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237 Zen Honeycutt: Glyphosate, Gut Health, & Children

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 10/16/2018

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The body can heal itself when healthy gut bacteria is allowed to do its job. If you remove glyphosate, the microbiome can repopulate, your body can better balance hormones, and your immune system can get stronger. - Zen Honeycutt

What kind of impact could we make if we all told local government officials that we want to prohibit the use of chemicals like glyphosate in our herbicides, food, and water?



On Wellness Force Radio episode 237, Founder and Director of Moms Across America as well as the Author of, UNSTOPPABLE: Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment and a Celebration of Community, Zen Honeycutt, uncovers how you can take leadership in your own family to make real changes happen at the dinner table, how we can heal and feed the world with organic food, and why exporting monocrops to third world countries actually hurts rather than helps them.

Find out what actions you can take right now to help fight against glyphosate, monocropping, and GMOs

"90% of runoff pollution that comes into our water is from spraying RoundUp. Glyphosate now has 750 different brand names. Ask your local government what they're spraying and ask for the ingredients." -@zenhoneycutt on @WellnessForce Radio episode 237 wellnessforce.com/237


Buy your own copy of UNSTOPPABLE by Zen Honeycutt here

Unstoppable by Zen HoneycuttUNSTOPPABLE is the story of a mother who learns about the current state of our world food supply, how it affects your dinner table, and how it affects the health of everyone you love. In her book, Zen walks you through her realization of the chemicals we all feed our loved ones, their origin and effects according to top-notch scientists from around the world, and why none of this is necessary according to farmers who not only want to feed the world, but to nourish it, and protect the environment at the same time.

Moms come forward to talk about the chronic and life-threatening health issues of their children, themselves, and other family members that were greatly improved once they took matters into their own hands and acted on the truth. Scientists back up the moms with independent studies and unbiased peer-reviewed papers.

Respected journalists, experts, and other activists share their stories of corporate greed and government corruption—all at the expense of our health. And Zen shows you, step-by-step, how to change things for yourself, your family, and the world.

If you have a loved one who is sick, your family is struggling health issues, and/or you do not trust our current system to provide you the information you need—know that there is hope, that you are not alone, and there are steps you can take to be empowered to create the health and freedom you desire.


Listen To Episode 237 As Zen Honeycutt Uncovers:

  • Monsanto in the news: the recent court case about glyphosate and how Monsanto was found guilty.
  • Why they chose the name of their organization to really give all moms a strong voice even with dads being their biggest supporters.
  • What steps local governments are taking to stop the use of harmful herbicides in their communities.
  • How glyphosate is affecting natural wildlife and agriculture in Florida including marine life in the oceans.
  • What a huge impact switching to organic foods has had on the health of people; especially young children.
  • How certain mushroom spores like that of oyster mushrooms can help to regenerate the soil.
  • Her response to people who are in disbelief and think that glyphosate and Monsanto is just one big conspiracy theory.
  •  The fact that Monsanto and other companies who use GMOs don't have any evidence that glyphosate and these other chemicals are safe.
  • The various, severe allergies and food intolerances that her sons have and how her eldest almost died from a pecan.
  • How she was able to help her sons heal their bodies, improve their gut health, and reduce both their intolerances and one's autism symptoms within just 4 months by eating organic.
  • Why it's so hard for mothers to face the truth about glyphosate and how they can resolve that fear.
  • Why we have to become educated and take care of ourselves both physically and mentally first before helping others.
  • What she said to the CEO of Monsanto, Hugh Grant, when she met with him at a shareholders meeting.
  • What actions you can take right now to make a difference in your own community's fight against GMO's.
  • The message and feelings of empowerment she wants readers of her book to be able to take away with them.
  • What facts or information made her the most upset, surprised, or hopeful as all these experts and journalists were helping her write, Unstoppable.
  • How we can feed the world with organic farming rather than monocrops.
  • The fact that exporting monocrops to third world countries is actually harming, not helping people.
  • The impact of the business partnership between Monsanto and the pharmaceutical company, Bayer.
  • An increasing amount of lawsuits against Monsanto and why a total of 10,000 is expected by the end of this year.

Power Quotes From The Show

"It takes a big man to make a big and powerful company but it takes an even bigger man to acknowledge when something is not working and to go in a new direction." - What @zenhoneycutt said to the Monsanto CEO. Learn more on @WellnessForce Radio episode 237 wellnessforce.com/237

"Not just for Moms Across America but for consumers from all around the world, this trial that found Monsanto guilty was really a triumph for all of humanity and life on this planet. This sends the message to the chemical companies that you must be responsible for your role in your products and for the outcome of what happens in the world." - Zen Honeycutt

"I understand the wanting to believe our government, media, or regulatory agencies but what I found when I looked deeper was that these chemicals actually aren't approved by the EPA. The EPA only requires safety studies on one ingredient in a product and there could be 50 different ingredients. Since the 1980s, we have come to understand that the other ingredients in RoundUp besides glyphosate are a thousand times more toxic than glyphosate. Not to say that glyphosate alone isn't harmful but the other chemicals are a thousand times more toxic and they have never been approved by the EPA. So, to say that the product is safe and to just trust the product that's on the shelf is safe to use around your kids and pets is a perception that was created with brilliant marketing by Monsanto to mislead the public. Their claims don't have a scientific foundation and are not based on anything or that's been presented to the EPA." - Zen Honeycutt

"People are realizing that agriculture has had an addiction to these chemical cocktails and by shining the light on glyphosate, it's become known what's happening in the food system so that people can choose to opt out of this chemical monopoly. We can choose to eat organic, grow our own food, and to know our farmers. I call this the beginning of the end of this chemical era." - Zen Honeycutt

"The monocrop culture which is based in the United States is really a way for us to export more produce. That act of exporting monocrops to a third world country doesn't actually help them. It may feed them temporarily but it makes them dependent on another country rather than establishing their own local food systems and sustainability. So, it actually decreases jobs, productivity, community, health, and their ability to have access to diverse, local foods." - Zen Honeycutt 

Links From Today's Show

About Zen Honeycutt

Zen HoneycuttZen Honeycutt is the Founder and Director of Moms Across America, a non-profit National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms. With the motto "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids," Moms Across America has grown rapidly with over 600 leaders have created 1,000+ community events in all 50 states in the first 5 years of inception. Zen has three boys with allergies and autism symptoms which greatly improved when they went GMO-Free and organic. She discovered that thousands of Moms are seeing the same results. MAA is expanding to Mothers Across the World with co-creator Vandana Shiva.

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