on us. But you shouldn't, because we reviewed "If Wishes Were Horses"! Witness as just too many insane things happen to even bother trying to preview, from esoteric baseball continuity, to...emus? 

Get Self Sealing Stem Bolts or Die Tryin' (DS9 S1 : E 15 Get Self Sealing Stem Bolts or Die Tryin' (DS9 S1 : E 15 "Progress")

V'Ger Please!

We get a delightful A plot/B plot sandwich as we review "Progress"! When Bajor ends up doing some Horace Greedly level planetary strip mining, Kira has to face off against her most vicious for to date - an extremely charming old man. Meanwhile Jake shows Nog the art of the hustle and the value of property rights. 

Questing in Azeroth ( DS9 S1 : E14 Questing in Azeroth ( DS9 S1 : E14 " The Storyteller")

V'Ger Please!

Nothing like heading down to Bajor and grabbing a few World Quests as we review "The Storyteller"! The Chief and Julian begin the Bromance of the Ages while tanking a raid boss and avoiding stabbing from space truckers. Also Jake and Nog like girls! Come give it a listen. 

Oops, We Killed The Pope (DS9 S1 : E13 Oops, We Killed The Pope (DS9 S1 : E13 "Battle Lines")

V'Ger Please!

When the local Bajoran quest giver decides to make a quick stop at the local DOOM level, absolutely nothing bad will happen as we review "Battle Lines". Sisko decides to take Kai Opaka out for a joyride, but things take a grim turn when they crash on planet Breaking Bad. I'm sure none of this will have consequences at all!

The Bonus Degra (DS9 S1 : E12 The Bonus Degra (DS9 S1 : E12 "Vortex")

V'Ger Please!

Star Trek commits its worst possible sin - being boring  - as we review "Vortex". While we are happy to see an old guest star friend, it won't be long before we are talking about what is in our junk drawers. One thing though....is the Federation ever going to pass a law on menacing or are threats just a love language?

Ferengi Backstory? Inconceivable! (DS9 S1 :E11 Ferengi Backstory? Inconceivable! (DS9 S1 :E11 "The Nagus")

V'Ger Please!

Another one of the part time hitters shows up into the DS9 roster as we review "The Nagus". When Wallace Shaw rolls in with his perfectly drippy makeup, Quark gets plaid for a stooge, Rom tries to murder someone and no one does anything, and Jake shows in Star Trek even teenage rebellion is wholesome. 

The Lamest Escape Room (DS9 S1 : E10 The Lamest Escape Room (DS9 S1 : E10 "Move Along Home")

V'Ger Please!

The bottom comes for us quickly as we review DS9's most ill-regarded entry, "Move Along Home"! When the finest white trash of the Gamma Quad roll in with their TNG S1 outfits and mullets, we find ourselves agreeing with Ron Moore ... did everyone lose their minds when they made this? 

The D Stands For Daddy Issues (TNG S6 : E16 The D Stands For Daddy Issues (TNG S6 : E16 "Birthright, Part 1)

V'Ger Please!

It's side missions all around for podcasters and flagship bridge officers as we review "Birthright, Part 1"! Staying true to our word to review every episode that takes place on DS9, the crew of The Mighty D pulls in to clear out the quest log. Will Data learn to dream? How many felonies will Worf commit on the station in front of witnesses? Listen and find out!

Evil Talks Slow (DS9 S1 : E9 Evil Talks Slow (DS9 S1 : E9 "The Passenger")

V'Ger Please!

Nothing like a Turbo Evil Space. Dr. Mengele to spice up life on the frontier as we review "The Passenger". When the new Extremely Bad Guy does a little brain melding via choke, it's a grand time of overacting, poorly hidden identities, sudden executions, and ...brain surgery via transporter?   

Sorry I Boinked Your Mom (DS9 S1 :E9 Sorry I Boinked Your Mom (DS9 S1 :E9 "Dax")

V'Ger Please!

Nothing like a touch of that courtroom drama action to get to know all your new characters as we review "Dax"! There is a a cavalcade of veteran Trek guest actors as we get all the detail you may (or may not) have wanted about Dax's boinking both past and present, Detective Odo makes his firm debut, and the plot ends in the strangest way possible. 

More Episodes

We arrive at what are likely the most famous and best regarded Enterprise episodes as we at last review "In A Mirror, Darkly"! We have our good pal Ian bust out a whole know theme song for the occasion as we hit all the highlights. For no particular reason we get the awesome nasty versions of our heroes, Jolene's abs getting their moment in the sun, bad haircuts all around, Mayweather as Simon Phoenix, Linda Park spending most of the episode without clothes on, and the deepest Trek continuity cuts you can imagine. This rules, so get in here!