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251 The Top 8 Podcasts of 2018

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 12/28/2018

Brad McDonnell + David Reid | MANNA: Is Nano-Gold The Highest Frequency Supplement on Earth? Vitality Superconduction For Genetic Liberation... show art Brad McDonnell + David Reid | MANNA: Is Nano-Gold The Highest Frequency Supplement on Earth? Vitality Superconduction For Genetic Liberation...

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 646 What makes nano gold a superconductor that brings more light and vitality to your body and spirit? Brad McDonnell + David Reid, Founders of , join Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 646, to explain how the unique properties of nano gold enable it to pass through the blood-brain barrier to access the amygdala and conduct electricity within the body to help release stuck emotions and promote genetic liberation. "The gold is inducing coherent biophotonic light emissions at the genetic and cellular level which can reprogram the conditioning of our...

Josh Trent, Dr. John Lieurance, Luke Storey | Healing from Porn Addiction, Conscious Parenting, Plant Medicine + Rite of Passage (Bonus Episode) show art Josh Trent, Dr. John Lieurance, Luke Storey | Healing from Porn Addiction, Conscious Parenting, Plant Medicine + Rite of Passage (Bonus Episode)

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Episode 645   In this Friday bonus episode from The Lifestylist Podcast with host, Luke Storey, and friend, Dr. John Lieurance, the three of them discuss: Current Interests & Explorations: Urine Therapy & Parenthood The Shadow Side of Wellness: Releasing Control & Supporting Sensitivity Practices for Conscious Living, Soul Contracts & Psychedelic Experiences Biohealing vs. Biohacking & The Importance of Prostate Testing Uncovering the Drivers of Porn Addiction & How to Break Free How Circumcision Impacts Male Psyche & Our Society Get the full...

QUADCAST: Aaron Abke, Luke Storey, Alec Zeck + Josh Trent |  Liberation of The SELF,  U.S.A. Common Law + Unmasking Health Myths show art QUADCAST: Aaron Abke, Luke Storey, Alec Zeck + Josh Trent | Liberation of The SELF, U.S.A. Common Law + Unmasking Health Myths

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 644 What are the unconscious beliefs and programming that keep you enslaved? , , and join Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 644, to dive deep into the meaning of common law, why we thrive in communities, how the collective consciousness has been taken over by darkness, and what urine therapy can do to your mind and body. "Common law is the bridge to a voluntary society. It is the pathway to revoking the contractual agreements that we have with various organizations representative of the government to then come back to a totally voluntary...

AMA: Money, Maturity + Paradigm Shifts For Abundance show art AMA: Money, Maturity + Paradigm Shifts For Abundance

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 643 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, , shares what beliefs he got to unlearn to go from debt to making money and why shifting the paradigm will help you become financially abundant. Today's Question - Anna Renteria: When did you begin to unlearn and develop better skills around money? Try Josh's Favorite Organifi Products Today! Organifi Sunrise to Sunset (Green, Red, Gold) Your AM to PM Ritual! TOP BENEFITS OF ORGANIFI SUNRISE TO SUNSET: • Detoxification • Energy boost • Relaxation • Nutrients, minerals + antioxidants •...

Dr. Craig Koniver | Peptide Masterclass: The Practical, Physical + Spiritual Guide For All You Need To Know About Peptides To THRIVE show art Dr. Craig Koniver | Peptide Masterclass: The Practical, Physical + Spiritual Guide For All You Need To Know About Peptides To THRIVE

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 642 Why are peptides the most effective health + wellness tool? , Performance Medicine Expert, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 642, to share why he leverages the power of peptides to help his patients achieve long-term health and well-being, and why he encourages people to use tirzepatide to start their weight loss journey. "Peptides are a way for the body to clean up the wrong kind of energy that keeps us stuck and become efficient. We need help with that because we live under artificial light, we don't breathe properly, and we don't...

AMA: How I Liberated Myself from Porn Addiction + Found Peace Within show art AMA: How I Liberated Myself from Porn Addiction + Found Peace Within

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 641 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, , shares his personal story of how he overcame porn addiction, what was the initial root cause of it, and how he found the missing link within himself. Today's Question Could you share the struggles you had with pornography starting with your history when you thought it was a problem, how you overcame it, and how life has changed for you now? 🧖‍♀️ Protect Your Skin this Summer with One Skin All OneSkin Topical Supplements are formulated with OS-01, the first ingredient scientifically proven...

Sathiya Sam | Desexualizing My Brain Transformed My Life! Experience Lasting FREEDOM + Resolve The Root Cause of Porn Addiction show art Sathiya Sam | Desexualizing My Brain Transformed My Life! Experience Lasting FREEDOM + Resolve The Root Cause of Porn Addiction

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 640 What is the most reliable way to liberate yourself (or your loved one) from the trap of pornography? Men's Coach, , joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 640, to share the key elements to healing from porn addiction, his personal journey to freedom, and why getting 1% better every day is all you need to focus on. "Where we are the most wounded or the most deficient is often reflected in the nature of the content that we are drawn to. That's why so many people are looking for porn; because of mother wounds. It's often linked to the...

AMA: What's The Biggest Threat Towards Collective Consciousness? show art AMA: What's The Biggest Threat Towards Collective Consciousness?

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 639 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, , shares why Wetiko poses a threat to the collective consciousness and how it shows up in the modern world. 👇Today's Question : What do you think is the biggest threat towards the collective consciousness? ❄️ Biohack Your Mind & Body with Plunge Ice Baths! As seen on Shark Tank, Plunge's revolutionary Cold Plunge uses powerful cooling, filtration, and sanitation to give you cold, clean water whenever you want it, making it far superior to an ice bath or chest freezer. ☀️ Live Life Well...

Cheryl Sew Hoy | Tiny Health: The Missing Link Between Child Chronic Condition Crisis  + Healing Family Gut Dysbiosis show art Cheryl Sew Hoy | Tiny Health: The Missing Link Between Child Chronic Condition Crisis + Healing Family Gut Dysbiosis

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 638 How is Tiny Health helping parents and children optimize their gut health? Cheryl Sew Hoy, Founder of , joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 638, to explain the correlation between parents' gut microbiome and their baby's gut health, why the first months of a baby's life define their health for the rest of their life, and how microbiome testing can prevent chronic diseases in children. "If your child has poor and imbalanced gut health in the first 6-12 months of life, we can predict if the child is at higher risk for atopic march symptoms;...

AMA: How To Love Yourself + Your Partner As You Both Change show art AMA: How To Love Yourself + Your Partner As You Both Change

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 637 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, , shares what it takes to learn how to love yourself and your partner unconditionally as one of you decided to change and evolve. Today's Question Dana: You can love someone, but do you love them unconditionally when they want to change after 10, 15 years of marriage because they want something different now because they want a career? 25% Off Seed Daily Synbiotic SEED'S DS-01® DAILY SYNBIOTIC FOR 18+ AGE GROUP For Gastrointestinal + Whole-body Health 2-in-1 capsule-in-capsule probiotic and...

More Episodes

My friend, we’ve arrived at the end of yet another incredible year of 250+ podcast episodes discovering the physical and emotional intelligence to live life well.


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To enter to win a *Free 90 Day Supply of Organifi: all you have to do is leave a 5 star review right here for the podcast on iTunes right from your phone or computer during the contest period (12/28-1/1) and you'll be automatically entered to win.

**Entrants must leave a 5 star podcast review for Wellness Force Radio on iTunes by 1/1/2019 at 11:59pm EST

Here's how you can click to leave a review from your iPhone, easily right now. Just follow the directions in the video at wellnessforce.com/251. That will take you right to the review screen on your iPhone and after you hit “send” that’s it, you’re entered! Just a quick head’s up, after you hit send, your review won’t show on iTunes for 24 hours.

 Any questions on how to enter from your computer? A quick 30-second video will show you how below at wellnessforce.com/251

**(1) winner will be chosen by a random computer and your iTunes username will be announced on January 1st right from the Wellness Force Facebook page, so make sure you like our page and turn on notifications to claim your prize on January 1st.

Free Giveaway: Win A Free 90 Day Supply of Organifi! 

Here's To Another Incredible Year

If you’ve been listening to Wellness Force for a while, or if you’ve been with us since the beginning, you know by now that great things tend to take us time, effort, and the hardest one of them all - trusting the process - especially when it comes to our wellness. For episode 251, we spotlight 8 of our favorite moments over 2018, to pull the gems of wisdom, moments of laughter, and the real-life action steps that I've learned to both trust and believe in.

I want to share my truth: This entrepreneurial and podcast path has not been 100% rainbows. Even since early childhood, I have known, deep down, that I march to the beat of a different drummer. Maybe you feel that too, and that’s why you’re here. I’ve faced inner and outer demons I wouldn’t wish on anyone, and since I began to wake up in 2012, I’ve done some deep work to let go of old stories about genetics, beliefs, and the people and things that don't serve my wellness. But yet as hard as this has been, I’ve also learned that when you operate from a place of love and service to others, and if you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

This podcast has been my life since 2015, and today, I get to give thanks to YOU!

2018's Top 8 Wellness Force

Dr. Cortney Warren

Dr. Cortney WarrenIn episode 177, Clinical Psychologist, Researcher, TEDx Talk Speaker, and Author of Lies We Tell Ourselves: The Psychology of Self-DeceptionDr. Cortney Warren, dives into how you can transform your life while experiencing trauma, misery, and self-doubt. Furthermore, Dr. Warren shares the importance of taking a deep look at yourself, being honest, and accepting who you are without judgment. Only when you do that, can you develop the strength to change your life despite hesitation or fear.


Dr. Michael Gervais

Michael GervaisWhat does it mean to be human and perform to your optimal level? How is authenticity the most powerful tool that will allow you to be truly you? Our next guest is, licensed psychologist, Co-founder of Compete to Create, and Podcast Host of Finding MasteryDr. Michael Gervais, who will teach you how to unlock the center of your mastery through self-expression, inner work, and gratitude. In episode 201, you will find out why practicing being in the present moment will lead to healthy habits, behavior change, and positive new traits.


Peter Sage

Peter SageAs you listen to episode 245 with International Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Author of The Inside TrackPeter Sage, will help you discover the real difference between pursuing your passion and following your potential. As Peter has taught various entrepreneurs of all different backgrounds, the different levels of consciousness and the art of surrender will help you re-contextualize your negative thoughts when outer life doesn't fit your inner world. Discover how to go from the lowest level of vibration of victimhood to your best self through letting go, coming from a place of power, and putting your trust into something greater than yourself.


 Paul Chek - Part 1

Paul ChekWhat actions can you do to become a better universal citizen of today's modern world? In Part 1 of 3 in episode 226, Author of How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy, Creator of the PPS Success Mastery Program, Founder of the C.H.E.K. InstitutePaul Chek, reveals the vital importance to honoring your mind, body, and spirit through The 4 Doctors - Doctor Happiness, Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Movement. Taking a deep look at modern society, learn how you can begin to properly feed your physical body, emotions, and mind through organic nutrition, real connection, and new ways of thinking.



Kyle Kingsbury

Kyle KingsburyWhat can breathwork, hedonic calendaring, and plant medicine ceremonies teach you about your actual self, your fears, and your spirituality? In this next clip from episode 219, retired American professional mixed martial artist and now Director of Human Optimization at OnnitKyle Kingsbury, reveals that it's okay and necessary to set healthy boundaries when you truly need it in order to let go of those pent-up thoughts and emotions so that they can no longer consume your energy.  As you listen, you'll discover how you can satisfy the need for ‘more' based on what makes you feel good, whole, and happy.


Aubrey Marcus 

Aubrey MarcusIn episode 196, CEO of Onnit and the author of Own The Day, Own Your Life, Aubrey Marcus, reminds us that we have the power to move on from the past. We were not the same people that we were before and we don’t have to allow our past to define and label us. It is Aubrey’s mission to help each person understand that they have the ability to make their life their own. By giving people the tools to transform their work, relationships, and wellness, he’s helping create a world of optimized individuals who are looking to become the best versions of themselves.


Mary Shores

Mary Shores

How can you stop your negative thought patterns in order to rewrite your story and live life to its fullest?  From episode 191, author of Conscious CommunicationsMary Shores, has a mission to help people clear themselves from their financial debt and feel good about doing it. Each day she is helping people cleanse their minds and get back in alignment with who they are and what they want from life. From debt collector and business owner, she was able to go on a spiritual path in order to help herself and others change their beliefs about what they can and cannot do.


Join Us For 2019

We've arrived to the end of 2018, and there are hundreds of more episodes to come filled with energy and inspiration.

I want to thank so many incredible humans who have helped make 2018 another amazing year for Wellness Force

My heart is full for everyone who has made this podcast possible, so I know I'm gonna miss a ton of people in these shout-outs to Buzzy Torek and the whole team over at Epicast Network for making the show sound so powerful, to Shanna at Organifi for believing in us and supporting the show with trustworthy products, to Lauren Bryant for all you do in our Wellness Force Community, to my brother, James, for being the example of how to live from the heart, to my mother, Mary, and father, Dan, for giving me the gift of life, and to my teachers: Alan Watts, Napoleon Hill, Abraham Hicks, Carl Sagan, Jason Silva, Jade Teta, Robb Wolf, Mary Shores and countless more, both alive and who are watching all of us from the expanse of the universe.

To every single guest we’ve had on the show.

And, last but not least, to all my #WellnessWarriors in the Wellness Force Family:

I see you, I love you, and I support what you are doing to raise the consciousness our world needs right now.

My friend, I know you already know this, but thank you for being here and being a part of this community who are up to big things, and doing the physical and emotional work needed to live life well.

Until I see you again real soon, I’m wishing you love and wellness. 

- Josh Trent




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welcome to wellness force VIP

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More Top Episodes

  1. 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series)
  2. 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness
  3. 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies 
  4. 183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science
  5. 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day
  6. 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat
  7. Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows

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