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Advent Book Study Introduction

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Release Date: 11/28/2012

Set Us Free show art Set Us Free

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Set Us Free" held at Resurrection South Austin, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Feast of Presentation show art Feast of Presentation

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Feast of Presentation" held at Trinity Episcopal Church, Jasper, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

3C Buenas Nuevas en el Desierto y Synagogue (In Spanish) show art 3C Buenas Nuevas en el Desierto y Synagogue (In Spanish)

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "3C Buenas Nuevas en el Desierto y Synagogue" held at Santa Maria del Virgen, Episcopal Church, Houston, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Christmas 2C, May Your Hearts Be Enlightened show art Christmas 2C, May Your Hearts Be Enlightened

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Christmas 2C, May your hearts be enlightened" held at Calvary Episcopal Church, Richmond, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Rest ye merry show art Rest ye merry

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Rest ye merry!" held at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Advent 4C - All Is Not As It Appears show art Advent 4C - All Is Not As It Appears

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Advent 4C - All Is Not As It Appears" held at Christ Church Episcopal Church, Cedar Park, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Advent 3C show art Advent 3C

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Advent 3C" held at Grace Episcopal Church, Georgetown, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Advent 2C show art Advent 2C

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Advent 2C" held at Christ Church Episcopal Church, Temple, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Advent 1C - Awake to Joy and Life and Light show art Advent 1C - Awake to Joy and Life and Light

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Advent 1C - Awake to Joy and Life and Light" held at St. James Episcopal Church, Taylor, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

Thanksgiving and Gratitude show art Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Ninth Bishop of Texas

Listen to Bishop Doyle's sermon, "Thanksgiving and Gratitude, Christ King Year B" held at St. Cyprian Episcopal Church, Lufkin, TX. More at www.texasbishop.com

More Episodes
Advent Book Study
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons

I am inviting you to read along with me this Advent.

We are going to try something different and the plan is for me to lead a book study of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christmas Sermons ...
during Advent this year.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote of Advent: "The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, who look forward to something greater to come. For these, it is enough to wait in humble fear until the Holy One himself comes down to us, God in the child in the manger. God comes. The Lord Jesus comes. Christmas comes. Christians rejoice!”

Each week participants will read a selection from the book. During the week you may post your reflections, comments, and questions below via facebook. Then I will post a podcast on Friday with my personal reflections on the material. We already have a good number of people participating and some congregations are doing the study together.

When the podcast is posted you will be able to get it from libsyn.com, itunes, or via epicenter.org. We will tweet and facebook update when the podcast is ready.

This week as we arrive at the first Sunday in Advent, December 2, 2012, we will read to page 40 or up to the Berlin years for those using Kindle or another reader.

The next week we will approach Advent 2 on December 9, and read from pages 41-81 or up to the London years.

As we approach Advent 3 on December 16, we will read pages 82-143 or up to the War Conspiracy. And, for the last week of Advent and December 23, we will begin at page 144 and finish the book.

I hope that people will read and send me questions or thoughts in the week previous to each podcasts so that I can respond to those comments in the reflections. I’m excited to see how this interaction works so that we can do additional studies together during Lent and at other times of the year.

I look forward to hearing from you!

