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190 Serene Allison & Pearl Barrett: Stop Making It So Hard

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 04/17/2018

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More Episodes

Being healthy doesn't have to be this difficult challenge every day. I can make it easier for myself to live a healthier life by taking baby steps and focusing on basic things. I have to remind myself that working hard at being healthy doesn't have to be miserable. As we go through different phases of our lives, being healthy is a never-ending journey. Don't over-complicate being healthy because life is about enjoying the moment; it's not about ticking off that perfect box. - Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett

How can you balance your time between taking care of your family, pursuing a career, and following a healthy lifestyle that matches your unique personality?



In Wellness Force Radio episode 190, sisters, Best-Selling Authors, and the Creators of the Trim Healthy Mama movement, Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett, share how they ended their negative thought patterns, discovered food freedom, and overcame their health hurdles in order to live a sustainable lifestyle full of wellness.

Find out how you can be healthy in a way that's achievable, enjoyable, and comfortable for your life.

"You can do your health journey your own way. You don't have to turn into a Granola Mom. You can do it in a sustainable way for your personality and experience the same level of health." - Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett of @TrimHealthyMama http://bit.ly/wfpodcast

Trim Healthy Mama Plan

Trim Healthy Mama Plan by Pearl Barrett and Serene AllisonCounting calories is out. All the food groups are in. Becoming trim and healthy doesn't have to be difficult or painstaking anymore. After trying almost every fad diet out there, Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett, creators of the Trim Healthy Mama movement, took matters into their own hands. Through trial and error and much research, they created the Trim Healthy Mama Plan, the breakthrough lifestyle program to help readers of all ages and stages get healthy, slim down and keep off the weight once and for all.

Based on the authors’ successful self-published book, this simplified, improved, practical plan shows readers a unique way to lose weight and get healthy by eliminating sugar and still eating hearty, delicious food. The biblically-sound and highly effective eating approach center on Satisfying meals (which include more fats and protein) and Energizing meals (which include more carbs and protein), as they are the key to success.

Scrumptious whole, unprocessed foods, including fats, blood sugar friendly grains, proteins, fruits, and vegetables, are eaten in a way that boosts metabolism, yet still fits into anyone’s hectic lifestyle.  It’s family friendly and effective for pregnant and nursing mothers, pre or postmenopausal women, and also those without weight or health issues—even men and growing children.

The book includes menu plans, a list of key super foods to eat on plan, time-saving tips, and pantry stocking and lifestyle advice to help readers successfully reach their goals.

Join the Trim Healthy Mama movement and along with thousands of others, and discover the groundbreaking, easy-does-it, and delicious way to eat for health and weight loss.

Listen To Episode 190 As Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett Uncover:

  • Their past struggles to find something that would help them stay healthy and in shape.
  • Why Serene decided to try a raw food lifestyle for 7 years and then let it go.
  • The common threads and challenges that moms in big cities face compared to living in a rural environment.
  • How Serene overcame her paralysis by analysis and adrenal fatigue by learning how to relax.
  • Why your obsession with health could come from another stressor in your life.
  • The first steps you can do to approach living a healthier life that matches your personality.
  • Why Pearl refers to herself as a "Drive Thru Sue."
  • How you can stop making it so hard to eat healthy by creating a plan.
  • Why finding something you enjoy doing is the true key to weight loss.
  • What Sweat Pant Meals are and how it helps them eat healthily, but quickly as well.
  • Why it's so important to get ourselves in the right state of mind before we eat.
  • The hygiene for respecting our meal times.
  • How they plan our their family meals to include protein, carbs, salad, and healthy fats for everyone according to their likes and dislikes.
  • What you can do to get your family on board with eating healthier foods.
  • How they manage to raise and look after 18 children between the two of them.
  • Why Serene has felt more joy looking after her 13 children and spending time helping others than when she spends time focusing on solely herself.
  • What they've learned about self-talk since becoming mothers.
  • How they've used the power of their thoughts to help them relax and get over their fears.
  • What you can do to stop over-complicating what it means to be healthy and how to get there.
  • How to take a pause in order to not be in a rush and truly enjoy the moment.

Power Quotes From The Show

"Don't force the trim. We don't want you to solely focus on trimming or forcing the healthy part of Trim Healthy Mama. Healthy weight loss needs to take its own good time." - Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett of @TrimHealthyMama http://bit.ly/wfpodcast

"I was obsessed with being healthy and being that strict actually wasn't allowing me to be healthy. I now realize that I made a lot of errors and I had no freedom in how I was living my life. Pearl taught me how to relax and because of that, I was able to regain my health. I used to have full on adrenal fatigue and I was becoming so sick until I started to just relax a bit more." - Serene Allison

"As women, we obsess with being healthy because we also have a lot of insecurities thanks to the perfection portrayed in magazines. This perfection that we think we have to obtain in order to have security and to be enough for somebody, it doesn't have to be this way. You're already enough for who you are. We all have a duty to feel healthy and alive, but we don't have to reach for what's impossible." - Serene Allison

"We find that with women, whether they're nursing, pregnant, or trying to lose weight, protein is key. It's important for substance and to be able to keep that blood sugar under control. Eating enough protein will help you feel satiated until the next meal without wanting to go for the Goldfish crackers." - Pearl Barrett

"We aren't designed to protect ourselves. We're designed to give, give, and give. We all try our best to live healthy lifestyles, but if we solely focus on that and don't balance it out by giving to others, then we're not doing enough. I feel like we're not really celebrating the bodies that we have that are able to go through difficult moments and sacrifices unless we're willing to give to others." - Serene Allison 

"I don't have to naturally be anxious or nervous. The scripture says, 'Take every thought captive.' Our thoughts are speaking to us all day and my negative thoughts about the future were constantly wearing down on my health. I realized that the way I think becomes who I am. So, now I take those thoughts captive and I don't allow them to come in and affect my way of life. My body is here to be healed and I am worthy of treating myself with respect and love." - Pearl Barrett

Links From Today's Show 

About Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett

Pearl Barrett and Serene AllisonSerene Allison and Pearl Barrett are sisters and authors of three best-selling books and creators of the Trim Healthy Mama brand. Starting as a grassroots movement, they shared their passions for healthy eating although one calls herself the Drive Thru Sue while the other is a food purist.

They both have large families and love to experiment in the kitchen on ways to best nourish the people they love while staying slim and healthy in the process. They are former recording artists who traveled extensively for the record label, but let go of their touring careers to embrace life at home with children dinners dishes and diapers.

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