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249 Niraj Naik: SOMA Breath For Less Stress

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 12/17/2018

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Through the breath, we can control our state of energy to change emotion. Getting into a rhythmic breathing state allows us to harmonize every single function of the body to be coherent so that we can move from low to high energy emotions. - Niraj Naik

Do you wake up every day with absolute enthusiasm to work hard for something that you love?


Are you waking up every day because you have to in order to pay the bills and survive?

Those are the two questions that Holistic Wellness Expert, Author, Founder of The Renegade Pharmacist blog, and SOMA Breath Instructor, Niraj Naik asks himself every morning.


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Learn how you can achieve a lasting peak human experience, altered states of consciousness, and a higher state of mind without spending a large amount of money.

In Wellness Force Radio episode 249, Niraj will uncover what he has learned about the broken UK and US healthcare industries while working as a pharmacist, how to naturally change your emotional state through shamanic and yoga practices, and how he was able to heal through the foundations of pranayama, yoga, and Ayurveda.

21 Day Awakening Program 10% off code: WELLNESSFORCE


Click Above To Join The 21-Day Awakening Breath Protocol Program


In this 3-week course, you experience two steps:

1) Creative Visualization

2) 21-Day Breathwork Meditation Protocol

What to expect:

This course will be split into 3 weeks working through separate breathwork meditations each week. Each breathwork meditation session consists of 5-10 minutes of diaphragmatic rhythmical breathwork followed by a series of breath retention techniques lasting 4-5 mins. A target spO2 level of 80-85% for 2-3 mins duration of breath retention provides the desired outcome and benefits.

There will be 1 live session each week (total of 3 live sessions + a wrap up call at the end) accompanied by downloadable guided meditations and exercises to work through during the remainder of the week.

"Your spirit is where your true feelings, thoughts, desires, and decisions come from. Unless we can solve our spiritual problems, nothing gets solved." - Niraj Naik 

Each week is broken down as such:

WEEK 1 - Initiation Phase: Guided 20-minute breathwork meditation in downloadable audio format prepares you for deeper practices.

WEEK 2 - Awakening Phase: 40 minute guided audio breathwork meditation awakens your ‘inner pharmacy’ strengthening, healing and nourishing your body with vital oxygen while giving you the therapeutic benefits of intermittent hypoxia.

WEEK 3 -SOMA Phase: 60-minute guided audio breathwork meditation releases the ‘Soma’ molecule from within giving you bliss, connection, and the peak human experience.

soma breath wellness force 21 day


Listen To Episode 249 As Niraj Naik Uncovers:

  • How to achieve a lasting peak human experience and what that is according to him.
  • His background story of organizing raves, working in the pharmacy industry, feeling overwhelmed, and eventually led him to found SOMA Breath.
  • The overwhelm and daily negative side of working as a pharmacist.
  • How attending a Tony Robbins event helped him turn his health and life around.
  • The positive improvement he saw in people when he started teaching them about diet and nutrition.
  • How he came up with the title, Renegade Pharmacist, and the rejection he faced from his idea to help people through a holistic health advice website.
  • The moment he became housebound for a year due to poor health and how it turned into one of the best experiences of his life.
  • Why he was compelled to do his own research on nutrition and start looking for answers to help reverse severe problems.
  • How fear, anger, guilt, and other heavy emotions is what really connects us to the earth and paralyzes us.
  • The many branches of yoga and how it's been evolved into modern practice but what it's missing from traditional yoga.
  • What tantra yoga actually is and why it should not be confused with tantric sex.
  • How the mother's environment can affect the baby even while it's in the womb and in the early stages of life through breastfeeding.
  • Early stages of conditioning from being in the womb to the moment we're born.
  • The varying beneficial and harmful hormones that can be released through breath depending on our energy and emotion.
  • How exhaling breath immediately helps to release stress and calm the nerves.
  • How we're constantly being conditioned through outside factors such as the media, education system, and how modern society is built.
  • How the yogis have taught us to have an off switch for stress through breath.
  • What SOMA breath actually is, where it originates from, and how it led to tantra yoga.
  • The differences between Soma breathwork and other forms of breathing such as holotropic breath, box breathing, and Wim Hof breathing.
  • Why our society is so addicted to lower vibrations such as fear, shame, and guilt.

Power Quotes From The Show

"Yoga is about liberation. Yoga understands that we are all divine beings and we are also a product of our imprinting. Yoga is designed to allow you to break free of those chains of your human conditioning."- Niraj Naik

"Everything is divine and we choose to either tune into it or not. That choice comes from your level vibrational energy of L-O-V-E. The more love you have for yourself and others, the more connected you'll be to this divine energy." - Niraj Naik

"Heavy emotions such as fear, anger, rage, rage, and guilt are what really binds us to the earth in a way that we end up in survival mode. Specifically, guilt is a really, really terrifying emotion to experience for a long period of time and it can just paralyze you. If we can change that emotional state without using drugs, antidepressants, or even having to resort to psychedelics and do it naturally through our own body instead, then we're getting somewhere. That's what I focused on through pranayama, yoga, and Ayurveda." - Niraj Naik

"What is the best thing that the yogis have done for us? They taught us how to have an off switch for stress which is the breath and the exhale. By learning how to exhale properly, hold your breath, and control your breath, in certain ways, we actually learn how to control the entire physiology of our mind." - Niraj Naik

"The exhaled breath is our off switch for stress. By learning how to control, hold,  and properly exhale our breath, we can actually discover how to manage the entire physiology of our mind." - Niraj Naik


Links From Today's Show

About Niraj Naik

Niraj NaikNiraj Naik is a qualified pharmacist who comes from a background of working long hours for several years as a community pharmacist.  Becoming a certified “legal drug dealer” at the ripe age of 24, he got to witness first-hand, many clients going home with shopping bags full of drugs each month, rarely getting better and usually going on to suffer from other diseases. He also learnt of the debilitating side effects of the prescription medication which drove many of the patients to have to take more and more drugs to ease the side effects.

Curious to find ways to improve his own health he attended several health seminars and discovered an in-depth approach on how to reach optimum health and vitality by understanding the true origin of disease and how to prevent it. After experiencing great benefits with his own health, Niraj was motivated to devise a scheme to see if he could also help his suffering patients. He incorporates a lifestyle plan called his "healthy shopping lists' that includes simple food swaps, tools, and websites to support their specific condition.

Niraj is now a professional musician, holistic health expert, and entrepreneur. He runs several successful websites that help others who suffer from stress-related, chronic diseases through his self-composed, captivating meditation music, and online courses. Niraj has composed music for healing centres, spas, and therapists worldwide.


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