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To End All Wars

Examining the Ages

Release Date: 11/12/2019

Stalin Comes to Power show art Stalin Comes to Power

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne discuss the rise of Joseph Stalin and his insidious grip on Russia. Following the time from World War I’s end to the cusp of another world conflict, Stalin’s methods for acquiring power, and the impact his policies had on a nation, left a troubling legacy, as well as scars.

The Russian Revolution show art The Russian Revolution

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne discuss many of the individuals and conditions that led to the Russian Revolution as well as the demise of the Romanovs. Special emphasis is placed on the twists and turns that give us some of the greatest figures in history.

To End All Wars show art To End All Wars

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne discuss the many factors that led to World War I. Emphasis is placed on the rise of Nationalism, those many confusing alliances, and military fervor gone extreme. All of these, and many more, were key ingredients which created a conflict still being felt today.

The Music of Our Lives show art The Music of Our Lives

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne return to discuss the ‘Music of our Lives’, a journey that takes them from Elvis to Emmylou Harris. Special emphasis is placed on how folks like The Beatles, Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones influenced the cultural landscape of an era.

Baseball show art Baseball

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne discuss the game of Baseball and how it impacted generations of players along with fans. Emphasis is placed on lessons learned from sports, as well as the importance of pick-up games for kids.

Napoleon show art Napoleon

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne delve into the life of Napoleon Bonaparte and how through genius, will, and audacity, he changed the face of Europe. Special emphasis will be placed on his brilliant triumphs as well as devastating defeats. From Corsica to St. Helena there is an interesting story to be told.

A Reign of Terror show art A Reign of Terror

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne examine causes of the French Revolution. Special emphasis is placed on the great philosophers and scientists who paved the way for tremendous change. Winding through a myriad of events that eventually led to the overthrow of a monarchy, this segment of Examining the Ages Over Dinner ends with the rise of Napoleon.

The Century of Humiliation show art The Century of Humiliation

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne delve into a tumultuous period in Chinese History known as The Century of Humiliation. Along the way events and individuals who paved the way for the eventual rise of Communism are discussed.

The Modern Middle East show art The Modern Middle East

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne delve into a number of events that led the way for the creation of the Modern Middle East. Along the way you will be introduced to a number of famous, and not so famous, individuals whose efforts played roles in significant change.

Germany, Nationalism and World War II show art Germany, Nationalism and World War II

Examining the Ages

Bob and Wayne investigate some of the conditions that led to Germany’s Nationalistic fervor following World War II. Eventually these, along with other happenings throughout the world, would set the stage for the rise of Adolph Hitler and World War II.

More Episodes

Bob and Wayne discuss the many factors that led to World War I. Emphasis is placed on the rise of Nationalism, those many confusing alliances, and military fervor gone extreme. All of these, and many more, were key ingredients which created a conflict still being felt today.