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266 Chris DiVecchio: The Middle Way

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 04/09/2019

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More Episodes

Focusing on any type of negative thought pattern doesn't serve you and it spends all of your energy. On the other hand, you don't have to pay a cent to register, process, and choose my thoughts and feelings.- Chris DiVecchio

Can receiving too much love, support, or encouragement ever be a bad thing?


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On Wellness Force Radio episode 266, Trainer, Founder of Premier Mind & Body, and Creator of both The 5x2 Method and Emergency7, Chris DiVecchio, discusses the impact of how his parents raised him affected future relationships, how he sets his trajectory for the day with the 5x2 Method, how you can take adult inventory to let go of old weight, and the skill set he developed to not dwell on negative thoughts for too long as an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person).

Listen and discover why the 1 hour that you spend in the gym is much less impactful than the 23 hours that you dedicate to lifestyle, stress management, nutrition, supplementation, time management, and recovery.

The 5x2 Method

Click here to get your copy of The 5x2 Method

Chris DiVecchioDid you know you use at least one of your five senses every moment of the day, even when you are asleep? Each sense has its own special power, but it is when they are used in combination that we create those unforgettable experiences.

We all have a set of daily habits that tend to dull our senses and encourage us to lead a pretty basic life of existence. We often find ourselves in the vicious cycle of wake up, repeat and go to sleep. Chirs DiVecchio developed the 5x2 method to help wake those senses back up and create a whole new way of thinking, acting, being and doing so that you can start living the life of happiness you deserve!

As we know, the five senses are controlled by five organs:

  • Touch - Touch has a memory
  • Sound - Music to your ears
  • Taste - Taste the rainbow
  • Sight - The windows to the soul
  • Smell - Stop and smell the roses

In this book, Chris breaks each sense down in detail to help you understand a bit more how they can be used to shift you into a more positive state of being.


"Having control over how I look, feel, and take care of myself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually costs me nothing. I don't have to pay a cent to register, process, and choose my thoughts and feelings." - Chris DiVecchio 

Listen To Episode 266 As Chris DiVecchio Uncovers:

  • What his upbringing was like with such loving parents that he sought out "tough" guidance from his friends' parents.
  • The varying degrees of trauma that people might experience from neglect to no support from their family.
  • Why there's nothing better to him than to make a living to make a difference.
  • How he was able to find general peace and happiness throughout each day with the 5x2 Method even though he wasn't making a lot of money as an actor.
  • Which of the 5x2 Methods help people the most go from doing nothing to creating something.
  • The healing process that the current fitness industry is going through to focus more on wellness.
  • Why he gives his clients a Giving Key necklace as part of working with him on their wellness journey.
  • The deep questions he asks clients to really know who he's working with at their core.
  • The common fear of taking a photo at the start of a weight loss transition and why we shouldn't feel that way.
  • Why we naturally want to deal with what we need to focus on when the stakes are higher.
  • Why losing weight will never be the end of our wellness journey.
  • How to approach working with a new client when they're currently a client of another personal trainer you know.
  • Why you have to be a greater listener to be a great trainer.
  • What lessons we can learn when we pay more attention to something and see all of its benefits and worth.
  • His unique connection to animals throughout his life and how they inspired the 5x2 Method.
  • The biggest lesson that he's learning and teaching at the same time.
  • How he implements his spiritual side to his training and helps his clients do the same.
  • Why he doesn't believe in "good vibes only" with his optimistic outlook and will do the inner work with his deeper emotions.
  • Why being given too much love as a kid was a problem for him as he grew up into adulthood and explored different relationships.
  • About his other program, The E7 (Emergency 7), which is a 7-day protocol to help people naturally drop weight by their target date for a specific event such as a wedding.

Power Quotes From The Show

"If you feel good emotionally, then 9 times out of 10, your body is going to match that." - Chris DiVecchio

"The growing fitness trend of using performance-enhancing supplements has its place but the healing process is really what people are focusing on now. Our main concern today is caring about how we feel rather than how we look. That's where the world of fitness and wellness is going. We're now realizing that if you feel good, then 9/10 times your body is going to match that vibration." - Chris DiVecchio

"I had to put in an insane amount of trust that I was doing the right thing and I was in the right space. For me to freak out, panic, or to buy into any type of negative thought pattern I have right now, it's just not going to serve me. If I have control over how I look, feel, and take care of myself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, then I have to do that at least. That costs me nothing; I don't have to pay a cent to register, process, and choose my thoughts and feelings." - Chris DiVecchio

"Taking inventory is important in order to look back and reflect on your lifestyle situations, habits, or traumas. Being able to learn from past experiences and dissect some of the emotional turmoil that you've been through without allowing yourself to get stuck in it is a skill. A lot of people don't get as deep in their past to clear house is because they're afraid of what they might see along that journey." - Chris DiVecchio

"Forget about discipline; discipline doesn't mean anything. What we actually need to do right now is care. The people who are at the top of their game in optimal health and wellness are those who care enough about themselves and care enough about their bodies to focus on what contributes to a healthy looking vessel." - Chris DiVecchio


Links From Today's Show

About Chris DiVecchio

Chris DiVecchio Chris DiVecchio, Founder & Trainer, brings a wealth of self-development transformation mixed with a very practical technique to his fitness training. Coming from a bodybuilding background and a D1 collegiate hockey career, Chris realized that he wanted to teach his simple techniques and strategies to help others achieve both physical and mental acuity.

As a fitness trainer and lifestyle specialist, Chris has a knack for inspiring accountability and achieving results quickly. With each client, Chris develops a unique and effective nutrition and personal training strategy. His vast knowledge of great recipes and food combinations allow him to create a diet that not only tastes great but will also be easy to maintain. Chris has developed innovative fitness concepts and practices for all types of clients who are all working through very different life experiences, and he is excited to talk with you about your goals.


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