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EP12 – The Importance Of Testing Themes & Plugins On WordPress Betas & RCs

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

Release Date: 07/08/2021

EP481 – Lies, Damned Lies, and Analytics show art EP481 – Lies, Damned Lies, and Analytics

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

On this episode of WPwatercooler titled “Lies, Damned Lies, and Analytics,” the discussion revolves around the complexities and alternatives to using web analytics tools for website management. The hosts, Jason Tucker and Jason Cosper, delve into the fallout from changes to Jetpack stats, prompting users to consider paying for previously free services. They explore the importance of understanding web traffic and analytics beyond traditional tools like Google Analytics, emphasizing performance, privacy, and the need for lightweight alternatives. The episode is informative for those looking...

EP36 - Digital Spring Cleaning show art EP36 - Digital Spring Cleaning

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

This month on Dev Branch we will be discussing our approach to spring cleaning, digitally. We explore the world of digital spring cleaning to consolidate and secure digital assets for improved WordPress site management. Dive into the benefits of domain and hosting consolidation, SSL certificate management tools, and the efficient monitoring capabilities of Uptime Kuma. Learn how centralizing website updates and streamlining monitoring can enhance security, manageability, and cost-effectiveness.  () () Panel: Jason Tucker Jason Cosper Sites: ...

EP35 – GPTs Gone Wild show art EP35 – GPTs Gone Wild

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

This week on WPwatercooler’s Dev Branch, we’re diving into a hot topic that’s buzzing in the WordPress community: GPTs and their role in programming for WordPress. It’s not just about what these powerful tools can do; it’s about how we, as developers and creators, use them. Should we lean on GPTs to craft code for our plugins and themes? And when things get tricky, is it fair to ask for a helping hand in forums for code that a machine helped write? Plus, we’re curious – how’s everyone finding debugging when GPT’s involved? Has it been smooth sailing, or are we navigating...

EP476 – Free as in Piracy show art EP476 – Free as in Piracy

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

On this episode of WPwatercooler Jason Tucker, Sé Reed, Jason Cosper, and guest Mika Epstein delve into the complex world of software piracy within the WordPress ecosystem. The discussion begins with an introduction of the hosts and quickly moves into the nuances of what constitutes software piracy, how it impacts the WordPress community, and the moral and legal implications of using pirated software. The hosts share personal anecdotes and insights on the prevalence of pirated plugins and themes, the risks associated with their use, including security vulnerabilities and legal repercussions,...

EP34 – Zip It: How Devs Gatekeep the Internet show art EP34 – Zip It: How Devs Gatekeep the Internet

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

On this episode of Dev Branch, titled "Zip It: How Devs Gatekeep the Internet," Jason Tucker, Jason Cosper, and Sé Reed delve into the complex issues surrounding development practices, including the unintended consequences of updates and the broader implications of developer decisions on the WordPress community. They discuss a recent bug in WordPress 6.4.3 related to how macOS and some Linux distributions' zip files are handled, highlighting the challenges of maintaining compatibility and the debates within the developer community about standards, practices, and the ethos of the WordPress...

EP33 - Our 2024 Predictions show art EP33 - Our 2024 Predictions

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

On this episode of Dev Branch, titled “EP33 – Our 2024 Predictions,” the panel, including Jason Tucker, Sé Reed, and Jason Cosper, delve into their predictions and expectations for WordPress in 2024. The discussion kicks off with a focus on WordPress’s development and the potential improvements and changes anticipated in the upcoming year. They explore topics such as the implementation of automatic update rollbacks in WordPress, the challenges with the current release schedule, and the desire for fewer, more impactful updates. Show Notes: ...

EP32 – WP Playground’s Plugin Problem show art EP32 – WP Playground’s Plugin Problem

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

This month on Dev Branch, we delve into the intricacies of the WordPress Plugin Directory with a keen focus on its newly rolled out feature, . The addition of the  marks an innovative shift in user experience, granting potential users the capability to test a plugin in a live WordPress environment before integrating it into their own sites. As the conversation unfolds, the panel sheds light on the immediate challenges following its release. Many developers raised concerns after discovering compatibility issues or even outright non-functionality of their plugins with this new...

EP31 – Playing the Fields API show art EP31 – Playing the Fields API

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

In this engaging episode of WPwatercooler titled “Playing the Fields API,” hosts Jason Tucker, Sé Reed, and Jason Cosper sit down with returning guest . No stranger to the show, Scott previously joined us in February for “” and even before that in “” The panel delves into the intricacies of Custom Fields and the Fields API, exploring their impact on WordPress, the products made with and for it, and the community working to build it.

EP30 – Block and Awesome show art EP30 – Block and Awesome

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

In the upcoming episode of Dev Branch, titled “Block and Awesome”, Sé Reed, Jason Cosper, and special guest Jos Velasco. Join us as we delve into the transition from traditional themes and shortcodes towards the innovative world of Full Site Editing (FSE) and blocks within WordPress. Discover the challenges, benefits, and key strategies in embracing this change.

EP29 – Breaking Changes: WordPress 6.3 Drops PHP5 show art EP29 – Breaking Changes: WordPress 6.3 Drops PHP5

WPwatercooler: Dev Branch - Monthly WordPress Web Development Talk Show

The era of PHP5 support is coming to an end, marking a new phase in WordPress development. We’ll discuss how this shift from PHP5 to a minimum PHP7 support will impact both the end-users and the WordPress ecosystem at large. The episode will include the implications for those still using PHP5, and the benefits of the change, including reduced memory usage and improved security. Additionally, we’ll analyze how different hosting services have already been adapting to this new standard. This is a critical episode for anyone running a WordPress site and will provide key insights on managing...

More Episodes

This month on Dev Branch we’re going to be discussing just how important it is to test your code on WordPress beta’s and RCs.

Show Sponsors

Desktop Server – ServerPress https://serverpress.com
WPsitesync – https://www.wpsitesync.com

Project Panorama is a visual project management platform for WordPress that keeps clients happy and eliminates the headaches that cost you time and money when managing projects. Check them out at projectpanorama.com

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