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Was The USA Actually Created as a Christian Nation?

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Release Date: 10/20/2017

First, the only true and living God is the God who speaks. show art First, the only true and living God is the God who speaks.

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

We know who God is not because any of us was smart enough to figure Him out, but because out of His own love, grace, and mercy He has spoken to us. Moses says this explicitly in Deuteronomy 4:32: “To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides him.” The Israelites would not have known God at all unless He had spoken to them. This is the miracle of revelation, and I fear that we give this doctrine inadequate attention in our churches through our teaching and preaching. Instead of recognizing God’s speaking to us in Scripture as a miracle of grace,...

A Crisis of preaching In The Church show art A Crisis of preaching In The Church

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

One of the hallmarks of our time is that we face a crisis of preaching. Indeed it would be an exercise in self-delusion if we tried to pretend that nothing is wrong with the preaching that happens in most evangelical churches. Let me ask some honest and difficult questions: If you picked an evangelical church at random and attended a Sunday morning service there, how likely is it that you would hear a faithful expository sermon, one that takes its message and its structure from the biblical text? If you answer that question honestly, you’ll admit that your expectation would not be very high....

Una crisis en la predicación show art Una crisis en la predicación

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Nuestra era actual está marcada por una crisis en la predicación. Sería un error ignorar los problemas presentes en la predicación encontrada en la mayoría de las iglesias evangélicas. Considera esto: si eligieras al azar una iglesia evangélica y asistieras a un servicio de domingo por la mañana, ¿qué tan probable es que escucharas un sermón expositivo fiel derivado del texto bíblico? Es probable que tus expectativas no fueran muy altas. La realidad es que la predicación, según la Biblia, es sinónimo de exposición.   Desafortunadamente, muchos predicadores y congregaciones...

Introduction to Armageddon Prophecies show art Introduction to Armageddon Prophecies

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

The Significance of Armageddon in Christian Beliefs In the realm of Christian beliefs, few topics garner as much attention and fascination as the concept of Armageddon. The mere mention of this apocalyptic event evokes a sense of awe and anticipation among believers. In this subchapter, we delve into the significance of Armageddon in Christian beliefs, exploring its prophetic origins, symbolism, and its impact on the faithful.   Armageddon, as described in the book of Revelation, is the final...

The Guiding Light in the Desert: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the End Times show art The Guiding Light in the Desert: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the End Times

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Title: The Guiding Light in the Desert: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the End Times   In the vast expanse of the desert, where solitude stretches infinitely and silence reigns supreme, there echoes a voice that transcends time and space. It speaks of a divine presence that dwells within, guiding and illuminating the way through the trials and tribulations of the end times. This voice is none other than the whisper of the Holy Spirit, a beacon of hope and salvation amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the world.   As we navigate the complexities of the end times, it...

Revelando el Papel de los Ángeles en los Últimos Tiempos show art Revelando el Papel de los Ángeles en los Últimos Tiempos

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Título: Revelando el Papel de los Ángeles en los Últimos Tiempos   Introducción   En el ámbito de las creencias espirituales y las interpretaciones proféticas, el papel de los ángeles en los últimos tiempos ocupa un lugar significativo. Se cree que los ángeles son seres sobrenaturales que sirven como mensajeros de Dios, protectores de los fieles y ejecutores de la justicia divina. A lo largo de textos religiosos y tradiciones, la presencia y acciones de los ángeles desempeñan un papel crucial en la configuración de la batalla cósmica entre el bien y el mal, especialmente...

Unveiling the Role of Angels in the End Times show art Unveiling the Role of Angels in the End Times

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Title: Unveiling the Role of Angels in the End Times   Introduction   In the realm of spiritual beliefs and prophetic interpretations, the role of angels in the end times holds a significant place. Angels are supernatural beings believed to serve as messengers of God, protectors of the faithful, and enforcers of divine justice. Throughout religious texts and traditions, the presence and actions of angels play a crucial role in shaping the cosmic battle between good and evil, particularly during the apocalyptic period known as the end times. In this podcast episode, we will explore...


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

LO PROHIBIDO Y LO INVITADO   Juan 7:32 al 39   En esta gran fiesta del templo, Jesús lloró dos veces. La primera fue el llanto de reprimenda (Juan 7:28), la segunda fue el llanto de compasión y piedad (Juan 7:37). Para ellos, al igual que para muchos ahora, Jesucristo era un gran misterio. Lo conocían, pero no lo conocían. No podían conciliar al "hijo del carpintero" con el Hijo de Dios. Sin embargo, Jesús declara valientemente su relación única con el Padre, y el propósito de su venida al mundo (Juan 7:29). Fue a esos "oficiales" enviados por los fariseos y los principales...


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

I AND MY FATHER   John 5:17-43   The Gospel of John is the "Holy of Holies" in the tabernacle of the New Testament. John could no more invent the things taught in this book than he could make a ladder that would reach unto Heaven. John's Gospel is the Gospel of "the Father and the Son," or the Son's relationship to the Father. With the exception of Matthew 11:27, this great theme is almost never touched by the other evangelists. This is "holy ground." Let us approach it, as it were, with humble and unshod feet. From Christ's own lips we learn that:   1. HE WAS LOVED BY THE...


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

FAITH: NATURE AND REWARD   John 4 46 54     Some of God's brightest blessings come to us clothed in the dark weeds of mourning. If this nobleman's heart had not been moved through the sickness of his son, he never would have known the healing power of Jesus Christ through faith. Blessed is that sorrow which constrains us to go believingly to the Son of God.   1. AN EARNEST REQUEST   "When he heard that Jesus was come... he went and besought Him that He would come down and heal his son" (John 4:47). He heard, he went, he besought. This is the workings of an honest...

More Episodes

Was The United States really created under Christian Principles? We will look at who our forefathers were and what they stood for and believed. Did they in God the way we do. Did They believe in Jesus and the Holy Trinity, Did they believe Jesus as The so