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Prophecy 11-03-2024

Voice of Yahweh Radio

Release Date: 11/03/2024

Prophecy January 19, 2025 show art Prophecy January 19, 2025

Voice of Yahweh Radio

Allow God's Love to make headway in your life right now. God sees the storms and he sees the calm seas. Let go and let God infuse you with His love this day.  Transcript:   My children, I want you to believe that story because the battle's already won. All you have to do is walk it out. The victory is right in front of you. The victory is all around about you.  My love is never ending. I will not allow not one of you to stumble or fall. I brought you through the furnace of affliction for a purpose and that was to purify and sanctify you, to be holy and righteous, to be My...

Prophecy January 26, 2025 show art Prophecy January 26, 2025

Voice of Yahweh Radio

Come to the altar. Give God your all.The altar is a place of sacrifice, surrender, and communion. Transcript: Children, meet Me at the altar and receive all that you have need of. I am standing at the altar with My arm stretched wide. Meet Me there.  Keep Me in that private place just you and I, whatever you have need of. The desires of your heart as they line up with mine. You will receive. Take My spirit. Let it move over you. Be changed and be rearranged. I know your need, but I need you to meet Me at the altar this night, and I will meet that need. Freedom! Freedom from all...

Prophecy January 15, 2025 show art Prophecy January 15, 2025

Voice of Yahweh Radio

  Allow God's Love to saturate you. Transcript: My children, I am pouring out a special love upon you this night, right now. A love that has come directly from the Heavenly Throne Room from My heart.I want you to receive from Me right now. The enemy is trying to steal what I am trying to do here this night. You have to enter in. You have to determine to be changed by My love. You have to grasp it to your bosom. Feel it flowing through your being and when you are totally saturated, then you will have something to flow out of you into others. I love you with an everlasting love. I gave...

Prophetic Word, January 12, 2025 show art Prophetic Word, January 12, 2025

Voice of Yahweh Radio

  Do you know the plans God has for you? God is wanting to give you disclosure. Included also is a word to the youth. Transcript:   Never forget that I have plans for you. Never forget that I am moving on the inside of each and every one of your Hearts. Never forget the love that I have shed abroad in this place tonight.  I am moving each and every one of you to a new realm with a new destiny. As you move with Me, things will become plain and simple to you. You do not need to understand every move, every step, but it will become easy as you walk with Me. Yes, there will be...

Prophecy January 5, 2025 show art Prophecy January 5, 2025

Voice of Yahweh Radio

  Let today be the day to look at the prize with brand new eyes. God's calling His people to claim what He has for us- let us rise to our positions in Him. Transcript: If I am King, then let Me rule your heart this day. Forget about yesterday. Look at today with brand new eyes. See yourself as I see you, not as others tell you that you are. You are not perfected at this moment but you are working on perfection.    Children, do not allow the naysayers to bring you down Stand your ground in Me in love. Hold your head high and move on. We all make mistakes little ones- we all make...

Prophecy 12-31-2024 show art Prophecy 12-31-2024

Voice of Yahweh Radio

Enjoy this word God speaks for the New Year- meant especially for His leaders. Transcript: Leaders in this house: As you sang this song, I poured the rain out upon you. I refreshed you and I brought you forth.   As you head into this new year, you are going forth full of My glory and My power and the anointing will destroy every yoke. Everyone that's in here this night is called to lead the lost and the dying into the love of My son Jesus.   I have not overlooked not one of you. Stay in the flow of the rain. Let it pour out upon you. It is a continual rain that I will not cease. You...

Prophecy 12-22-2024 show art Prophecy 12-22-2024

Voice of Yahweh Radio

Realize where we stand with God, on the front lines. Find out what it means to be an integral member God's Church.  Transcript: I am calling you out of darkness into my marvelous light. I'm calling you to that place that will satisfy every need, every desire, every longing of the heart. You are my anointed beloved ones who might have been nurturing all these many years. and it is time for you to go forth and to proclaim victory in the camps but at the same time the enemy is trying to bring doubt and unbelief and even fear into my camps of worship. I tell you this our little...

Prophecy 12-18-2024 show art Prophecy 12-18-2024

Voice of Yahweh Radio

Come forth and get on the path that God has for you. Let the gap be bridged between you and He.  Be placed where you need to be at in this hour.   Transcript: My children, I am here this night and I am walking in your midst. If you listen to the words of the songs that were played tonight, you will hear the story of my heart. I am speaking volumes to you in this hour. I am all around about you and I am pouring myself into you this night I am beckoning you to come up hither rest in my presence before the table that I have prepared for you love abounds there is nothing that you have...

Prophecy December 15, 2024 PM show art Prophecy December 15, 2024 PM

Voice of Yahweh Radio

All attention needs to be on God so that we may move in this coming season.  Instruction and direction is needed to maintain your position. Transcript - https://lighthousechurchinc.org/2024/12/15/transcript-prophetic-words-12-15-2024-sun-pm/

Prophecy 12-15-2024 AM show art Prophecy 12-15-2024 AM

Voice of Yahweh Radio

Time to realize your potential. Understand that God has called you for a special purpose- to be His priest and warrior upon the earth. You are stronger than you think.   Transcript -  

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God has given us all we need to be a blessing to the world. Discern the moment. Discern your testimony and allow God to use you to reach the lost and broken.