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#429: Are You Doing the Work of Writing?

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Release Date: 05/15/2024

#429: Are You Doing the Work of Writing? show art #429: Are You Doing the Work of Writing?

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Do The Work 2 Timothy 4:5 - “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” Paul gives young Timothy four things to do in this powerful little verse… Be sober-minded - In a world where others may be losing their minds, we are to remain clear in our thinking and focused on the things God has for us Endure suffering - Whether from other people or from our spiritual enemy, we are told to endure which is the ability to withstand pain or hardship Do the work - In Timothy’s case, Paul specifically instructs him to do the work...

#428: 3 Ways to Learn and Grow as a Writer on a Budget show art #428: 3 Ways to Learn and Grow as a Writer on a Budget

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Don't miss out! The Courageous Writer Bundle ends 5/7/24 at midnight eastern. Get yours here: https://courageouswriterbundle.com/ 1. Listen to podcasts for free. Check out my private podcast, Hitz Blitz here: https://trainingauthors.com/hitzblitz 2. Attend online conferences and summits. Sign up to one of the editions of the Kingdom Writers Conference here: https://kingdomwritersconference.com/editions/ 3. Sign up for bundles. We are hosting the Courageous Writer Bundle with over 40 experts. It ends 5/7/24 so make sure to get yours now here: https://courageouswriterbundle.com/ Which option...

#427 Writing as Ministry - How to Reach the Right Audience show art #427 Writing as Ministry - How to Reach the Right Audience

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Get valuable insights on writing as a ministry and reaching the right audience for your message as Shelley discusses the importance of consistently creating and publishing content to serve your intended audience, understanding and identifying your target readers. Take a Step of Faith and Finally Finish Your Book You have a story to tell. But creating a book that makes an impact isn’t easy, especially without support and guidance. Our online community, , is where we help you write words that leave a legacy, self-publish books that fulfill your calling, and connect with a wider audience. ...

#426 Mentoring Moment: First Love show art #426 Mentoring Moment: First Love

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years about the writing life, it’s that a person needs to have a passion for writing. This passion is fueled by the God we desire to partner with in order to write lasting words of impact. After all, the Kingdom writer is one who is gifted and called by God. The prophet Jeremiah describes our calling with these words, “But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!” (Jeremiah 20:9 NLT) Can you relate...

#425 Marketing Minute: How to Find Your Audience of Readers show art #425 Marketing Minute: How to Find Your Audience of Readers

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

If you’re interested in knowing how to find your audience of readers, we highly recommend you listen to this episode. Shelley talks about the significance of knowing where your audience hangs out online and how to engage with established groups.  Free: 27 Book Marketing Ideas  You have finally written and published your book. Yay! Now, it’s time to market and promote it to reach more people and inspire lives. Get instant access to our FREE PDF on 27 Book Marketing Ideas to help you with your book marketing strategy .  Book Marketing Templates to Save You Time and Money...

#424 Publish with a Purpose: Why Choose to Self-Publish a Book show art #424 Publish with a Purpose: Why Choose to Self-Publish a Book

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Why choose to self-publish a book? Join us for this episode as Shelley discusses the opportunities presented by self-publishing, bypassing traditional publishing timelines, and the advantages for authors like you. Download Your Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a book but don't know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley's 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps. Join Our Procrastination to Publication Workshop With our simple 5-step system, you’ll be able to self-publish a quality Kindle...

#423 Writing Well: Keep Your Creativity Flowing show art #423 Writing Well: Keep Your Creativity Flowing

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

In this episode, Shelley shares insights on how to keep your creativity flowing and seek guidance from God in the writing process. What is the importance of refilling your creative well and how do you do it? Listen to this episode to find out. Free: Writing Wheel Learn 5 proven writing strategies you can use today to get more writing done.  .  Your Book on Paper in Just 90-Minutes Are you ready to get your book onto paper without the frustration of getting stuck or dealing with writers’ block?   Get your book out of your head and onto paper by the end of this 90-minute...

#422 Mentoring Moment: New Vision show art #422 Mentoring Moment: New Vision

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Hagar & Ishmael were sent away Genesis 21:14-19 Is it possible that in her pain & despair, Hagar assumes the worst-that God is not with her and that He will not help her, that He doesn’t see her suffering-and that this perspective blinds her to the well in front of her? Is it possible that in our own trials and pain, we let that same lie sneak in? Maybe this time He won’t come to my aid-and my eyes become so fixed on that lie that I’m blinded to the grace and joy right in front of me, all around me, or perhaps right around the corner?  We need God to open our eyes to ideas...

#421 Marketing Minute: How to Market Your Book Using 5-Step Marketing Plan show art #421 Marketing Minute: How to Market Your Book Using 5-Step Marketing Plan

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Are you ready to take your book marketing to the next level? Learn a 5-step marketing plan to effectively promote and sell your book. Listen to this episode and unlock the potential of your book!  Free: 27 Book Marketing Ideas You have finally written and published your book. Yay! Now, it’s time to market and promote it to reach more people and inspire lives. Get instant access to our FREE PDF on 27 Book Marketing Ideas to help you with your book marketing strategy . Book Marketing Templates to Save You Time and Money You’ve got a book you’re proud of. Now you’re looking for...

#420 Publish with a Purpose: What to Expect Once Your Book is Released show art #420 Publish with a Purpose: What to Expect Once Your Book is Released

Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres

Glean insightful tips on the post-publishing phase, including the importance of the book launch and ongoing marketing as Shelley discusses what to expect once your book is released and out in the public. Tune in to know more!  Download Your Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a book but don't know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley's 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps. Join Our Procrastination to Publication Workshop With our simple 5-step system, you’ll be able to self-publish a...

More Episodes

Do The Work

2 Timothy 4:5 - “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”

Paul gives young Timothy four things to do in this powerful little verse…

  1. Be sober-minded - In a world where others may be losing their minds, we are to remain clear in our thinking and focused on the things God has for us

  2. Endure suffering - Whether from other people or from our spiritual enemy, we are told to endure which is the ability to withstand pain or hardship

  3. Do the work - In Timothy’s case, Paul specifically instructs him to do the work of an evangelist. As Kingdom writers, we might be instructed to “do the work of a writer.”

  4. Fulfill Your Ministry - Whatever God has called us to do, we are to complete that task and fulfill what He’s called us to do. Fulfill the ministry of writing that book that needs to get into specific hands the Lord wants to encourage

What does it mean to “do the work”? We’ll look at this topic as it pertains to the Kingdom writer.

The Power of Having a Weekly Business Meeting with God

Learn the simple steps you can take to implement a weekly business meeting with God. This is one of the most important actions you can take as a Christian writer to ask God for the strategies to write, publish, and market your books successfully.

Get access to the video and PDF download now here..