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120 From fitting in to Belonging

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

Release Date: 06/17/2020

140 From Corporate CEO to Spiritual Retreat Founder show art 140 From Corporate CEO to Spiritual Retreat Founder

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

How do you move from being the chief executive officer of a large advertising Health Network in New York, with 100 people under your command, to being a medicine woman, a galactic Queen, and a channel of light and love? It sounds like an extreme case of juxtaposition, but the two actually existed side by side for quite some time in June’s life. It was only when homeward bound after COVID hit in New York, and spending time on her spiritual retreat in Topi Topi in country New South Wales, that June realised that her desire for the latter had overtaken the former, and that it was time to step...

139 How on earth did I end up here?  show art 139 How on earth did I end up here?

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

Nicky lane had ticked all the boxes that she had been told with the essence of a good life qualifications a good job marriage motherhood. So why at 33 did she find herself disillusioned and disappointed? Living what she described as a mediocre life and feeling guilty about how she felt?   Nicky decided to ask herself different questions, questions that led her to tapping into not just logical choices, but heart led feelings and desires. And that's where she found her why that became the catalyst for her brave and expansive change journey in business and life.   I'm sure you'll find...

138 The joy of being a happiness hunter  show art 138 The joy of being a happiness hunter

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

It was one day in 2012 when Fiona Redding really woke up. She was 37, at home with two tiny kids, drinking every day, overweight, unfit and unhealthy. She had financial issues, could not find employment and felt deeply disconnected and very, very alone staring down the barrel of a future life that she could just not imagine living. She sat with one burning question that she could no longer escape – “How has this become my life?”.   Something really needed to change.   It’s now seven years after the day when she started the journey to become the person she wanted to be....

137 The story of a business u-turn fuelled by new choices  show art 137 The story of a business u-turn fuelled by new choices

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

Sophie Andrews had created an award winning highly successful bookkeeping business. Her background of fashion and gemstones in the UK led itself brilliantly to her focusing on the needs of people in creative fields, and the business flourished.   But after 15 years of dedication, the demands began to take their toll, physically and emotionally. Sophie's priorities had shifted. She was becoming bored, the desire for the work was no longer there. And to be honest, she knew that burnout was waiting just around the corner. It was time for significant change, and as many of us realise, letting...

136 You get to choose your identity – the power of adaptability  show art 136 You get to choose your identity – the power of adaptability

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

Deb Vawdrey knew she had given her all in her marriage. Her realisation that she needed to move on after almost 30 years was not a snap decision. Although she was filled with fear, she was absolutely clear - it was time to step into a new chapter. And when Deb released herself from the paradigm she had known for so long, she absolutely blossomed. In this conversation, Deb shares her experiences, the role that spiritual connection and community played in her growth, her ability to listen to her inner voice, and how these all combined to transform her the multi-dimensional Yogi and businesswoman...

135 Going back to University as a mature aged student  show art 135 Going back to University as a mature aged student

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

In 2005, Tamara Agnew was working as an executive assistant in a law firm in Edinburgh. It was a good job, but she knew that there was more waiting for her. She had a young daughter and a strong yearning to be a great role model, to show her daughter it was possible to choose and change to create your path the life that you want. And so Tamara went back to university as a mature age student and discovered the benefits of having lived before she chose to study. In this conversation, Tamara and I discuss her experiences and her choices for future study beyond her undergraduate degree, and the...

134 Who are you choosing to become? show art 134 Who are you choosing to become?

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

Show Notes   When our son left home I became an empty nester and wondered, who am I now? I was feeling disconnected from my life and told myself I had no right to feel that way – after all, I had a great home, son, husband and career I began to ask myself the hard questions, starting with “why am I feeling this way?” I knew I needed a significant lifestyle change– my background of all or nothing thinking was simply not sustainable I replaced mindless social media scrolling with a mindset upgrade and decided to prioritise me I needed replace the automatic stories in my head that...

133 We started a charity (because we wanted to change the system) show art 133 We started a charity (because we wanted to change the system)

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

It was the contrast between weekdays and weekends that made such an impact on Gary and Lisa. During the week they ran a family daycare service where they took care of small children who were dearly loved, wanted and cherished. But on the weekends when they were crisis carers in the foster system, they saw a very different reality. They also saw how babies and small children were easy to find placements for, but for teenagers, happy endings were far rarer as adolescents were shifted from placement to placement, with no stable family influences. Their outcomes were bleak. Although Lisa and Gary...

132 Leaving your corporate role to start your own business  show art 132 Leaving your corporate role to start your own business

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

Jennifer Gwyn Jones knows what it feels like to keep pushing down a yearning for change. She knows how easy it is to become constrained by what you can do what you think you should do. How you can become easily stuck in “it's okay, it's going okay” land. But now Jan also knows what it feels like to break free, to be bold and brave and leave a 17-year career to strike out in a new direction that just kept on calling. If you've ever wanted to stop what you're doing now and begin something new, especially if you're currently in a corporate role, or other profession, you will get so much...

131 Is it time for change, for your next chapter? show art 131 Is it time for change, for your next chapter?

Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you

At the end of 2020 I was all tapped out creatively. I’d finally set my book free in the world, meeting a huge personal goal and I needed to allow myself time and space to just be for a while. I did have to battle a little with an inner critic who, in her inimitable judgmental way, assured me I’d disappear into obscurity if I dared to put my pen down awhile. I chose not to listen, allowed myself space to regroup and this new 10 part interview series all about change is the result several months later. It also coincides with a fresh chapter for me – a new online home that reflects my equal...

More Episodes
Samantha has been a performer her whole life – “I sang for 50 cents at weddings and a dollar at funerals from when I was a little girl. I sang backup for MC Hammer and with Joan Sutherland at the Australia Opera. I’ve led shows and developed my own. I’ve always been happiest on a stage but I’ve also been stuck in “people pleaser and approval” mode and that’s taken its toll. It even lead me to dropping the dream of being a performer for the “sensible” career option of accounting on the behest of my family.

Over the years Sam invested so much time and energy checking, testing, showing different pieces of herself to different groups to fit in and be seen in the way she felt she needed to be. It was exhausting. And when this is your focus, you begin to lose track of who you really are. But Sam has now interrupted this cycle. She chose to shift her gaze, to weave all the pieces of her into a whole. She began to approve of herself and appreciating where she’d come from, so she would never need to fit in anywhere again.

She has proactively created a new stage for her life, one where confidence and charisma intersect. She truly belongs and it’s extraordinary.

Show Notes

You can break free of the conditioning of your past and chose a new path forward

Firmly reject the “don’t be too big for your boots” judgments that might be levelled at you. Choose to shine.

Confidence is not ego. It’s about how you feel within yourself.

Charisma is about your ability to influence and there are 4 types – Kindness (Dalai Lama), Visionary (Steve Jobs) Focused (Oprah) and Authority (Churchill)

How do you tap into Charisma when you’re just not feeling it? Mindfulness, deep breathing, visualisation and a clear focus on those you want to help be the best they can be. Imagine yourself pulling on your coat of charisma!

Perfectionism can paralyse you – perfect is the enemy of good. Let it go and embrace spontaneity (this was a core understanding that came from Sam’s “365 Days of Facebook Live when she had to quieten her internal dialogue, put aside the spreadsheet of carefully planned content went out the window and replace it with authenticity).

Have the courage to discover that all you need in inside of you – you just need to take a small risk, unlock yourself for that confidence to begin to flow…because what you focus on grows


Samantha Leith

Samantha Leith is a Woman on A Mission.  A successful performer, entrepreneur and single mum.  She is an inspiring business owner, having taken her business from nada to major in only a few years, as a Business Strategist, Lifestyle Enthusiast, Coach and Speaker. Samantha started her working life as a professional singer, then got side tracked down the ‘safer more practical’ business roads.  She’s gone from Sales Manager, to Financial Controller, to owning her own online retail store, to hand holding business coach, musical theatre Producer and her true love - a  blend of speaking and coaching.

Samantha shares her message on how everyone can have the business (or job) and life of their dreams. 

Most of the people she works with are already achieving in business and life and are now ready to go to Unleash their Extraordinary. They connect well because she brings a balance of creativity and practicality along with the ability to hold people accountable and get stuff done.

Conference organisers book her to speak as Samantha guarantees to Entertain, Educate and Empower every time she takes to the stage by being expressive, emotionally intelligent, energetic, generous and inspiring.

Some of the areas she speaks, coaches and run workshops include:

• Creativity and use of music to connect and engage
• Business Growth Coaching for Entrepreneurs
• Presentation Skills for Executives
• Goal setting, achievement and accountability
• Communicating with Confidence and Charisma 
• Finding your X Factor
