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243 Laura Coe: Emotional Obesity

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 11/06/2018

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Emotions are an essential part of our human design. Ignoring, denying, or feeling shame about having them will only weigh you down with emotional obesity. Emotions are an energy that you get to feel, accept, and examine."

You focus on your physical health but are you neglecting your emotional well-being?


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On Wellness Force Radio episode 243, author of, Emotional Obesity, and host of the podcast, The Art of Authenticity, Laura Coe, reveals how to build a great life one authentic decision at a time, the power of speaking your truth even though you might be afraid to do it, and what steps we can take to discover, navigate, and understand our emotions.

Discover how to enlighten your life by letting go of the emotional weight, discovering your truth, and living an authentic life.

"People have this idea that having emotions means there's something wrong with them. There's nothing wrong with us; it's just how we're designed as humans. Accept, examine, and then let your feelings go." - @laurascoe on @WellnessForce Radio episode 243 wellnessforce.com/243


Click here to get your copy of Emotional Obesity by Laura Coe

Emotional Obesity by Laura CoeEvery year, we spend millions of dollars on healthcare and beauty systems. Our days begin with teeth brushing, hair combing, and perhaps even exercise. Even if there are still many who need persuading or incentivizing towards participating in such routines, there is a general consensus that these self-care rituals are good for us.

But when it comes to our emotional health, we are taught from a young age to “get over” our feelings, and yet, in reality, most of us just stockpile them, carrying their weight throughout life. Even though we are not conscious of them, the feelings are weighing us down from the life we want to live. The messages they create—of not being good enough, not worthy, undeserving–become the guiding principles of our lives.

Our goal is to become aware of our feelings. Then subscribe to the habit of daily rituals for our emotional health, just as we have for our physical health. By doing this we can free ourselves from the destructive and unresolved feelings of the unconscious mind and begin to direct our lives from our authentic self where our true passions and desires reside.


Listen To Episode 243 As Laura Coe Uncovers:

  • What society says about both men and women sharing their emotions plus what we can do to change that narrative.
  • How emotional obesity is keeping us from living an authentic life that we live.
  • What factors are piling on the stress and negative emotions we're experiencing as a society day to day in the USA.
  • Why people feel like they're going crazy when they're just experiencing natural, human feelings.
  • Emotional fitness and her guided exercise to help you grow your emotional strength.
  • The moment she started her own emotional wellness journey after she sold her healthcare company and began seeking for something more authentic.
  • Why success is path but purpose and fulfillment are so much more meaningful to us.
  • First steps you can take to really get an inventory of what you're feeling and how to digest those emotions to find your purpose.
  • How she helps people find and confront the fears that are holding them back from discovering their purpose.
  • How to start being honest and authentic with yourself by asking simple questions like, "What do I really want? Do I want tea or coffee right now?"
  • Anger and shame - how they let us know that something has triggered us so that we can learn more about why it bothered us so much.
  • Emotional weight loss and how you can be more present with your body through this process.
  • How to let your truth unfold and let go of the fear of change.
  • Why your gut feelings might actually be a false sense that's keeping you from listening to your authentic self.
  • How she listened to her own authentic self that warned her against doing business with a specific agent for her book because he wasn't right for her.
  • Why your authentic self is presented to the world based on the choices you make every day.
  • Why you don't have to rush into action but can go at your own pace and be genuine with each step you make.
  • How we can let technology not get in the way of our health by being aware of how we use and interact with it.

Power Quotes From The Show

"Don't let emotions weigh you down. Instead, you have to get curious about yourself and accept that there's nothing right or wrong about feelings; they're just they're interesting pieces information." - @laurascoe on @WellnessForce Radio episode 243 wellnessforce.com/243

"We're aware of the impact that food has on our body but when it comes to our thoughts, we don't really consider how they impact our lives. What do you feel when you think of your outlook and perspective of the world, life, and yourself? Do they weigh you down? How can we get to a place where our thoughts don't feel heavy but instead we feel light, free, and content?" - Laura Coe

"There's a tipping point where we become overly focused on the external world, people and their thoughts, other's approvals, and even our own thoughts. That's when we lose touch with that deep connection with our authentic self. These barriers of thoughts, knowledge, and focus on the outside world block us from focusing on ourselves and our internal compass and inner truth." - Laura Coe

"This idea that the feelings we're having are somehow right or wrong is false. People often think having emotions means there's something wrong with them when what we feel is completely normal. Then, they feel amazed that they actually have all these emotions they're feeling. So, with each strong emotion, find out what triggered that reaction within you so you can grow, learn, and make a decision of what to do with that emotion." - Laura Coe

"Some people don't know where to start at all with what they want to do with their lives. If that's you, it's a process to get there but it's not that difficult. It's really just learning what your unique talents are, what you feel uplifted towards, and then starting to pursue those things more and finding what feels more like play and enjoyment again to you in life." - Laura Coe

"If I'm feeling angry about something while another person isn't, that's an inner energy that somehow was triggered in me. In moments like that, we want to start asking ourselves what's happening within us and get very curious about ourselves. To get curious about yourself, you have to be able to accept that there's nothing right or wrong about these emotional states; they're just happening and they're interesting pieces of information." - Laura Coe


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About Laura Coe


Laura Coe Laura co-founded Litholink Corporation, a healthcare company serving over 350,000 patients per month nationally. When Litholink sold to a Fortune 500 company, she left corporate America to pursue lifelong passions.

Even while working in corporate healthcare, Laura always specialized in breaking down complex concepts to make them easy to digest, understand, and apply. Now she channels that unique skill into “translating” philosophy and ancient wisdom – breaking down monumental, life-changing wisdom in a way that everyone can apply to their own lives.

Laura currently devotes her energy toward writing, coaching, helping others implement spiritual teachings in their everyday lives. Her first book, Emotional Obesity, is available for purchase. And now she is the host of the popular podcast, The Art of Authenticity.

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