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CA077: A smart guide to SMART goals

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

Release Date: 01/23/2016

CA100: The Changeability Podcast past and future show art CA100: The Changeability Podcast past and future

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

The Changeability Podcast past and future We celebrate 100 episodes as we take a look at the Changeability Podcast past and future. Here’s some of the top 3s from the past 99 episodes followed by a look at the next episode in the Changeability Podcast story.  Audience top 3 episodes The 3 favourite episodes of our audience to date. These are the shows with the highest number of downloads so far. The longer the episode’s been on iTunes or our BrilliantLivingHQ.com website or Stitcher or TuneIn the longer people have had to listen to it, so we would expect the older shows to have more...

CA099: Habits willpower and motivation show art CA099: Habits willpower and motivation

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

“Habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts. They are strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts. Habits are also weakened or broken, and contrary habits are formed by the repetition of contrary acts.” ― Mortimer J. Adler Habits are an intrinsic part of who we are and how we function.  Habits are fundamental to how we think and behave, which makes them key to how we live our lives and make our decisions. The achievement of our goals and success are more the product of our daily habits than any one off transformative situation or action on our...

CA098: What are habits and why they matter show art CA098: What are habits and why they matter

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

What are habits and why they matter Your habits are key to who you are and the change you want. Habits underpin what we do at Brilliant Living HQ.com and on the Changeability Podcast – mind management for your best life and business and how to make changes. Lasting change, i.e. achieving your goals – is not the result of a one off transformation but a product of daily habits. What do you want to achieve? What do you want to change?  Whatever it is, getting it is the result of your habits.  Habits play a role in what you look and feel like, in your success and relationships. All...

CA097: Healthy happy eating with The Merrymaker Sisters show art CA097: Healthy happy eating with The Merrymaker Sisters

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

Healthy happy eating with The Merrymaker Sisters Kathryn and I first met Emma and Carla when we were attending a business entrepreneurs’ event in the Philippines. Meeting these two vivacious and fun loving entrepreneurs made a mark on both of us. Their joy of life was infectious, and we wanted to know more about them, their journey and what they did. Emma and Carla Papas, known as ‘The Merrymaker Sisters’ are real life sisters who went from being communication professionals to health and happiness advocates and health coaches! They're the founders of themerrymakersisters.com where they...

CA096: Change your brain, revitalise your body show art CA096: Change your brain, revitalise your body

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

Change your brain, revitalise your body – really? Sound too good to be true? We’ve been talking over the last few weeks about how to use the power of your brain to reach your ideal body weight, look younger and boost your energy. And let’s face it, who couldn’t do with a bit of that! As part of our wellness and wellbeing series we’ve explored Dr Daniel Amen’s book, Change your Brain, Change your Body, including and f. Today we conclude our exploration in change your brain, revitalise your body. How your brain can help beautify your body and improve your overall health and...

CA095: How to use your brain to change your weight show art CA095: How to use your brain to change your weight

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

How to use your brain to change your weight This week we’ve gone from consuming 5 course dinners every night in a lovely hotel on holiday in Wales, to thinking about weight and the brain. It’s sweetly ironic and rather timely. As part of our mini series on health and wellbeing, this week we think about weight and if we can use our brains to help us lose weight. Today’s featured author certainly thinks so as Dr Daniel G. Amen devotes the second section of his book, , to the subject. Last week we looked at . Continuing with our exploration of the link between your brain and body and how...

CA094: 10 brain principles for the body you want show art CA094: 10 brain principles for the body you want

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

10 brain principles for the body you want Is it possible to utilise the power of your brain, to reach your ideal body weight, to look younger and boost your energy? That’s the question we’re asking today. And it’s the bold claim Dr Daniel G Amen makes in his New York Times bestseller, Change your Brain, Change your Body - the subject of this week’s blog and Changeability Podcast.  What’s the idea behind Change your Brain, Change your Body? In his introduction, Dr Amen tells us “Fifty percent of the brain is dedicated to vision. How you look plays a large role in how you feel....

CA093: The Art of Epic Wellness with Nicole Keating show art CA093: The Art of Epic Wellness with Nicole Keating

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

Nicole Keating is on a mission to live a life of Epic Wellness, and to inspire and help others in their quest for The Art of Epic Wellness – a life of physical, spiritual and emotional vitality. Nicole maintains: “If you treat your body as a temple, then your body is going to treat you with beautiful energy and epic vitality” And who doesn’t want more energy and vitality? We know we certainly do. Behind the concept of epic wellness is the belief you have the right to know what’s going into the temple that is your body, and the responsibility to share what you know with the people...

CA092: What the heck is wellbeing? show art CA092: What the heck is wellbeing?

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

What the heck is wellbeing? Here at Brilliant Living HQ and our Changeability Podcast we’re all about helping you and us manage our minds to make changes and have more success and our best life and business.  As well as looking at mind management techniques and processes to do this, we thought it would be fun and hopefully helpful to look at some of the key areas of life that many of us want to do something about.  Earlier this year we did a series of podcasts and posts about relationships and today we start thinking about wellness and wellbeing. “Everything that brings us well...

CA091: A new measure of  success show art CA091: A new measure of success

Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

A new measure of success...

More Episodes

In this week’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we’re talking goals and more specifically we’re talking SMART goals.  What are they and why do people like them – in our smart guide to SMART goals.

Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfil.’ Zig Ziglar

As we write this, we’re three weeks into 2016 and so far this year we've been thinking about goals. In episode 74 we looked at why some people don’t like the idea of goals or setting goals and some ways to overcome those objections.

We chatted to Richard Scott in episode 75 about his experiences and insights into goals and how to achieve them.

On last week’s show, in episode 76, we thought about why our brains like having goals.

We’re at the end of a very goal focused week ourselves, having been working on two specific goals of our own simultaneously. One of which is ironically about goals – to finish writing all the scripts for our new goals course. And the other goal is to transfer this website over to a new theme (Thrive themes if you’re interested), so it will look better and be more responsive and therefore more useful. So far so good, though there may still be some glitches to sort out but we’re getting there. We like to set challenging goals that gives us lots of things to do at the same time!

As we’ve got goals on our minds this week we thought it would be good to think about different types of goals, and more specifically about one type of goal which is incredibly popular in personal development and business - the SMART goal.

You can’t go very far in the worlds of business or personal development without coming across SMART goals, so listen to the show to hear our smart guide to SMART goals. 

Episode 77 of the Changeability Podcast

Listen to episode 77 of the Changeability Podcast to find out more including:

  • What a SMART goal is
  • Why they’re called SMART goals
  • How it’s not easy to say smart guide to SMART goals quickly
  • A description of what each letter stands for and alternatives used
  • Examples of SMART goals
  • Why we want you to like our Facebook page
  • If we love SMART goals or not
  • How to help us meet a SMART goal
  • The questions to ask when you’re setting SMART goals 

Want to know more?

If you want to know more about goals sign up at briliantlivinghq.com/goals and leave your name and we’ll get back to you with more information.