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Gamer Guardians

Game news, reviews and interviews! Breaking gaming news dissected by seasoned experts. Stay informed and entertained. Join us while exploring gaming's impact on society, politics and emerging trends. Provocative insights. Unfiltered discussions on gaming's latest news, releases, and controversies. GG also has a mental health segment called Health Potion to help gamers get through tough times with mental illness because you are NEVER alone. Adults only 18+ due to language, drinking and mature content. We do not enforce nor regulate what anyone younger than 18 may watch. There are content restriction settings parents/guardians can set to avoid these behaviors. Visit https://www.gamerguardians.net for all recent episodes and social media links! Also visit https://www.thekoalition.com for game reviews + movie and TV show entertainment!

info_outline Is Final Fantasy 16 an RPG? Have Square Enix lost their way? 07/06/2023
info_outline Bungie leaving Destiny in the dust after Final Shape? 07/05/2023
info_outline Diablo connection issues. Should all games be always online? 07/04/2023
info_outline Is the game industry dying? 02/14/2023
info_outline Gaming as an adult. How do you balance your gaming life? | Ep 103 02/04/2023
info_outline Destiny 2: Lightfall and Suicide Squad battlepass controversy. | Ep 102 01/21/2023
info_outline Anticipated games of 2023 and our possible game failure predictions! | Ep 101 01/15/2023
info_outline We play Jeopardy! Sifu and Death Stranding movie, Forspoken demo and more! | Ep 100 12/17/2022
info_outline Callisto Protocol, new Mario movie trailer, Game Awards and more! | Ep 99 12/12/2022
info_outline Catching up! Mario movie, Overwatch 2 and more! | Ep 98 10/09/2022
info_outline EVO News: KOF, SF6, MvC and more! Guilty Gears Bridget reveal. | Ep 97 08/15/2022
info_outline Is Multiversus the Smash Bros. killer? Are mini consoles worth the money? | Ep 96 08/06/2022
info_outline Are remakes just cash grabs? Final Fantasy series too linear now? | Ep 95 07/21/2022
info_outline Should the game industry express themselves in politics? | Ep 94 07/04/2022
info_outline Sony's State of Play 6/1/2022, RE4 Remake, Street Fighter 6 and more! | Ep 93 06/06/2022
info_outline Are live service games dying?| Ep 92 05/31/2022
info_outline Anger Management when gaming | Hp Ep 6 05/23/2022
info_outline Has Sony confused gamers with their PS Plus service? | Ep 91 05/22/2022
info_outline Why is DRM still making single-player games difficult to play when online services are down? 05/16/2022
info_outline Is game preservation important now more than ever with Sony's new PS Plus service? | Ep 89 05/04/2022
info_outline Should developers nerf players in single player games? | Ep 88 04/27/2022
info_outline Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer reveal. Nintendo working on new Switch Pro? | Ep 87 04/18/2022
info_outline Hasan Kahraman interview a flop! What is Blue Box thinking!? | Ep 86 04/11/2022
info_outline Did Playstation one up the Xbox GamePass? | Ep 85 04/05/2022
info_outline More gaming TV shows? Is this the new entertainment trend? | Ep 84 03/30/2022
info_outline Whats the longest time you've spent playing a game non-stop? Hogwarts Legacy News!| Ep 83 03/19/2022
info_outline Do we still need weapon durability in games? Sony's State of Play, Housemarque new info. | Ep 82 03/11/2022
info_outline SteamDeck 2 in the works? Smash Bros not in EVO, Elden Ring impressions | Ep 81 03/08/2022
info_outline How do you feel about FOMO? Street Fighter Logo rippped off? Horizon Impressions. | Ep 80 02/28/2022
info_outline Bioshock movie, Cyberpunk upgrade now out! | Ep 79 02/20/2022